The Role of Store’s Fitting Room (Clothes Changing Room) at Tehran Shopping Centers on Recall Shopping Experiences: Mixed Method Approach
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing Managementkobra najafi 1 , Kambiz Heidarzadeh 2 , Mohsen Khonsiavash 3
1 - Ph.D student of Business Administration, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Business Management Department, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: Customer Experience, Emotional and Behavioral responses, Customer Evaluation, Fitting Room Type,
Abstract :
Research purpose: Purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of fitting rooms in Shopping centers in behavioral and emotional response. Research Method: The research is based on a blinded approach. First, using qualitative method and phenomenology paradigm, requirements of being fitting rooms and their relationship with behavioral and emotional reactions were investigated in the Y’s generation of women and five major stores in Tehran, then a quantitative experimental study with 2 ×2 factorial design based on a scenario- based questionnaire was conducted. Qualitative study with 16 participants and conducting Semi-structured interviews and quantitative empirical study with 240 costumers were conducted and qualitative evidence was analyzed by coding interviews and qualitative data with two way ANOVA and regression analysis. Results: In the qualitative section of the categories of facilities, health, Structural and basic and positive and negative emotional and behavioral actions, and proper assessment of the products was identified. In the qualitative- empirical part, the main and interactive effects of independent variables of types of fitting room and customer’s evaluation of fitting room on the emotional and behavioral response are significantly supported. Conclusion: Fitting room’s facilities are important stimulus to the decision – making process of buying clothes which suitability of their facilities has positive emotional and behavioral implications. The customer’s assessment of fitting room modifies impact of emotional and behavioral response, and impact of fitting rooms’ facilities on responses. So, paying attention to the possibilities of fitting room can create positive results for the store.
1- Amiel B. “The horror of the store fitting room”, Retrieved March 1, 2007; from
2- Antéblian B, Filser M, Roederer C. “Consumption experience in retail environments: A literature review”, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2013; 28(3): 84-113.
3- All dressed up, Fitting-room lighting can be a powerful sales tool for retailers”, Chain Store Age, 2006; 82(7): 88-90.
4- Baumstarck A, Park N.K. “The effects of dressing room lighting on consumers' perceptions of self and environment”, Journal of Interior Design, 2010; 35(2): 37-49.
5- Baumstarck A. “Effects of dressing room lighting direction on consumers’ perceptions of self and environment”, University of Florida, 2008.
6- Begole B, Matsumoto T, Zhang W, Liu J. “Responsive mirror: Fitting information for fitting room”, Retrieved March 1, 2008, from publications/files/6424.pdf.
7- Brown P.L. “Mirror, mirror”, The New York Time, 1993; 8.
8- Bhattacharjee A, Polas M.R.H, Ahmed M, Eshita K.F. “Alternative Concern on the Remittance Increases Investments and Financial Sustainability”, IIUB Studies, A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2020; 2(1): 29-46.
9- Chain Store Age. “Seven ways retailers can keep customers coming back”, Chain Store Age, 2013, 93(4): 88.
10- Custers P.J.M, de Kort Y.A.W, IJsselsteijn W.A, de Kruiff M.E. (2010). “Lighting in retail environments: Atmosphere perception in the real world”, Lighting Research and Technology, 42(3): 331-343.
11- D. Myers M. “Qualitative research method in business management”, Translators: Heidarzadeh, Kambiz; Merikhnezhad Asl, Ali. Tehran, Elm press. (2016). [In Persian].
12- Esgandari K, Soleymanpour S, Orafaye Jamshidi Sh. “The Role of Window Shopping in Improving Word of Mouth Marketing in Chain Stores”, Journal of Marketing Management, 2021; 50: 97-120. [In Persian].
13- Flacandji M, Krey N. “Remembering shopping experiences: The Shopping Experience Memory Scale”, Journal of Business Research, 2018, In press.
14- Flacandji M. “De l'expérience au souvenir de l’expérience: Etude des invariants et des décalages entre parcours de magasinage et souvenir immédiat”, Management & Avenir, 2015; 86: 79-100.
