An Investigation Through the Role of Tourism in Rural Areas (Case Study: Varkaneh Village)
Subject Areas : architectureMohammadmehdi Goodarzisoroush 1
1 - Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Branch (IAUH), Hamedan.
Abstract :
Rural tourism has recently been identified as one of the key programs to support domestic marketing efforts, consequently rural tourism focuses on participating in a nonurban lifestyle which can be a variant of ecotourism. Hospitality of the villagers is a factor which can improve the tourism of the same village. Since agriculture is getting much more mechanized, less manual labor is required. As a result, economic pressure on some villages ends up to exodus of the young people to metropolitan areas. Rural tourism consists of leisure activities carried out in rural areas and includes different types of tourism activities as ecotourism. It allows the creation of alternative resources of income in the non-agricultural sector for rural dwellers. The additional income which is gained from rural tourism can contribute to the revival of lost folk art and handicrafts. It is an ideal and natural method of rural and urban economical exchange. Moreover, the nature of tourism is especially well-suited to small-scale rural enterprises. Many remote areas are ideal locations for nature-based activities like hunting, fishing or ecotourism activities such as hiking and rafting. In addition to outgrowth of the direct sales to visitors, many indirect advantages are acquired through tourism; the quality of life can be influenced by financing the facilities as well. Metropolitan residents are also attracted to special events intended to tourists in villages. Many potential industries prefer locations that provide high quality services and recreational resources. Becoming a permanent residence happens if the community appears to be pleasant to visitors. Hence, this paper aims not merely to examine the effects of tourism on the development of the rural areas, rather tries to present appropriate strategies to make progress on developing these regions, and finally it adopts the optimum developing pattern. In order to achieve the preconceived goals, the field work and library study are done. Common and official questionnaires are the two kinds which are taken from these 2 different residents and the data are analyzed by taking advantages of SPSS and EXEL software. The statistical test (Factor Analysis and Alpha) have proved the validity and reliability of the research. Examining the hypothesis of the research done by statistical test of kendel, Gama and Person, indicate the view points of people about the effect of tourism on 16 indicators of economical, social, cultural and environmental. Within the results 65 percent of common people conceive that the social and cultural elements are the most important ones contrary to 75 percent of officials who thinks that the environmental elements are the most effective and significant factors to extend tourism. SWOT analysis indicates that there are 16 points of strength counter the 20 shortcoming in this village. Shortcomings such as limitations of the case study highlights the necessity of the adequate policies in order to dispel the weaknesses and threats by taking advantages of saving graces and opportunities of the same village. Results point out that the environmental and ecological attractions have the priority in the development of tourism as well.
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