Identifying the Needs to Improve the International Status of Iranian Cinema
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Management
Reza MirMehrabi
Taher Roshandel Arbatani
Ali Akbar Farhangi
Ataallah Abtahi
1 - PhD Candidate, Department of Media Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Corresponding Author, Prof., Department of Media Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Prof., Faculty of Economics and Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Prof., Department of Media Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Assistant Prof., Department of Media Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Iranian Cinema, Cinema industry, international,
Abstract :
Findings: The results of the research showed that in order to improve the international status of Iranian cinema, four comprehensive and main factors including binding, platform-building, facilitating and restraining dimensions should be taken into consideration by relevant organizations. 1- The government's support for Iranian cinema, 2- Drafting the governing document of Iranian cinema, 3- Updating laws in the field of cinema, 4- Transformation in management structures and 5- Redefining the role of the government in the field of cinema; The platform dimension includes factors 1- creating an integrated structure in the cinema field, 2- strengthening the financial base in the cinema industry, 3- marketing and branding in the cinema field, 4- hardware and software development, 5- applying new financing methods, 6- changing the role of the government from undertaking to facilitation, 7- prioritizing the cinema economy and 8- institutional and structural reforms, the facilitating dimension including factors 1- internal and external interaction and synergy in the field of cinema, 2- strengthening cultural diplomacy in International level, 3- Creating discourse and culture of Iranian cinema in the world, 4- Strengthening the power components in the cultural field, 5- Using digital platforms, 6- Promoting specialization, 7- Adapting films to the target audience, 8- Definition of business models in the field of cinema.