15- Gilboa S, Vilnai-Yavetz I. “Four generations of mall visitors in Israel: A study of mall activities, visiting patterns, and products purchased”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2010; 17(6): 501-511. http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.jretconser.2010.08.005.
16- Gallino S, Moreno A. “The value of fit information in online retail: Evidence from a randomized field experiment. Manufacturing Service Oper”, Management, 2018; 20(4): 767-787.
17- Ghayemalaee K, Esmailpour H, Saeednia H, Haghshenas F. “Presentation of Conceptual Model of Customer Experience Management of Brand Relation Based on Foundation Data Theory”, Journal of Marketing Management, 2018; 39: 19-36. [In Persian].
18- Hengevelt J. “Dressing Rooms: Love It or Leave It! To what extent does the setting of a dressing room influence consumer experiences?”, University of Twente, Master Communication Studies, Marketing Communication, 2014.
19- Holmes E, Smith R.A. “Retail fitting rooms get a makeover”, Wall Street Journal [Online], (2011), 06.04.2011 available at: SB10001424052748703806304576243184005228532.
20- Hosseini S.H, Izadi Z. “Phenomenology of Living experience of single women, case study; Single women over 35 years old”, Social psychological studies of women, 2016; 14(1): 41-72. [In Persian].
21- Iman M.T. “Methodology of qualitative research. Second press”, Qom: Research Institute of Hawzeh and University. (2014). [in Persian].
22- Kang H.J. “The effect of flattering fitting room environment on purchasing behavior. Unpublished master dissertation”, Seoul: Seoul National University, 2015.
23- Kahneman D. “Thinking fast and slow”, New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2011.
24- Kim H.S, Kim J.Y. “The characteristics of fitting rooms design in outdoor brand store”, Journal of Digital Design, 2015; 15(1): 275-286.
25- Krbová Petra K. “Generation Y Attitudes towards Shopping: A Comparison of the Czech Republic and Slovakia”, Journal of Competitiveness, 2016; 8(1): 38-54.
26- Kumar Joshi K, Gupta S. “Factors Affecting Performance of a Shopping Mall”, IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2017; 19(12): 1-14.
27- Labrecque L.I, Milne G.R, Patrick V.M. “The Marketer’s Prismatic Palette: A Review of Color Research and Future Directions”, Psychology and Marketing, 2013; 30(2).
28- Lee S.E, Johnson K.K.P. “Shopping behaviours: Implications for the design of retail space”, Implications, 2014; 2(5), [Online], available at: (accessed 10 June 2013).
29- Lee S.E, Johnson K.K.P. (sa). “Shopping behaviours: Implications for design of retail spaces”, [WWW document]. URL (accessed on July 12th, 2011).
30- Lee H.S. (Huck), Kesavan S, Deshpande V. “Managing the Impact of Fitting Room Traffic on Retail Sales: Using Labor to Reduce Phantom Stockouts”, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Published online in Articles in Advance, 2020, 1-17,
31- Mehrabian A, Russell J.A. “An Approach to Environmental Psychology”, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1974.
32- Mondol E.P, Salman N.A, Rahid A.O, Karim A.M. “The Effects of Visual Merchandising on Consumer’s Willingness to Purchase in the Fashion Retail Stores”, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021; 11(7): 386-401.
33- Mehta N, Chugan P.K. “Visual Merchandising and Consumer Demography: The Impact on Impulse Buying Behavior. Business, Economy and Environment: Corporate Perspectives”, Eds. Parag Rijwani, Samik Shome and Deepak Danak, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai for Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, 2019; 253-268.
34- Musalem A, Olivares M, Schilkrut A. “Retail in high definition: Monitoring customer assistance through video analytics. Manufacturing Service Oper. Management”, Epub ahead of print, March 30, 2020.
35- Mohammadpur A. “Qualitative Research Method Counter Method 2”, Second Press, Tehran: Jameeshenasan Press, 2013, [In Persian].
