Individual and Social Effects and Achievements of Presence of News Media in the Hearings
Subject Areas : Media Management
Morteza Rasteh
Faezeh Taghipour
1 - Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Chalous Branch, Chalous, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of communication science, Faculty of Humanities and Law, Islamic Azad University Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: "News media", "Publicity", "Media coverage", "Hearings", "Effects and achievements",
Abstract :
One of the most important requirements of public hearings, as a basic component in order to achieve a fair hearing, is the presence of news media in court hearings and the publication of proceedings by them. The current research was carried out with the aim of explaining the effects and individual and social achievements of the presence of news media in the hearings, which is known as one of the main elements of procedural transparency and achieving a sense of justice in the course of the proceedings by the public opinion, and with a descriptive method- Analytical and the use of library resources and data collection techniques by scanning the available works in the field of law and media have been studied. The authors of this article are looking for an answer to the question that basically, why should hearings be held publicly and with the presence of news media, and in the meantime, who is benefiting from the media coverage of the hearings? The findings include six categories: "transparency of proceedings and community monitoring of the functioning of the criminal justice system", "creating a sense of security and increasing public trust in the judicial system", "preventing crime through public education and increasing people's legal knowledge". Observing the defense rights of the accused and restoring his dignity", "encouraging witnesses and informants to testify truthfully and with certainty", "influencing the judge's performance and preventing judicial corruption". Therefore, it has been concluded that the presence of news media in hearings is a guarantee of individual rights and provides collective benefits