Design evaluating model of Nostalgic behavior on Hofsted Index, social factors and brand heritage & attitudes (case study: Nostalgic shopping center in Tehran)
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing Managementsoraya fatholahi 1 , Elham Faridchehr 2 , nader ghareb navaz 3 , vahed reza mirabi 4
1 - PhD Student in Business Administration, Qods City Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Commercial Management, Qods City Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Qods City Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Consumer Nostalgia Behavior, Purchase Behavior, Brand attitude, Hofsted Index, brand heritage,
Abstract :
Since the consumers' nostalgic behaviors can bring about a real understanding and recognition of consumer's behavior and meeting consumer demands the best possible way, the effect of nostalgic behavior on consumer behavior has critical role in actual purchase. In the present study, we first examined and identified the hofsted index and social factors and considered the following components for each: cultural and social factors included; (hofsted index) materialism, individualism, collectivism, masculinity, power distance, uncertainly avoidance and family structure, reference groups. Then, the effect of these factors on nostalgic behaviors examined. Later on, the effect of nostalgic behavior on brand heritage, brand attitudes investigated. Then the effect of nostalgic behavior, brand heritage, brand attitudes on purchase intention (PI) were investigated and finally, the effect of PI on actual purchases measured. The methodology of had two stages: stage one was examined using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and the second stage using structural equations (SE). The analytical results showed power distance, individualism, reference groups are significantly related Nostalgia behavior but materialism, collectivism, uncertainly avoidance, masculinity, family structure is not significantly related nostalgia behaviors. Nostalgia behavior, brand attitudes affect purchase intention, but brand heritage is not significantly related purchase intentions. Finally purchase intentions are significantly related purchase behavior.
هاوکینز، دل. (1385). "رفتار مصرفکننده"، احمدروستا، عطیه بطحایی، انتشارات سارگل، تهران، اول، اول، 5362.
سولومون، مایکل آر. (1392). "رفتار مصرفکننده"، کامبیز حیدرزاده، انتشارات بازاریابی، تهران، اول، اول، 4803. نویان.
محمد، ن. (1391). "ارتباط بین شخصیت و روابط درک شده با رفتار تغییر برند مورد: شرکت.های بیمه ایران"، کارشناسیارشد مدیریت بازرگانی، علوم وتحقیقات.
حیدرآبادی، ش. (1389). "بررسی عوامل فرهنگی مؤثر بر رفتار مصرفکننده در صنعت فناوری اطلاعات"، مطالعه موردی: تلفن همراه، کارشناسیارشد مدیریت بازرگانی، علوم و تحقیقات.
علیخان، ف. (1390). "بررسی تأثیر نیازهای مبتنی بر اقدام و هیجان مصرفکننده و آگاهی از عرضه محصولات جدید بر رفتار خرید رفتار خرید تفننی (بدون برنامه)".
پرهیزکاری، م. (1391). "بررسی تأثیر احساسات مصرفکنندگان از نام و نشان تجاری سازمانهای تکنولوژی محور بر واکنش و تمایلهای رفتاری آنها، مطالعه موردی خودرو ریو".
Anant Jyoti, B., Anshul, V. & Saumya, D. (2016). “Impulsive buying tendency: Measuring important relationships with a new perspective and an indigenous scale”, IIMB Management Review, Vol. 28(4), PP. 186-199.
Krystine, B. & Simran, S. (2016). “Anticipatory nostalgia: Missing the present before it's gone”, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 98, PP. 75-84.
Baldwin, M. & Mark J, M. (2013). “Exploring Nostalgia’s Influence on Psychological Growth”, Self and Identity, Vol. 13(2), PP. 162-177.
Batcho, K.I. (1995). “Nostalgia: A Psychological Perspective”, Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol. 80(1), PP. 131-143.
Bagozzi, R.P. (1982). “A Field Investigation of Causal Relations Among Cognitions, Intentions and Behavior”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 19(4), PP. 562-583.
Baker, S. M., & Kennedy, P. F. (1994). “Death by Nostalgia: A Diagnosis of Context-Specific Cases”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 21(1), PP. 169-174.
