Presenting a Brand Development Model in Tourism of Natural Places
Subject Areas : Jounal of Marketing Management
Yasamin Golafshan Yousefi,
Azam Rahiminik
sina Nematizadeh
mandan momeni
1 - Department of Business Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Business Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Business Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Human Resource Development Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: natural places, Brand development, tourism industry, place marketing,
Abstract :
Although many aspects of brand theory can be applied to tourism destinations and different places, the branding process of tourism destinations is much more complicated than branding for products and goods. For this reason, it is necessary and important to identify the factors that lead to the branding of tourist places. In this article, we have tried to present a brand development model in the tourism industry using a qualitative approach and thematic analysis method. To present the model, first the research literature was studied and then 10 tourism industry experts were interviewed. The data obtained from the interviews were coded, the categories were defined and finally 7 main themes were obtained, which include attachment to the place, awareness of the tourism destination brand, physical factors, background conditions, place value, communication and information. Facilities and services.
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بهروزی م.، عزیزی ف. و رحمتی ف. "تأثیر مسئولیت اجتماعی شرکت بر عملکرد برند (مطالعه موردی صنعت محصولات لبنی کاله استان مازندران)"، کنفرانس بینالمللی مدیریت، چالشها و راهکارها، تهران، ایران، 1392.
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خوارزمی ا.ع.، رهنما م.ر. و اقبالی ن. "بررسی تطبیقی تجارب جهانی فرآیند برندسازی شهری و ارائه راهکار برای کلانشهر مشهد"، اولین همایش ملی جغرافیا، گردشگری، منابع طبیعی و پایدار، تهران، 1393.
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فنی ز.، برغمدی م.، اسکندرپور م. و سلیمانی م. "سنجش میزان رضایتمندی گردشگران شهر گرگان"، فصلنامه علمی پژوهشی مطالعات مدیریت گردشگری، 1391؛ ۷(۲۰): ۲۱-۴۸.
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معمارزاده غ.ر.، سرافرازی م. و فایض ز. "رویکرد فناوری اطلاعات در توسعه گردشگری الکترونیک"، مجموعه مقالات اولین همایش ملی جغرافیا و گردشگری در هزاره سوم، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد نجف آباد، 1391؛ 1-21.
منوریان ع.، ابوئی اردکان م.، پورموسوی م. و رحیمیان ا. "مدل فرآیند برندسازی شهری برای کلانشهرهای ایران"، فصلنامه مدیریت دولتی، 1392؛ 13: 43-61.
میرسلیمانی ا. زکلیلی م. حقیقی نسب م. خدیور آ. و ابراهیمی م. "طراحی مدل اعتلای برند مقصد گردشگری با رویکرد نظریه داده بنیاد مطالعه موردی استان فارس"، فصلنامه مدیریت برند، 1399؛ 2: 15-50.
روستا ا.، قره چه م.، حمیدیزاده م.ر. و محمدیفر ی. "مدلی برای برندسازی شهری در ایران بر اساس نظریهی داده بنیاد"، فصلنامه مدیریت برند، 1395؛ 5: 41-68.
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Artigas E.M., Vilches-Montero S. & Yrigoyen C.C. “Antecedents of tourism destination reputation: The mediating role of familiarity”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2015; 26: 147-152.
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Bagheri M, Shojaei P. Tayebi Khorami M. “A comparative survey of the condition of tourism infrastructure in Iranian provinces using VIKOR and TOPSIS”, Decision Science Letters, 2018; 7(1): 87-102.
Bandoi A., Jianu E., Enescu M., Axinte G., Tudor S. & Firoiu D. “The Relationship between Development of Tourism, Quality of Life, and Sustainable Performance in EU Countries”, Sustainability, 2020; 12 (1628): 1-24.
Bickford-Smith, V. “Creating a city of the tourist imagination: The case of Cape Town, the fairest cape of them all”, Urban Studies, 2009; 46(9): 1763-1785.
