The mediating role of brand equity in the relationship between perceived value and customer life value in the banking industry
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing Management
bahram seyedin
hossein budaghi khaje nobar
mojtaba ramezani
1 - PhD Student of Business Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Perceived Value, quality of communication, Bank Refah, Brand Equity, customer lifetime value,
Abstract :
One of the main directions of development of modern banking and profitability for banks to measure customer lifetime value is considered. Since these customers core services and the importance of customers in this industry as a finance major role in the development of new services and profitable plays since the model lifetime value of the customer based brand equity and indicators of banking attention In this study, researchers have presented the brand equity model of Refah Bank with emphasis on the mediating role of brand equity between perceived value and customer lifetime value. In this regard, the statistical population is targeted at specific customers of Refah Bank and the sample size is 382 based on Cochran formula. Data were collected by questionnaire and descriptive statistics using SPSS software and testing of research hypotheses and model presented by structural equations using partial least squares method (pls software). Results from customer data show that the Z-Value of the Sobel test was 20/68, because of the greater than 1.96 at 95% confidence level, the mediating variable effect. Brand equity values were corroborated by the relationship between perceived value and customer lifetime value and the mediating role of brand equity.
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Cheng, C.-J., Chiu, S.W., Cheng, C.B. & Wu, J.-Y. (2012). “Customer lifetime value prediction by a Markov chain based data minig model: Application to an auto repair and maintenance company in Taiwan”, Journal scientia Iranica.Vol. 19(3), PP. 849-855.
Dwivedi, A., Merrilees, B., Miller, D. & Herington, C. (2012). “Brand value and relationship equities and loyalty-intentions in the Australian supermarket industry”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 19(5), PP. 526-536.
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Floh, A., Zauner, A., Koller, M. & Rusch, T. (2014). “Customer segmentation using unobserved heterogeneity in the perceived-value–loyalty–intentions link”, Journal of Business Research Vol. 67(6), PP. 974-982.
Jaime, R., Ralf van der, L. & Berend, W. (2013). “A Partially Hidden Markov Model of Customer Dynamics for CLV Measurement”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 27(3), PP. 185–208.
Jain, D. & Singh, S.S. (2002). “Customer lifetime value research in marketing: a review and future directions”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 16(2), PP. 34-46.
Johnson, M.D., Herrmann, A. & Huber, F. (2006). “The evolution of loyalty intentions”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 70, PP. 122-132.
Jose Ramon, S.M. & Miguel Teva, A.M. (2016). “Customer equity and CLV in Spanish telecommunication Services”, Journal of Business Research analysis Vol. 69(10), PP. 4694-4705.
Hao, Z., Xiaoning, L. & Shiquan, W. (2016). “Customer value anticipation, product innovativeness, and customer lifetime value: The moderating role of advertising strategy”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 69(9), PP. 3725-3730.
Gomez, M.I., McLaughlin, E.W. & Wittink, D.R. (2004). “Customer satisfaction and retailsales performance: An empirical investigation”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 80(4), PP. 265-278.
Safari Kahreh, M., Tive, M., Babania, A. & Hesan, M. (2014). “Analyzing the applications of customer lifetime value (CLV) based on benefit segmentation for the banking sector”, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 109, PP. 590-594.
Moliner, G.R.S. & Tena, M.A.M. (2016). “Customer equity and CLVin Spanish telecommunication service”, Journal of Business research, Vol. 69(10), PP. 4694-4705.
Keller, K. L., & Lehmann, D. R. (2006). “Brands and branding: Research findings and future priorities”, Marketing Science, Vol. 25(6), PP. 740-759.
Kotler, P. & Keller, K.L. (2006). “Marketing Management”, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, Twelfth ed. 2006.
Leslier, V., Eduardo, T., Pedro, H. & Pablo, F. (2014). “Salesperson CLV orientation's effect on performance”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67(4), PP. 550-557.
Sandy, N., Meredith E, D. & Tracey S, D. (2011). “Generating positive word-of-mouth in the service experience”, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 21(2), PP. 133-151.
Prior, D.D. (2013). “Supplier representative activities and customer perceived value in complex industrial solutions”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 42, PP. 1192-1201.
Rajaobelina, L. & Bergeron, J. (2011). “Antecedents and consequences of buyer-seller relationship quality in the financial services industry”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 27(5), PP. 359-380.