36- Mirzaie Kh. “Research, Researching and Writing”, 2011; 1, Second press, Tehran: Jameeshenasan press. [In Persian].
37- Noble S.M, Haytko D.L. Phillips J. “What drives college-age Generation Y consumers?”, Journal of Business Research, 2008; 62: 617-628.
38- O’Donnell J. “Retailers try on dressed-up fitting rooms”, 2007; Retrieved March 2, 2009, from rooms_x.htm.
39- Okken V, Van Rompay T, Pruyn A. “Exploring Space in the Consultation Room: Environmental Influences during Patient–Physician Interaction”, Journal of health communication, 2012; 17(4): 397-412.
40- Perfect fit. Chain Store Age, 2007; 83(3): 78.
41- Poggi J. “Dressing rooms of the future”, 2008; Retrieved April 1, 2009, from
42- Pour Ashraf Y.A. “The effect of service environments on customer excitement and service output”, Journal of Business Management, 2015; 7(2): 363-380. [In Persian].
43- Rea M.S, Freyssinier J.P. “Guide to Light and Color in Retail Merchandising”, ASSIST, 2010a; 9(1): 1-16.
44- Rea M.S, Freyssinier J.P. “Color Rendering: Beyond Pride and Prejudice”, Color Research and Application, 2010b; 35(6): 401-409.
45- Raju P.V.M. “Influence of visual merchandising on customer’s purchase decision”, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 2022; 26(1): 1-14.
46- Stamps A.E. “Effects of permeability on perceived enclosure and spaciousness”, Environment and Behavior, 2010; 42: 864-886.
47- Summers T, Hebert P. “Shedding some light on store atmospherics: Influence of illumination on consumer behavior”, Journal of business Research, 2001; 54(2): 145-150.
48- Song H.J, Yang H.J, Kim N.H, Kim J.Y. “Analyzing the emotional design factors in SPA brand store: focusing on the SPA fitting rooms in Myeong-dong”, Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal, 2013; 15(1): 180-185.
49- Stragà M, Del Missier F, Marcatto F, Ferrante D. “Memory underpinnings of future intentions: Would you like to see the sequel?”, PLoS One, 2017; 12(4): e0176624.
50- Vermaak M, de Klerk H.M. “Fitting room or selling room? Millennial female consumers’ dressing room experiences”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2017; 41(1): 11-18.
51- Wilson M. “Store design: Details matter”, Chain Store Age, 2007; 84(7): 126-128, [Online], 30.06.2007 available at: details-matter.
52- Yan S. “Understanding generation Y”, The Oberlin Review, 2006; Retrieved on December 12, 2008 from / 08/features/Understanding_ Generation_ Y. htmlS.
53- Zhang B, Carpenter J.M, Brosdahl D.J.C. “Shopping orientations and retail formatchoice among Generation y clothing shoppers”, Journal of Textile and Clothing Technology and Management, 2011; 7: 1-13.
1- Amiel B. “The horror of the store fitting room”, Retrieved March 1, 2007; from
2- Antéblian B, Filser M, Roederer C. “Consumption experience in retail environments: A literature review”, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2013; 28(3): 84-113.
3- All dressed up, Fitting-room lighting can be a powerful sales tool for retailers”, Chain Store Age, 2006; 82(7): 88-90.
4- Baumstarck A, Park N.K. “The effects of dressing room lighting on consumers' perceptions of self and environment”, Journal of Interior Design, 2010; 35(2): 37-49.
5- Baumstarck A. “Effects of dressing room lighting direction on consumers’ perceptions of self and environment”, University of Florida, 2008.
6- Begole B, Matsumoto T, Zhang W, Liu J. “Responsive mirror: Fitting information for fitting room”, Retrieved March 1, 2008, from publications/files/6424.pdf.
7- Brown P.L. “Mirror, mirror”, The New York Time, 1993; 8.
8- Bhattacharjee A, Polas M.R.H, Ahmed M, Eshita K.F. “Alternative Concern on the Remittance Increases Investments and Financial Sustainability”, IIUB Studies, A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2020; 2(1): 29-46.