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Braun E. “Putting city branding into practice”, Journal of Brand Management, 2012; 19(4): 257-267.
Braun V. & Clarke V. “Teaching using Thematic Analysis”, In H.cooper, APA Handbook of Research Methods in psychology Voume2: Research Designs Qualitative, Neuropsychology and Biological (1st ed., PP. 57-71).Washington, DC: American psychological Association, 2006.
Braun V. ClarkeV. “Thematic analysis in: Michalos A.C, editore”, Encyclopaedia of Qualitativeof lifeand well –being research (6626-6628). Dorecht: Springer, 2014.
Braun E, Kavaratzis M. & Zenker S. “My city–my brand: the different roles of residents in place branding”, Journal of Place Management and Development, 2013; 6(1): 18-28.
Buhalis D. “Marketing the competitive destination of the future”, Tourism Management, 2000; 21(4): 97-116.
Campelo A., Aitken R., Thyne M. & Gnoth J. “Sense of place: The importance for destination branding”, Journal of Travel Research, 2014; 53 (2): 154-166.
Davis D.F., Golicic S.L. & Marquardt A.J. “Branding A B2b Service: Does A Brand Differentiate A Logistics Service Provider?”, Industrial Marketing Management, 2014; 37(2): 218–227.
Dey B., Mathew J. & Chee-Hua C. “Influence of destination attractiveness factors and travel motivations on rural homestay choice: the moderating role of need for uniqueness”, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2020; 12(4): 245-265.
Ekinci Y. & Hosany S. “Destination personality: an application of brand personality t tourism destinations”, Journal of Travel Research, 2006; 45(2): 127-139.
Eshuis J, Braun E. & Klijn E.H. “Bottlenecks in place marketing and their effects on attracting target groups”, Permanent Study Group: Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 2011; 28.
Freire J.R. “Local people: A critical dimension for place brand”, Journal of Brand Management, 2009; 16(7): 420-438.
Gertner D. “Unfolding and configuring two decades of research and publications on place marketing and place branding”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 2011; 7(2): 91-106.
Gertner D. & Kotler P. “How can a place correct a negative image?”, Place branding, 2004; 1(1): 50-57.
Hankinson G. “Relational network brands: Towards a conceptual model of place brands”, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 2004; 10(2): 109-121.
Hanna Sonya, Rowley Jennifer, “An Analysis of Terminology Use in Place Branding”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. 2008; 4(1): 61-75.
Hanna S. & Rowley J. “Towards a model of the place brand web”, Tourism Management, 2015; 48: 100-112.
Herington C., Merrilees B. & Wilkins H. “Preferences for destination attributes: differences between short and long breaks”, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 2013; 19(2): 149-163.
Hultman M., Skarmeas D., Oghazi P. & Beheshti H.M. “Achieving tourist loyalty through destination personality, satisfaction and identification”, Journal of Business Research, 2015; 21(00): 7772-7720.
Hwang Y.S., Kim H.S.H. & Yu C. “The empirical test on the impact of climate volatility on tourism demand: A case of Japanese tourists visiting Korea”, Sustainability, 2018; 10(10): 3569.
Johansson J. “Working with Events to build a Destination Brand Identity-the DMO Perspective”, Tourism Management thesis. Goteborg University, 2008.
Kapferer J.N. “The New Strategic Brand Management” 4th Edition London: Kogan Page, 2008; 124-131.
Kavaratzis, M. “From City Marketing to City Branding (An Interdiciplinary Analysis with Reference to Amsterdam, Budapest and Athens)”, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2008.
Kavaratzis M. & Ashworth G. “Place marketing: how did we get here and where are we going?”, Journal of Place Management and Development, 2008; 1(2): 150-165.
Kavaratzis M. “From city marketing to city branding: Towards a theoretical framework for developing city brands”, Place branding, 2004; 1(1): 58-73.
Kvale S. “Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing”, Thousand Oaks: sage publication Ltd, 1996.
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