Analytical Approach to Design Theories of Christopher Alexander From notes on synthesis of form and pattern language to new concepts of complexity theory
Subject Areas : architectureNahid mohajeri 1 , Shiva ghomi 2
1 - Ph.D. Science and Research Branch؛ Islamic Azad University.
2 - M.A. student of urban design, Science and Research Branch؛ Islamic Azad University
Abstract :
Christopher Alexander in his scientific records displays two distinctive thinking trends. It is obvious that he would not reject his previous ideas in the context of design, but also he improving them to a better level, in such a way we could say all Alexander's work are parts of a comprehensive science. Alexander's design theories were primary founded on Cartesian rationalism. He had chosen the following method for solving design complications: Dividing them into components and solving each component separately until the ultimate solution is arrived it. After that Alexander entered an entirely different method, he has focusing on a wholeness approach. At present time, his attention is mainly directed towards experimental dimensions of design process. In this paper we will try to assess Christopher Alexander theories of design extracted from his works titled notes on synthesis of form and a pattern language to the nature of order. This article is indeed investigated ways of utilizing the design patterns which Christopher Alexander considers as a basis for understanding living spaces and future cities. Furthermore, his limitations in creation of design patterns and ways of using such patterns in order to achieve a living quality in the design of physical environment are examined. This article is made to analysis Alexander's Theories in four phases.
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