The Problen of Iranian Calendar (A critique on “comparison of various methods and equations for applying intercalaries of Hidjrī Khorshīdī” Calendar)
Subject Areas : The Journal of Islamic History and Civilisation
1 - ندارد
Keywords: Iranian solar chronology, duration of solar year, order of
, intercalary, applying method of leap-year, precision in chronology, Bihrūz, Bīrashk,
Abstract :
Mr. Farid Ghasemlu has tried to find, in “comparison of various methodsand equations for applying intercalaries of chronology of Hidjrī Khorshīdī”,‘various methods for applying intercalaries of chronology of HidjrīKhorshīdī’ in ‘various resources’; and then, has compared them withoutpresenting any instances for such relevant equations.The pronounced subject-matters have significance for me from two points:(1) To expose the most important topics for Iranian chronology in the worksof many great calendar-writers and calendar-researchers(2) To explain some of my attitudes based on my two published workHere, I endeavor to evaluate a few segments of Ghasemlu’s essay and statethe problem of Iranian chronology which consist of two correlated subject:solar year and bissextile order or arrangement of intercalary in big period,sub-periods, and under-sub-periods, moreover, would make clear my -not soprofessional- position among Iranian calendar-researcher; and I wouldexplain my method, its authenticity and accuracy as well. This methodaccomplish in paying attention to middle duration of solar year – which is assame as duration of every year – and based on computer computation, byapplying fruitful tradition of Djalālī-’s calendar too; and the achievements ofsuch method is in parallel with dynamic tradition of attempt for attainingexact rule of calculating leap years and for writing comparative chronologywhich is applicable to past years and future.