The Relationship Between Human Resource Empowerment and Organizational Productivity of Imam Hossein (AS) Shahrood Hospital
Subject Areas : Health Management Services
Reza Najarian
kamran hajinabi
Leila Nazarimanesh
1 - M.Sc student, Health and Medical Services Management, Faculty of Medical Sciences and Technologies, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Health and Medical Services Management, Faculty of Medical Sciences and Technologies, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Health and Medical Services Management, Faculty of Medical Sciences and Technologies, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Internet of Things, Telemedicine, Electronic Health Record, intelligence,
Abstract :
Introduction: One of the most important management a in the E -health system is Security, which plays an important role in increasing public confidence in the quality of services. In this study, the allocation of High security improves the interoperability of remote devices.Methods: In this research, the published studies were reviewed which led to the design of the initial conceptual model and in the next stage, Delphi's four steps were screened by 22 experts in the field and finally the final conceptual model was presented with effective factors. As the results depicted, Kendall coordination coefficient in the fourth round was 0.007, which shows that there is a consensus among experts and it is possible to end the repetition of stages, and this amount is considered statistically significant.Results: This research expressed the acceptance of secure EHR by considering different dimensions through presenting a conceptual model and explored IoT entrepreneurial opportunities as well as more appropriate responses to patients in the IT space. The initial conceptual model has 3 sections: Patient data smart tools, Cloud storage, Smart doctor environment and finally the final conceptual model was presented with effective factors.Conclusion: the final conceptual model directly affects important therapeutic indicators such as reducing the number of errors and length of treatment. The ability to transfer data in this platform has led to the smarter telemedicine.
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16- Čiutienė R, Railaitė R. A development of human capital in the context of an aging population. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015 Dec 1; 213: 753-7. 17- Hanaysha J. Testing the effects of employee empowerment, teamwork, and employee training on employee productivity in higher education sector. International Journal of Learning and Development, 2016; 6(1): 164-78.
18- Collins MD. Understanding the relationships between leader-member exchange (LMX), psychological empowerment, job satisfaction, and turnover intent in a limited-service restaurant environment (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University).
19- Cummings TG, Worley CG. Organization development and change. Cengage learning; 2014.
20- Gagné M, Deci EL. Self‐determination theory and work motivation. Journal of Organizational behavior, 2005 Jun; 26(4): 331-62.
21- Dimitriades ZS. Employee empowerment in the Greek context. International journal of manpower, 2005 Jan 1; 26(1): 80-92.
22- Ergeneli A, Arı GS, Metin S. Psychological empowerment and its relationship to trust in immediate managers. Journal of business research, 2007 Jan 1; 60(1): 41-9.
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25- Tavakoli M , Fatehi Rad N , Shokooh Z , Khodaei M, Designing and presenting the Accreditation Model of Public Hospitals, Journal of Healthcare Management, 2021; 12(2): 7-17
26- Almasi M, Rostami E and Fattahi S. Effect of mediation on the correct pattern of consumption on the relationship between effective factors on human resource productivity among employees of government agencies in Kermanshah, Human Resources Management Researches, 2011 5; 1: 23-29. [In Persian]27- Doaei H, Yaghoubi N, Firozbakht Z, Sheikhpour M, Sheikhpour Z. Empowering employees as a mediator between intellectual capital and quality of work life. Specialized Magazine Journals Database, 1393; 17: 92-106. [In Persian]28- Gholipour A, Pourizat A, Mohammadi F. Explaining the internal and external factors affecting the organization of identity organization in government agencies. Scientific-Research (Ministry of Science) / ISC, 2011; 7: 149-166. [In Persian]29- Beginia A, Sardari A. The Effect of Employees' Cognitive Empowerment on the Factors for Enhancing Productivity of Human Resources. The View of Governmental Perspective, 2005; 1(3): 79 – 102 . [In Persian]
30- Turner R, Huemann M, Keegan A. uman resource management in the project-oriented organization: employee well-being and ethical treatment. International Journal of Project Management, 2008 Jul 1; 26(5): 577-85.
31- Petrovčič A, Petrič G. Differences in intrapersonal and interactional empowerment between lurkers and posters in health-related online support communities. Computers in Human Behavior, 2014 May 1; 34: 39-48.
32- Li, Z., and Stacks, D. W. A great leap: Bridging a new media era of organization-public relationships. In: Vaidya, K. (Eds.), Public Relations and SocialMedia for the Curious: Why Study Public Relations and Social Media; 2014.
1- Čadil J, Petkovová L, Blatná D. Human capital, economic structure and growth. Procedia Economics and Finance, 2014 Jan 1; 12: 85-92. 2-Hatami S, and Dastar H. Explain the role of learning in human resource productivity through empowerment. Two Quarterly Journal of Human Resource Management Researches at Imam Hossein University, 2012; 4(1): 27-53. [In Persian]3- Taleghani G.R, Tanaomi M, Farhangi A, Zarrinnegar M, studying factors effect on increase of productivity (case study: Saman bank). Journal of Public Administration, 2017; 2: 63-75. [In Persian]
4- Barton H, Barton LC. Trust and psychological empowerment in the Russian work context. Human Resource Management Review, 2011; 21(3): 201-8.
