Explaining the Manifes tations of Pudency in Urban Space
Subject Areas :
jaber danesh
Mohammad Reza PourJafar
Mohammad Naghizadeh
1 - Ph. D. Student, Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University
2 - Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Tarbiat Modarres University
3 - Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch
Received: 2018-12-07
Accepted : 2019-11-25
Published : 2023-07-23
Manifes tation,
Urban space,
Social behavior,
Abstract :
One of the mos t important factors in the analysis of urban space is the attention to ethical norms of the society, which has become a part of religious culture in Iran. The path of analysis and explanation of urbanization from the perspective of Islamic principles is based on the principles and attributes that through the modes and concepts of the transcendental and through the tools and rules, takes on a special physical s tructure, so that ultimately the full effect of the city occurs in which the person at all times is aware of the transcendental and spiritual dimensions of life. This research, by relying on written sources and introducing an ethical approach in analyzing urban spaces and focusing on the concept of pudency, explains its features in the city's body and the modes of manifes tation and embodiment of the aforementioned traits. The method of research is to analyze and characterize the characteris tics of pudency in religious, exploratory and analytical teachings. By referring to well-known, and repeated narratives in Hadith sources, its content has been inves tigated. In the following, in an inductive and analytical approach, the mode of manifes tation of pudency in urban spaces has been explained based on indicators excerpted from Hadiths, the ways and the effects of it. Generally speaking, in the path to the rise of spiritual and moral values in urban space and its physical manifes tation, it is a legible process that explains and clarifies it more precisely and objectively s tep by s tep. In this regard, in this s tudy, the content analysis of the consecrated Hadiths in relation to pudency in order to achieve the basic concepts has been considered. In the complementary s tages, with its adaptation and environmental analysis, the five principles derived from pudency, including dignity, sanctity, spirituality, supervision and rationality, and each of them was analyzed separately, and finally, in the form of 13 methods and 32 manifes tations, the dimensions of manifes tation and spatial-physical imagination of pudency are discussed. But the emergence and objectivity of the final propositions expressed in urban space requires attention to spatial and behavioral aspects. More precisely, emphasizing and directing people to the inner and spiritual areas of pudency in urban space requires some arrangements that some of them can be achieved in the form of physical measures in urban space, but the nature and scope of pudency in relation to others, Requires social and behavioral considerations. In this regard, the final cases explained in the form of s tatements can be divided into three main categories: (a) The major cases of the s tated physical form are arrangements that have a deterrent and preventive role in the occurrence of abnormalities and can be the basis The occurrence of a variety of social behaviors; (b) It has been s tated that, in addition to the previous role, self-indications and physical analogy are related to veneration; (c) In some cases, in addition to emphasizing physical equipment, social interactions and Creating privacy and appropriate physical conditions are discussed.
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