Bartmanski, D. (2011). “Successful icons of failed time: Rethinking post-communist nostalgia”, Acta Sociologica, Vol. 54(3), PP. 213-231.
Batcho, K.I. (1995). “Nostalgia: A Psychological Perspective”, Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol. 80(1), PP. 131-143.
Bentler, P.M. & Chou, C.P. (1987). “Practical issues in structural modeling”, Sociological Methods and Research, Vol. 16(1), PP. 78-117.
Bollen, K.A. (1989). “Structural Equations with Latent Variables”, New York: Wiley.
Bollen, K.A. (2007). “Interpretational confounding is due to misspecification, not to type of indicator: comment on Howell, Breivik, and Wilcox”, Psychol Methods, Vol. 12(2), PP. 219-238.
Borges, A. & Boulbry, G. (2003). “Measuring French Nostalgia: the Validation of Holbrook´s
Nostalgia Proneness Scale in France”, Published in Ninth Cross-Cultural Research Conference, Rose Hall, Jamaica.
Braun-LaTour, K. (2007). “Beyond Nostalgia: Using Childhood Memories as a Means To Emotionally Connect with Consumers”, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 26(3), PP. 402-405.
Brown, S., Kozinets, R.V. & Sherry, J. (2003). “Sell Me the Old, Old Story: Retromarketing. Management and the Art of Brand Revival”, Journal of Customer Behaviour, Vol. 2(2), PP. 133-147.
Brown, S., Kozinets, R.V. & Sherry J. (2003). “Teaching Old Brands New Tricks: Retro Branding and the Revival of Brand Meaning”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67(3), PP. 19-33.
Churchill, G.A. (1979). “A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 16(1), PP. 64-73.
Claire M, H., Constantine, S., Tim, W., Jamie, A., Clay, R. & Ad, V. (2011). “Nostalgic recollections of high and low narcissists”, Journal of Research in Personality, Vol. 45(2), PP. 238-242.
Hung-Bin, C., Shih-Shuo, Y. & Tzung-Cheng, H. (2014). “Nostalgic emotion, experiential value, brand image, and consumption intentions of customers of nostalgic-themed restaurants”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67(3), PP. 354-360.
Wing-Yee, C., Constantine, S. & Tim, W. (2016). “Induced nostalgia increases optimism (via social-connectedness and self-esteem) among individuals high, but not low, in trait nostalgia”, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 90, PP. 283-288.
Chun, L., Qiu, W., Xiaoshi, L. & Xiao, H. (2016). “The influence of individual espoused cultural values on self-directed use of technology for language learning beyond the classroom”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 62, PP. 676-688.
Justina, G. (2013). “Consumer nostalgia literature review and an alternative measurement perspective”, Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, Vol. 4(2), PP. 112-149.
Fabio B, D. & Jim, F. (1982). “Nostalgia: A Sphere and Process of Contemporary Ideology”, Qualitative Sociology, Vol. 5(1), PP. 47-61.
Davis, F. (1979). “Yearning for Yesterday: A Sociology of Nostalgia”, New York: Free Press.
Diamantopoulos, A. (2011). “Incorporating formative measurement into covariance-based structural equation models”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 35(2), PP. 335-358.
Diamantopoulos, A. & Winklhofer, H. (2001). “Index Construction with Formative Indicators: An Alternative to Scale Development”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 38(2), PP. 269-277.
Ford, J.B., & Merchant A. (2010). “Nostalgia Drives Donations: The Power of Charitable Appeals Based on Emotions and Intentions”, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 50(4), PP. 450-459.
Gallagher, D., Palmer, A. & Ting, L. (2008). “A Journey into the Unknown; Taking the Fear Out of Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS for the First-Time User”, The Marketing Review, Vol. 8(3), PP. 255-275.
Gerbing, D.W. & Anderson, J.C. (1984). “On the meaning of within factor correlated measurement errors”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 11(1), PP. 572-580.