9- Chain Store Age. “Seven ways retailers can keep customers coming back”, Chain Store Age, 2013, 93(4): 88.
10- Custers P.J.M, de Kort Y.A.W, IJsselsteijn W.A, de Kruiff M.E. (2010). “Lighting in retail environments: Atmosphere perception in the real world”, Lighting Research and Technology, 42(3): 331-343.
11- D. Myers M. “Qualitative research method in business management”, Translators: Heidarzadeh, Kambiz; Merikhnezhad Asl, Ali. Tehran, Elm press. (2016). [In Persian].
12- Esgandari K, Soleymanpour S, Orafaye Jamshidi Sh. “The Role of Window Shopping in Improving Word of Mouth Marketing in Chain Stores”, Journal of Marketing Management, 2021; 50: 97-120. [In Persian].
13- Flacandji M, Krey N. “Remembering shopping experiences: The Shopping Experience Memory Scale”, Journal of Business Research, 2018, In press.
14- Flacandji M. “De l'expérience au souvenir de l’expérience: Etude des invariants et des décalages entre parcours de magasinage et souvenir immédiat”, Management & Avenir, 2015; 86: 79-100.
15- Gilboa S, Vilnai-Yavetz I. “Four generations of mall visitors in Israel: A study of mall activities, visiting patterns, and products purchased”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2010; 17(6): 501-511. http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.jretconser.2010.08.005.
16- Gallino S, Moreno A. “The value of fit information in online retail: Evidence from a randomized field experiment. Manufacturing Service Oper”, Management, 2018; 20(4): 767-787.
17- Ghayemalaee K, Esmailpour H, Saeednia H, Haghshenas F. “Presentation of Conceptual Model of Customer Experience Management of Brand Relation Based on Foundation Data Theory”, Journal of Marketing Management, 2018; 39: 19-36. [In Persian].
18- Hengevelt J. “Dressing Rooms: Love It or Leave It! To what extent does the setting of a dressing room influence consumer experiences?”, University of Twente, Master Communication Studies, Marketing Communication, 2014.
19- Holmes E, Smith R.A. “Retail fitting rooms get a makeover”, Wall Street Journal [Online], (2011), 06.04.2011 available at: SB10001424052748703806304576243184005228532.
20- Hosseini S.H, Izadi Z. “Phenomenology of Living experience of single women, case study; Single women over 35 years old”, Social psychological studies of women, 2016; 14(1): 41-72. [In Persian].
21- Iman M.T. “Methodology of qualitative research. Second press”, Qom: Research Institute of Hawzeh and University. (2014). [in Persian].
22- Kang H.J. “The effect of flattering fitting room environment on purchasing behavior. Unpublished master dissertation”, Seoul: Seoul National University, 2015.
23- Kahneman D. “Thinking fast and slow”, New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2011.
24- Kim H.S, Kim J.Y. “The characteristics of fitting rooms design in outdoor brand store”, Journal of Digital Design, 2015; 15(1): 275-286.
25- Krbová Petra K. “Generation Y Attitudes towards Shopping: A Comparison of the Czech Republic and Slovakia”, Journal of Competitiveness, 2016; 8(1): 38-54.
26- Kumar Joshi K, Gupta S. “Factors Affecting Performance of a Shopping Mall”, IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2017; 19(12): 1-14.
27- Labrecque L.I, Milne G.R, Patrick V.M. “The Marketer’s Prismatic Palette: A Review of Color Research and Future Directions”, Psychology and Marketing, 2013; 30(2).
28- Lee S.E, Johnson K.K.P. “Shopping behaviours: Implications for the design of retail space”, Implications, 2014; 2(5), [Online], available at: (accessed 10 June 2013).
29- Lee S.E, Johnson K.K.P. (sa). “Shopping behaviours: Implications for design of retail spaces”, [WWW document]. URL (accessed on July 12th, 2011).