Chan, S.L., Ip, W.H. & Cho, V. (2010). “A model for predicting customer value from perspectives of product attractiveness and marketing strategy”, Journal of Elsevier Ltd. Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 37, PP. 1207-1215.
Sermaka, P. (2015). “Customer Profitability Analysis and Customer Life Time Value Models: Portfolio Analysis”, Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 25, PP. 14-25.
Sietske, L.S., Erjen, V.N. & Peter C, V. (2014). “For New Customers only: A Study on the Effect of Acquisition Campaigns on a Service Company's Existing Customers' CLV”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 28(3), PP. 210-224.
آذر، ع. و خدادادحسینی، س.ح. (1393). "تجزیه و تحلیل ارزش بلندمدت مشتری به منظور بخشبندی مشتریان"، نشریه پژوهشهای مدیریت در ایران، دوره 18، شماره 4، صص. 87-110.
ابراهیمپور ازبری، م.، نوعپسند اصل، س.م. و احمدیسراوانی، م. (1394). "بررسی تأثیر انعطافپذیری راهبردی بر عملکرد بازار شرکتها: نقش میانجیگری نوآوری باز"، دو فصلنامه توسعه تکنولوژی صنعتی، دوره 13، شماره 26، صص. 5-15.
توکلی، ا.، کفاشپور، آ. و علیزاده، ع. (1391). "بخشبندی مشتریان بر اساس ارزش دوره عمر آنها"، نشریه پژوهشهای مدیریت عمومی، سال 5، شماره 15، صص. 63-84.
جلالزاده، س.ر.، کاظمی، ع. و انصاری، آ. (1397). "طراحی الگوی عملکرد برند مبتنیبر ارزش ویژه برند از دیدگاه مشتری در نظام بانکی ایران (مورد مطالعه: شعب منتخب بانکهای دولتی شهر تهران)"، پژوهشهای مدیریت در ایران، دوره 22، شماره 3، صص. 104-132.
حقیقی، م.، هزاوه حصارمسکن، ب.، اشکانی، م. و عباسی، ا.ح. (1396). "تدوین استراتژیهای بازاریابی بر اساس ارزش دوره عمر و ارجاع مشتری، مجله پژوهشهای مدیریت راهبردی، دوره 23، شماره 64، صص. 9-25.
دیواندری، علی.، داودیان، ا.ح.، نظری، م. و معماریانی، ع. (1395). "تبیین الگوی انتخاب راهبردهای بازاریابی بانکداری تجاری مبتنی بر ارزش ویژه مشتری"، مجله مدیریت بازرگانی، دوره 8، شماره 1، صص. 47-72.
فرخی، س. و تیمورپور، ب. (1395). "شناسایی و طبقهبندی مشتریان سیستم بانکی ایران از منظر انتظارات و ارزش درکشده خدمات بانکی با استفاده از تکنیکهای داده کاوی"، تحقیقات بازاریابی نوین، دوره 6، شماره 1، صص. 201-219.
قنبری، آ.، رزمی، ج. (1388). "محاسبه ارزش عمر مشتریان صنایع تولیدی"، نشریه مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات، دوره 1، شماره 2، صص. 35-50.
صفری کهره، م.، خدادحسینی، س.ح. و آذر، ع. (1393). "تجزیه و تحلیل ارزش بلندمدت مشتری (CLV) به منظور بخشبندی و مدیریت سودآوری مشتریان"، مجله پژوهشهای مدیریت در ایران، دوره 18، شماره 4، صص. 87-110.
محتشم، س.س. و ثاراللهی، ص.ک. (1395). "بررسی نقش میانجی ارزش درک شده در رابطه بین کیفیت خدمات و رضایت مشتری مورد مطالعه: مشتریان بیمه ایران (شهر رشت)"، اولین کنفرانس بینالمللی مدیریت، حسابداری، علوم تربیتی و اقتصاد مقاومتی؛ اقدام و عمل، ساری، شرکت علمی پژوهشی باران اندیشه، ساری.
Al-Alak, B. (2014). “Impact of marketing activities on relationship quality in the Malaysian banking sector”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 21(3), PP. 347-356.
Ambler, T., Bhattacharya, C.B., Edell, J., Keller, K.L., Lemon, K.N. & Mittal, V. (2002). “Relating brand and customer perspectives on marketing management”, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 5(1), PP. 13-25.
Bayon, T., Gutsche, J. & Bauer, H. (2002). “Customer Equity marketing: touching the intangible”, European Management Journal, Vol. 20(3), PP. 213-222.