Goulding, C. (2001). “Romancing the Past: Heritage Visiting and the Nostalgic Consumer”, Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 18(6), PP. 565-592.
Graburn, N. (1995). “Tourism, modernity and nostalgia. In A. Ahmed & C. Shore, (Eds)”, The future of anthropology: Its relevance in the contemporary world (PP. 158-178). London: The Athlone Press.
Hirsch, A.R. (1992). “Nostalgia: A Neuropsychiatric Understanding”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 19, PP. 390-395.
Jinsoo, H. Sunghyup, S.H. (2013). “The impact of nostalgia triggers on emotional responses and revisit intentions in luxury restaurants: The moderating role of hiatus”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 33(1), PP. 250-262.
Angella J, K. & Kim, K.P.J. (2016). “Power of consumers using social media: Examining the influences of brand-related user-generated content on Facebook”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 58, PP. 98-108.
Ing-Long, W., Kuei-Wan, C. & Mai-Lun, C. (2016). “Defining key drivers of online impulse purchasing: A perspective of both impulse shoppers and system users”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 36(3), PP. 284-296.
DongHee, K. & SooCheong, J. (2015). “Cognitive decline and emotional regulation of senior consumers”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 44, PP. 111-119.
Lee, M. (2011). “Nostalgia as a Feature of Glocalization: Use of the Past in Post-Soviet Russia”, Post-Soviet airs, Vol. 27(2), PP. 158-177.
Ling, Z., Tao, W., Qin, Z. & Yupeng, M. (2013). “Consumer insecurity and preference for nostalgic products: Evidence from China”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 66(12), PP. 2406-2411.
Mackenzie, S.B. (2001). “Opportunities for Improving Consumer Research through Latent Variable Structural Equation Modeling”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 28(1), 159-166.
Medsker, G.J., Williams, L.J. & Holahan, P.J. (1994). “A Review of Current Practices for Evaluating Causal Models in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management Research”, Journal of Management, Vol. 20(2), PP. 439-464.
Altaf, M., John B, F. & Gregory M, R. (2011). “How personal nostalgia influences giving to charity”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 64(6), PP. 610-616.
Olena. N. (2008). “Contextual effects on historical memory: Soviet nostalgia among post-Soviet adolescents”, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 41(2), PP. 243-259.
Catherine, P. & IpKin Anthony, W. (2016). Embracing or fighting the urge: A multilevel investigation on casino service, branding and impulsive gambling”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 56, PP. 109-118.
Clay, R., Jamie, A., Constantine, S. & Tim, W. (2008). “A blast from the past: The terror management function of nostalgia”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 44(1), PP. 132-140.
Praneet, R., Roger J, C. & Clay M, V. (2015). “The pursuit of counterfeited luxury: An examination of the negative side effects of close consumer–brand connections”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 68(11), PP. 2395-2403
Riabchuk, M. (2009). “Ukraine’s Nuclear Nostalgia”, World Policy Journal, Vol. 26(4), PP. 95-105.
Ross, B.M. (1991). “Remembering the personal past: Descriptions of autobiographical memory”, New York: Oxford University Press. P. 244.
Rousseau, G.G. & Venter, D.J.L. (1999). “The Influence of Nostalgia on Consumer Preference”, Journal of Industrial Psychology, Vol. 25(1), PP. 2-10.
Rousseau, G.G. & Venter, D.J.L. (2000). “The Relationship Between Nostalgia and Consumer Preference: Replication and Extension”, Journal of Industrial Psychology, Vol. 26(2), PP. 32-36.
Russell, D.W. (2008). “Nostalgic tourism”, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol. 25(2), PP. 103-116.
Schindler, R.M. & Holbrook, M.B. (1993). “Critical periods in the development of men’s and women’s tastes in personal appearance”, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 10(6), PP. 549-564.
Schumacker, R.E. & Lomax, R.G. (2010). “A Beginner’s Guide to Structural Equation Modeling”, (3rd Edition). NY: Routledge Press.
