Representation of contents and Concepts of Religious Traditionalism in the Seyyed Reza Mirkarimi's Film (Emphasizing the movie"Under the Moonlight" and "Here, a Shining Light")
Subject Areas : Media Management
fateme noorirad
hadi jafari nezhad
1 - phd student of Allame tabataba'ie university
2 - phd student of allame tabataba'ie
Keywords: Religious Traditionalism, Sayyid Reza Mir Karimi, Theory of Representation, Traditional Art, Holy Art and Religious Art,
Abstract :
the main purpose of this paper is analyzing the representation of the themes of religious traditionalism contained in the films of Mir-Karimi. For this purpose, the theory of representation and the principles of traditionalist and elements of traditionalism in art have been used. Using qualitative content analysis with semiotic approach, this article seeks to represent the concepts of religious traditionalism in his works and answer these questions: what are the signs and symbols of religious traditionalism in his films? ? Are his films representing traditional art, holy art or religious art? And what are the content and themes in these works? The results of the research show that the dominant discourse represented in Mirkrami's films is the religious traditionalist discourse. Mirkrimi is committed to religious traditions and defends his films. He has a firm belief in the Iranian / Islamic roots of Iranian society and is trying to talk about them in his works. Tradition for Mirkremi is constantly in dialogue with modernity, and this two-way dialogue causes each other to be influenced. Mirkrimi's traditionalism does not oppose modernity, but it is a peaceful combination of these two concepts, and this is precisely the same look that is promoted in religious traditionalism.