The Elites Participation in cultural Policy
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Management
shiva moghaddam
Fatemeh Azizabadi Farahani
seyed reza salehi Amiri
1 - manager of the house of culture/farhangihonari
2 - Communications department Management Faculty Science and Research Universty(Islamic Azad University) Tehran-Iran
3 - IAU
Keywords: participation, Cultural Policy, Elite,
Abstract :
The origins of articipation of elites have been studied in the political and social realms, but the scope of culture is in a vacuum. Therefore, the factors influencing the participation of elites in cultural policy were studied from a social psychological point of view. The statistical population of the study was elite elite specialists, elite education experts and graduate students of elite centers. One hundred and three experts, senior experts and graduates of Sampad were selected through available sampling method. The "Exploration Interview" and the "Cultural Elite Census List" tool were used to collect information. Exploratory Factor Analysis was used to analyze quantitative data. The results are sequentially structured into two parts: a) strategies, b) policies. There were two strategies for participation: (a) "elite qualities" and (b) "administrative cultural system." The strategy of "elite attributes" embraced four policies: (1) national elite commitment, (2) professional elite expertise, (3) cultural elite qualities, (4) exploitation of cultural elites. The strategy of the "administrative-cultural system" also included two policies: (1) the adequacy of managers, and (2) public participation. In conclusion, the general conclusion is drawn in order to elucidate the areas of participation of elites in cultural policy regarding the observance of a particular administrative system, the national commitment of elites, attention to the identity of elites and the establishment of elite poles.
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