Sierra, J.J. & McQui!y, S. (2007). “Attitudes and Emotions as Determinants of Nostalgia Purchases: An Application of Social Identity Theory”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 15(2), PP. 99-112.
Stauth, G. & Turner, B.S. (1988). “Nostalgia, Postmodernism and the Critique of Mass Culture”, Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 5(2-3), PP. 509-526.
Ulrich R, O. & Aurelie, B. (2008). “The influence of nostalgic memories on consumer exploratory tendencies: Echoes from scents past”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 15(4), PP. 277-287.
Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., Arndt, J. & Routledge, C .(2006). “Nostalgia: Content, Triggers, Functions”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 91(5), PP. 975-993.
Ing-Long, W., Kuei-Wan, C. & Mai-Lun, C. (2016). “Defining key drivers of online impulse purchasing: A perspective of both impulse shoppers and system users”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 36(3), PP. 284-296.
_||_هاوکینز، دل. (1385). "رفتار مصرفکننده"، احمدروستا، عطیه بطحایی، انتشارات سارگل، تهران، اول، اول، 5362.
سولومون، مایکل آر. (1392). "رفتار مصرفکننده"، کامبیز حیدرزاده، انتشارات بازاریابی، تهران، اول، اول، 4803. نویان.
محمد، ن. (1391). "ارتباط بین شخصیت و روابط درک شده با رفتار تغییر برند مورد: شرکت.های بیمه ایران"، کارشناسیارشد مدیریت بازرگانی، علوم وتحقیقات.
حیدرآبادی، ش. (1389). "بررسی عوامل فرهنگی مؤثر بر رفتار مصرفکننده در صنعت فناوری اطلاعات"، مطالعه موردی: تلفن همراه، کارشناسیارشد مدیریت بازرگانی، علوم و تحقیقات.
علیخان، ف. (1390). "بررسی تأثیر نیازهای مبتنی بر اقدام و هیجان مصرفکننده و آگاهی از عرضه محصولات جدید بر رفتار خرید رفتار خرید تفننی (بدون برنامه)".
پرهیزکاری، م. (1391). "بررسی تأثیر احساسات مصرفکنندگان از نام و نشان تجاری سازمانهای تکنولوژی محور بر واکنش و تمایلهای رفتاری آنها، مطالعه موردی خودرو ریو".
Anant Jyoti, B., Anshul, V. & Saumya, D. (2016). “Impulsive buying tendency: Measuring important relationships with a new perspective and an indigenous scale”, IIMB Management Review, Vol. 28(4), PP. 186-199.
Krystine, B. & Simran, S. (2016). “Anticipatory nostalgia: Missing the present before it's gone”, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 98, PP. 75-84.
Baldwin, M. & Mark J, M. (2013). “Exploring Nostalgia’s Influence on Psychological Growth”, Self and Identity, Vol. 13(2), PP. 162-177.
Batcho, K.I. (1995). “Nostalgia: A Psychological Perspective”, Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol. 80(1), PP. 131-143.
Bagozzi, R.P. (1982). “A Field Investigation of Causal Relations Among Cognitions, Intentions and Behavior”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 19(4), PP. 562-583.
Baker, S. M., & Kennedy, P. F. (1994). “Death by Nostalgia: A Diagnosis of Context-Specific Cases”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 21(1), PP. 169-174.
Bartmanski, D. (2011). “Successful icons of failed time: Rethinking post-communist nostalgia”, Acta Sociologica, Vol. 54(3), PP. 213-231.
Batcho, K.I. (1995). “Nostalgia: A Psychological Perspective”, Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol. 80(1), PP. 131-143.
Bentler, P.M. & Chou, C.P. (1987). “Practical issues in structural modeling”, Sociological Methods and Research, Vol. 16(1), PP. 78-117.
Bollen, K.A. (1989). “Structural Equations with Latent Variables”, New York: Wiley.
Bollen, K.A. (2007). “Interpretational confounding is due to misspecification, not to type of indicator: comment on Howell, Breivik, and Wilcox”, Psychol Methods, Vol. 12(2), PP. 219-238.