30- Lee H.S. (Huck), Kesavan S, Deshpande V. “Managing the Impact of Fitting Room Traffic on Retail Sales: Using Labor to Reduce Phantom Stockouts”, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Published online in Articles in Advance, 2020, 1-17,
31- Mehrabian A, Russell J.A. “An Approach to Environmental Psychology”, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1974.
32- Mondol E.P, Salman N.A, Rahid A.O, Karim A.M. “The Effects of Visual Merchandising on Consumer’s Willingness to Purchase in the Fashion Retail Stores”, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021; 11(7): 386-401.
33- Mehta N, Chugan P.K. “Visual Merchandising and Consumer Demography: The Impact on Impulse Buying Behavior. Business, Economy and Environment: Corporate Perspectives”, Eds. Parag Rijwani, Samik Shome and Deepak Danak, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai for Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, 2019; 253-268.
34- Musalem A, Olivares M, Schilkrut A. “Retail in high definition: Monitoring customer assistance through video analytics. Manufacturing Service Oper. Management”, Epub ahead of print, March 30, 2020.
35- Mohammadpur A. “Qualitative Research Method Counter Method 2”, Second Press, Tehran: Jameeshenasan Press, 2013, [In Persian].
36- Mirzaie Kh. “Research, Researching and Writing”, 2011; 1, Second press, Tehran: Jameeshenasan press. [In Persian].
37- Noble S.M, Haytko D.L. Phillips J. “What drives college-age Generation Y consumers?”, Journal of Business Research, 2008; 62: 617-628.
38- O’Donnell J. “Retailers try on dressed-up fitting rooms”, 2007; Retrieved March 2, 2009, from rooms_x.htm.
39- Okken V, Van Rompay T, Pruyn A. “Exploring Space in the Consultation Room: Environmental Influences during Patient–Physician Interaction”, Journal of health communication, 2012; 17(4): 397-412.
40- Perfect fit. Chain Store Age, 2007; 83(3): 78.
41- Poggi J. “Dressing rooms of the future”, 2008; Retrieved April 1, 2009, from
42- Pour Ashraf Y.A. “The effect of service environments on customer excitement and service output”, Journal of Business Management, 2015; 7(2): 363-380. [In Persian].
43- Rea M.S, Freyssinier J.P. “Guide to Light and Color in Retail Merchandising”, ASSIST, 2010a; 9(1): 1-16.
44- Rea M.S, Freyssinier J.P. “Color Rendering: Beyond Pride and Prejudice”, Color Research and Application, 2010b; 35(6): 401-409.
45- Raju P.V.M. “Influence of visual merchandising on customer’s purchase decision”, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 2022; 26(1): 1-14.
46- Stamps A.E. “Effects of permeability on perceived enclosure and spaciousness”, Environment and Behavior, 2010; 42: 864-886.
47- Summers T, Hebert P. “Shedding some light on store atmospherics: Influence of illumination on consumer behavior”, Journal of business Research, 2001; 54(2): 145-150.
48- Song H.J, Yang H.J, Kim N.H, Kim J.Y. “Analyzing the emotional design factors in SPA brand store: focusing on the SPA fitting rooms in Myeong-dong”, Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal, 2013; 15(1): 180-185.
49- Stragà M, Del Missier F, Marcatto F, Ferrante D. “Memory underpinnings of future intentions: Would you like to see the sequel?”, PLoS One, 2017; 12(4): e0176624.
50- Vermaak M, de Klerk H.M. “Fitting room or selling room? Millennial female consumers’ dressing room experiences”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2017; 41(1): 11-18.
51- Wilson M. “Store design: Details matter”, Chain Store Age, 2007; 84(7): 126-128, [Online], 30.06.2007 available at: details-matter.
52- Yan S. “Understanding generation Y”, The Oberlin Review, 2006; Retrieved on December 12, 2008 from / 08/features/Understanding_ Generation_ Y. htmlS.
53- Zhang B, Carpenter J.M, Brosdahl D.J.C. “Shopping orientations and retail formatchoice among Generation y clothing shoppers”, Journal of Textile and Clothing Technology and Management, 2011; 7: 1-13.