Blattberg, R.C., Gary, G. & Jacquelyn S, T. (2001). “Customer Equity: Building and Managing Relationships as Valued Assets”, Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press. PP. 213-215.
Cheng, C.-J., Chiu, S.W., Cheng, C.B. & Wu, J.-Y. (2012). “Customer lifetime value prediction by a Markov chain based data minig model: Application to an auto repair and maintenance company in Taiwan”, Journal scientia Iranica.Vol. 19(3), PP. 849-855.
Dwivedi, A., Merrilees, B., Miller, D. & Herington, C. (2012). “Brand value and relationship equities and loyalty-intentions in the Australian supermarket industry”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 19(5), PP. 526-536.
Dries F, B. & Dirk Van den, P. (2009). “Benefits of quantity regression for the analysis of customer lifetime value in a contractual setting: An application in financial services”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36(7), PP. 10475-10484.
Dick, A.S. & Basu, K. (1994). “Customer loyalty: Toward an integrated conceptual framework”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 22(2), PP. 99-113.
Yeliz, E., Nimet, U. & Fusun, U. (2014). “A customer lifetime value model for the banking industry: a guide to marketing actions”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 48(3/4), PP. 761-784.
Floh, A., Zauner, A., Koller, M. & Rusch, T. (2014). “Customer segmentation using unobserved heterogeneity in the perceived-value–loyalty–intentions link”, Journal of Business Research Vol. 67(6), PP. 974-982.
Jaime, R., Ralf van der, L. & Berend, W. (2013). “A Partially Hidden Markov Model of Customer Dynamics for CLV Measurement”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 27(3), PP. 185–208.
Jain, D. & Singh, S.S. (2002). “Customer lifetime value research in marketing: a review and future directions”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 16(2), PP. 34-46.
Johnson, M.D., Herrmann, A. & Huber, F. (2006). “The evolution of loyalty intentions”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 70, PP. 122-132.
Jose Ramon, S.M. & Miguel Teva, A.M. (2016). “Customer equity and CLV in Spanish telecommunication Services”, Journal of Business Research analysis Vol. 69(10), PP. 4694-4705.
Hao, Z., Xiaoning, L. & Shiquan, W. (2016). “Customer value anticipation, product innovativeness, and customer lifetime value: The moderating role of advertising strategy”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 69(9), PP. 3725-3730.
Gomez, M.I., McLaughlin, E.W. & Wittink, D.R. (2004). “Customer satisfaction and retailsales performance: An empirical investigation”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 80(4), PP. 265-278.
Safari Kahreh, M., Tive, M., Babania, A. & Hesan, M. (2014). “Analyzing the applications of customer lifetime value (CLV) based on benefit segmentation for the banking sector”, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 109, PP. 590-594.
Moliner, G.R.S. & Tena, M.A.M. (2016). “Customer equity and CLVin Spanish telecommunication service”, Journal of Business research, Vol. 69(10), PP. 4694-4705.
Keller, K. L., & Lehmann, D. R. (2006). “Brands and branding: Research findings and future priorities”, Marketing Science, Vol. 25(6), PP. 740-759.
Kotler, P. & Keller, K.L. (2006). “Marketing Management”, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, Twelfth ed. 2006.
Leslier, V., Eduardo, T., Pedro, H. & Pablo, F. (2014). “Salesperson CLV orientation's effect on performance”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67(4), PP. 550-557.
Sandy, N., Meredith E, D. & Tracey S, D. (2011). “Generating positive word-of-mouth in the service experience”, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 21(2), PP. 133-151.
Prior, D.D. (2013). “Supplier representative activities and customer perceived value in complex industrial solutions”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 42, PP. 1192-1201.
Rajaobelina, L. & Bergeron, J. (2011). “Antecedents and consequences of buyer-seller relationship quality in the financial services industry”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 27(5), PP. 359-380.
Chan, S.L., Ip, W.H. & Cho, V. (2010). “A model for predicting customer value from perspectives of product attractiveness and marketing strategy”, Journal of Elsevier Ltd. Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 37, PP. 1207-1215.
Sermaka, P. (2015). “Customer Profitability Analysis and Customer Life Time Value Models: Portfolio Analysis”, Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 25, PP. 14-25.
Sietske, L.S., Erjen, V.N. & Peter C, V. (2014). “For New Customers only: A Study on the Effect of Acquisition Campaigns on a Service Company's Existing Customers' CLV”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 28(3), PP. 210-224.