Borges, A. & Boulbry, G. (2003). “Measuring French Nostalgia: the Validation of Holbrook´s
Nostalgia Proneness Scale in France”, Published in Ninth Cross-Cultural Research Conference, Rose Hall, Jamaica.
Braun-LaTour, K. (2007). “Beyond Nostalgia: Using Childhood Memories as a Means To Emotionally Connect with Consumers”, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 26(3), PP. 402-405.
Brown, S., Kozinets, R.V. & Sherry, J. (2003). “Sell Me the Old, Old Story: Retromarketing. Management and the Art of Brand Revival”, Journal of Customer Behaviour, Vol. 2(2), PP. 133-147.
Brown, S., Kozinets, R.V. & Sherry J. (2003). “Teaching Old Brands New Tricks: Retro Branding and the Revival of Brand Meaning”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67(3), PP. 19-33.
Churchill, G.A. (1979). “A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 16(1), PP. 64-73.
Claire M, H., Constantine, S., Tim, W., Jamie, A., Clay, R. & Ad, V. (2011). “Nostalgic recollections of high and low narcissists”, Journal of Research in Personality, Vol. 45(2), PP. 238-242.
Hung-Bin, C., Shih-Shuo, Y. & Tzung-Cheng, H. (2014). “Nostalgic emotion, experiential value, brand image, and consumption intentions of customers of nostalgic-themed restaurants”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67(3), PP. 354-360.
Wing-Yee, C., Constantine, S. & Tim, W. (2016). “Induced nostalgia increases optimism (via social-connectedness and self-esteem) among individuals high, but not low, in trait nostalgia”, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 90, PP. 283-288.
Chun, L., Qiu, W., Xiaoshi, L. & Xiao, H. (2016). “The influence of individual espoused cultural values on self-directed use of technology for language learning beyond the classroom”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 62, PP. 676-688.
Justina, G. (2013). “Consumer nostalgia literature review and an alternative measurement perspective”, Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, Vol. 4(2), PP. 112-149.
Fabio B, D. & Jim, F. (1982). “Nostalgia: A Sphere and Process of Contemporary Ideology”, Qualitative Sociology, Vol. 5(1), PP. 47-61.
Davis, F. (1979). “Yearning for Yesterday: A Sociology of Nostalgia”, New York: Free Press.
Diamantopoulos, A. (2011). “Incorporating formative measurement into covariance-based structural equation models”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 35(2), PP. 335-358.
Diamantopoulos, A. & Winklhofer, H. (2001). “Index Construction with Formative Indicators: An Alternative to Scale Development”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 38(2), PP. 269-277.
Ford, J.B., & Merchant A. (2010). “Nostalgia Drives Donations: The Power of Charitable Appeals Based on Emotions and Intentions”, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 50(4), PP. 450-459.
Gallagher, D., Palmer, A. & Ting, L. (2008). “A Journey into the Unknown; Taking the Fear Out of Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS for the First-Time User”, The Marketing Review, Vol. 8(3), PP. 255-275.
Gerbing, D.W. & Anderson, J.C. (1984). “On the meaning of within factor correlated measurement errors”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 11(1), PP. 572-580.
Goulding, C. (2001). “Romancing the Past: Heritage Visiting and the Nostalgic Consumer”, Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 18(6), PP. 565-592.
Graburn, N. (1995). “Tourism, modernity and nostalgia. In A. Ahmed & C. Shore, (Eds)”, The future of anthropology: Its relevance in the contemporary world (PP. 158-178). London: The Athlone Press.
Hirsch, A.R. (1992). “Nostalgia: A Neuropsychiatric Understanding”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 19, PP. 390-395.
Jinsoo, H. Sunghyup, S.H. (2013). “The impact of nostalgia triggers on emotional responses and revisit intentions in luxury restaurants: The moderating role of hiatus”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 33(1), PP. 250-262.
Angella J, K. & Kim, K.P.J. (2016). “Power of consumers using social media: Examining the influences of brand-related user-generated content on Facebook”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 58, PP. 98-108.
