Multi-valued Bregman nonspreading mapping in Banach spaces
Subject Areas : StatisticsRoushanak Lotfikar 1 , Gholamreza Zamani Eskandani 2 , Massoumeh Raeisi 3
1 - Faculty of Basic Science, Ilam University, P. O. Box 69315-516, Ilam, Iran,
2 - Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Tabriz,Tabriz, Iran
3 - Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: فاصله برگمن, متر هاسدورف, نقطه ثابت, نگاشت های غیرپخشی,
Abstract :
In 2008, Kohsaka and Takahashi introduced a nonlinear mapping called nonspreading mapping in a smooth, strictly convex, and reflexive Banach space[1]. Since then, some fixed point theorems of such mapping has been studied by many researchers. We note that the concept of nonspreading mapping is very important because of useful applications. In this paper, we introduce and investigate the concept of multi-valued nonspreading mapping in Banach spaces which is called multi-valued Bregman nonspreading mapping. For this purpose, we introduce the Bregman Hausdorff distance on closed and bounded subsets of a Banach space X. We prove some properties of multi-valued Bregman nonspreading mapping. Furthermore, a weak convergence theorem for approximating a common fixed point of a finite family of multi-valued Bregman nonspreading mappings is established in Banach spaces. Also, we prove a theorem of the existence of a fixed point for the single-valued Bregman nonspreading mappings. The theorems proved improve and complete a host of important recent results.
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