Ranking indicators of good governance in effective organizations (Case Study: branches of Refah bank in Qazvin Province)
Subject Areas : Public Policy In Administration
Seyede Atefeh Yeganegi
Seyyed Mehdi Alvani
Gholamreza memarzadeh
1 - Islamic Azad University, Iran, Qazvin, Faculty of Management and Accounting
2 - Professor of Islamic Azad University, Iran, Qazvin, Faculty of Management and Accounting
3 - Associate Professor and faculty member of the Islamic Azad University, Iran, Qazvin, Faculty of Management and Accounting
Keywords: : governance, Good governance, Efficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis, Analytical hierarchy process,
Abstract :
Good governance is an emerging issue that has gained much attention in scientific and international societies during two recent decades. Some indices have been proposed for realization of good governance. Obviously, these indices differ regarding their weight and importance for achieving ideal governance. The main question of the present study is to find out the importance and priority of each index in obtaining efficiency of units and organizations. Through a field survey, it was tried in the present research to study the indices of good governance in depth, to identify the efficient units using data envelopment analysis (DEA), and finally to prioritize the indices based on analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Statistical population includes the employees (n=41) of efficient branches of Refah Bank in Qazvin province The results obtained in this study indicated that out of six indices proposed for good governance, accountability has the highest priority; followed by rule of law and valuism.
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