Ing-Long, W., Kuei-Wan, C. & Mai-Lun, C. (2016). “Defining key drivers of online impulse purchasing: A perspective of both impulse shoppers and system users”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 36(3), PP. 284-296.
DongHee, K. & SooCheong, J. (2015). “Cognitive decline and emotional regulation of senior consumers”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 44, PP. 111-119.
Lee, M. (2011). “Nostalgia as a Feature of Glocalization: Use of the Past in Post-Soviet Russia”, Post-Soviet airs, Vol. 27(2), PP. 158-177.
Ling, Z., Tao, W., Qin, Z. & Yupeng, M. (2013). “Consumer insecurity and preference for nostalgic products: Evidence from China”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 66(12), PP. 2406-2411.
Mackenzie, S.B. (2001). “Opportunities for Improving Consumer Research through Latent Variable Structural Equation Modeling”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 28(1), 159-166.
Medsker, G.J., Williams, L.J. & Holahan, P.J. (1994). “A Review of Current Practices for Evaluating Causal Models in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management Research”, Journal of Management, Vol. 20(2), PP. 439-464.
Altaf, M., John B, F. & Gregory M, R. (2011). “How personal nostalgia influences giving to charity”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 64(6), PP. 610-616.
Olena. N. (2008). “Contextual effects on historical memory: Soviet nostalgia among post-Soviet adolescents”, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 41(2), PP. 243-259.
Catherine, P. & IpKin Anthony, W. (2016). Embracing or fighting the urge: A multilevel investigation on casino service, branding and impulsive gambling”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 56, PP. 109-118.
Clay, R., Jamie, A., Constantine, S. & Tim, W. (2008). “A blast from the past: The terror management function of nostalgia”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 44(1), PP. 132-140.
Praneet, R., Roger J, C. & Clay M, V. (2015). “The pursuit of counterfeited luxury: An examination of the negative side effects of close consumer–brand connections”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 68(11), PP. 2395-2403
Riabchuk, M. (2009). “Ukraine’s Nuclear Nostalgia”, World Policy Journal, Vol. 26(4), PP. 95-105.
Ross, B.M. (1991). “Remembering the personal past: Descriptions of autobiographical memory”, New York: Oxford University Press. P. 244.
Rousseau, G.G. & Venter, D.J.L. (1999). “The Influence of Nostalgia on Consumer Preference”, Journal of Industrial Psychology, Vol. 25(1), PP. 2-10.
Rousseau, G.G. & Venter, D.J.L. (2000). “The Relationship Between Nostalgia and Consumer Preference: Replication and Extension”, Journal of Industrial Psychology, Vol. 26(2), PP. 32-36.
Russell, D.W. (2008). “Nostalgic tourism”, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol. 25(2), PP. 103-116.
Schindler, R.M. & Holbrook, M.B. (1993). “Critical periods in the development of men’s and women’s tastes in personal appearance”, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 10(6), PP. 549-564.
Schumacker, R.E. & Lomax, R.G. (2010). “A Beginner’s Guide to Structural Equation Modeling”, (3rd Edition). NY: Routledge Press.
Sierra, J.J. & McQui!y, S. (2007). “Attitudes and Emotions as Determinants of Nostalgia Purchases: An Application of Social Identity Theory”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 15(2), PP. 99-112.
Stauth, G. & Turner, B.S. (1988). “Nostalgia, Postmodernism and the Critique of Mass Culture”, Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 5(2-3), PP. 509-526.
Ulrich R, O. & Aurelie, B. (2008). “The influence of nostalgic memories on consumer exploratory tendencies: Echoes from scents past”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 15(4), PP. 277-287.
Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., Arndt, J. & Routledge, C .(2006). “Nostalgia: Content, Triggers, Functions”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 91(5), PP. 975-993.
Ing-Long, W., Kuei-Wan, C. & Mai-Lun, C. (2016). “Defining key drivers of online impulse purchasing: A perspective of both impulse shoppers and system users”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 36(3), PP. 284-296.