5- Aaltio I, Salminen HM, Koponen S. Ageing employees and human resource management–evidence of gender-sensitivity. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal; 2014.
6- Tangen S. Demystifying productivity and performance. International Journal of Productivity and performance management; 2005.
7- Li Z. Psychological empowerment on social media: Who are the empowered users? Public Relations Review, 2016; 42(1): 49-59.
8- Yang SB, Choi SO. Employee empowerment and team performance. Team Performance Management: An International Journal; 2009.
9- Safari K., Ghorban A, Rastegar and Jahromi, R. The Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Entrpreneurship Among Clerks of Fars Payame Noor; 2010. [In Persian]
10- Ozbiligin M, Theory and Practice, International Human Resource Management. First Published by Dalagrave Macmlilan; 2005
11- Kazlauskaite R, Buciuniene I, Turauskas L. Organisational and psychological empowerment in the HRM‐performance linkage. Employee Relations; 2012.
12- Abbaspour. A, Badri. M,The relationship between psychological empowerment and factors affecting productivity and human resources, Journal of Management Studies (Improvement and Transformation), 2015; 79: 73-100. [In Persian]13- Sharifzadeh F, Mohammadi Moghaddam Y. The Relationship between Employee Empowerment and Human Resource Efficiency of Police Command Officers of Lorestan Province. Law Enforcement Management Studies, 2009; 1: 25-36. [In Persian]
14- Tomczak T, Reinecke S, Kuss A. Strategic marketing: Market-oriented corporate and business unit planning. Springer; 2017.
15- Alleyne P, Doherty L, Greenidge D. Human resource management and performance in the Barbados hotel industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2006 Dec 1; 25(4): 623-46.
16- Čiutienė R, Railaitė R. A development of human capital in the context of an aging population. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015 Dec 1; 213: 753-7. 17- Hanaysha J. Testing the effects of employee empowerment, teamwork, and employee training on employee productivity in higher education sector. International Journal of Learning and Development, 2016; 6(1): 164-78.
18- Collins MD. Understanding the relationships between leader-member exchange (LMX), psychological empowerment, job satisfaction, and turnover intent in a limited-service restaurant environment (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University).
19- Cummings TG, Worley CG. Organization development and change. Cengage learning; 2014.
20- Gagné M, Deci EL. Self‐determination theory and work motivation. Journal of Organizational behavior, 2005 Jun; 26(4): 331-62.
21- Dimitriades ZS. Employee empowerment in the Greek context. International journal of manpower, 2005 Jan 1; 26(1): 80-92.
22- Ergeneli A, Arı GS, Metin S. Psychological empowerment and its relationship to trust in immediate managers. Journal of business research, 2007 Jan 1; 60(1): 41-9.
23- Spreitzer GM. Psychological empowerment in the workplace: Dimensions, measurement, and validation. Academy of management Journal, 1995 Oct 1; 38(5): 1442-65.
24- Bontis N. Intellectual capital questionnaire. Hamilton, Canada: Institute for Intellectual Capital Research Inc; 1997.
25- Tavakoli M , Fatehi Rad N , Shokooh Z , Khodaei M, Designing and presenting the Accreditation Model of Public Hospitals, Journal of Healthcare Management, 2021; 12(2): 7-17
26- Almasi M, Rostami E and Fattahi S. Effect of mediation on the correct pattern of consumption on the relationship between effective factors on human resource productivity among employees of government agencies in Kermanshah, Human Resources Management Researches, 2011 5; 1: 23-29. [In Persian]27- Doaei H, Yaghoubi N, Firozbakht Z, Sheikhpour M, Sheikhpour Z. Empowering employees as a mediator between intellectual capital and quality of work life. Specialized Magazine Journals Database, 1393; 17: 92-106. [In Persian]28- Gholipour A, Pourizat A, Mohammadi F. Explaining the internal and external factors affecting the organization of identity organization in government agencies. Scientific-Research (Ministry of Science) / ISC, 2011; 7: 149-166. [In Persian]29- Beginia A, Sardari A. The Effect of Employees' Cognitive Empowerment on the Factors for Enhancing Productivity of Human Resources. The View of Governmental Perspective, 2005; 1(3): 79 – 102 . [In Persian]
30- Turner R, Huemann M, Keegan A. uman resource management in the project-oriented organization: employee well-being and ethical treatment. International Journal of Project Management, 2008 Jul 1; 26(5): 577-85.
31- Petrovčič A, Petrič G. Differences in intrapersonal and interactional empowerment between lurkers and posters in health-related online support communities. Computers in Human Behavior, 2014 May 1; 34: 39-48.
32- Li, Z., and Stacks, D. W. A great leap: Bridging a new media era of organization-public relationships. In: Vaidya, K. (Eds.), Public Relations and SocialMedia for the Curious: Why Study Public Relations and Social Media; 2014.