Investigating Factors Affecting the Reduction of Latent Energy in the Construction and Renovation of Residential Apartments (Case Study of Lahijan City)
Subject Areas : architecture
Armin Golshahi
Vahid Ghobadiyan
Mehrdad Matin
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, UAE Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Architectural Engineering Department, Faculty of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: : Latent energy, Residential apartment, Construction and renovation, Project management,
Abstract :
One of the ways to achieve sustainable development is reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, which has received more attention from researchers and politicians in the last two decades, is the modification of the city form. The study of latent energy in global experiences also goes back to recent decades, and it is in this field that the poverty of studies and research in Iran is more evident. This study examines the factors affecting the reduction of latent energy in the construction and renovation of residential apartments. A case study is conducted in Lahijan city. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze factors that are effective in reducing energy consumption in residential apartments. For this purpose, various factors including the use of materials with high energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources, optimization of ventilation systems, and high energy efficiency construction and renovation solutions are investigated. The research method in this study includes the study of related documents and sources, expert interviews and field observation. The results of this study will lead to the presentation of executive policies and practical recommendations to reduce latent energy in residential apartments in Lahijan city. This study can help decision makers and related organizations in the field of policy and planning related to reducing energy consumption in residential buildings. Therefore, the aim of this article is to investigate the factors affecting the reduction of latent energy in the construction and renovation of residential apartments by using the building data prototyping tool. In order to analyze the information, the fuzzy ANP method is used. The results show that the technical index (A3) is the closest to the positive ideal answer and the greatest distance from the negative ideal answer, and the first priority is to reduce the latent energy in the construction and renovation of residential apartments. Also, the results showed that creating effective policies and measures in the field of efficient building standards, encouraging the use of green technologies and raising the awareness of residents about energy consumption can help improve the reduction of latent energy. According to the results, taking measures to reduce latent energy in the construction and renovation of residential apartments is of great importance, and there is a need to pay attention to the effective factors and create coordination between different layers of society for this. The conclusion of the investigation of factors affecting the reduction of latent energy in the construction and renovation of residential apartments showed that reducing energy consumption in the construction and renovation of residential apartments is very important, because this action helps to reduce energy costs, preserve the environment, and increase the quality of life of residents. Also, factors such as the use of building materials with high energy efficiency, the use of high efficiency heating and cooling systems, optimization of building design and the use of renewable energy sources can help reduce latent energy.
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