Evaluation of Maturity Level of Total Quality Management in Iranian Central Medical Libraries and Guid Lines For Improvement
Subject Areas : FuturologyA. Taghavi 1 , Sh. Mashhadi tafreshi 2
1 - ندارد
2 - نویسنده مسئول یا طرف مکاتبه
Keywords: Total Quality Management, Evaluation of Quality manageme, EFQM Evaluation
, modle, Library management, Academic libraries and Quality,
Abstract :
The present research investigates the degree of the comprehensive quality maturity in the centrallibraries at the universities of medical sciences in Iran thus providing guidelines for their promotion.The objectives of the present research study lies in the determination of the level of theComprehensive Quality Maturity using the EFQM model of evaluation(European Model of QualityManagement ) as well as the determination of the relationship between the quality level of librariesand satisfaction of their users. The analytical measurement method was used in this research andconclusions drawn through comparison and evaluations made between the results and the EFQMmodel as the criteria of comparison.The research sample included all the vice-chancellors in research affairs and heads of the centrallibraries affiliated to the University of Medical Sciences in Iran the numbers of whom was deliberatedthrough a simple count. Also using the sampling technique of Michael Mark & Julie Jonin (1983 ) anumber of Academic Staff using the library were included. The data gathering tools comprised of a50-item questionnaire based on the EFQM model made available to the research vice-chancellors aswell as the heads of the libraries and a 22-item user-satisfaction questionnaire.The collected data was analyzed through descriptive, inferential statistical procedures making use ofminitab and spss statistics Analytical tools. The results of the analysis revealed that the centrallibraries of the Universities of Medical Sciences in Iran enjoy a level of commitment to excellence andall of the 5 enabler's criteria with regard to excellence stood loest .Also no relationship was observed between the ratings ( quality standards ) of the libraries and usersatisfaction. In conclusion and with retrospect of the results revealed by this research, a number ofsuggestions were made to promote the degree and level of the comprehensive quality management inthe said libraries.