Atride Stirling theme analysis workshop in analyzing the indicators of the smart city governance model based on urban justice with the approach of electronic participation Abstract
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
ahmadreza kasrai
Horiya Abidpur
mohammad ali keramati
hasan mehrmanesh
1 - Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Information Technology Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: AtrideStirling theme analysis, smart city governance, urban justice, e-participation,
Abstract :
The current research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the indicators of the smart city governance model based on urban justice with the approach of electronic participation. The participants of this research were municipal managers and urban planners with a teaching experience of at least 15 years and a master's degree or higher. The selection of people was done by purposive sampling with the criterion of teaching experience in the elementary education period. Sampling was done with the participation of 18 experts. The data collection tool consisted of two parts, 1- examination and exploration of upstream documents, urban planning documents in the library section, 2- semi-structured interview in the field section, where the semi-structured interview with the participants continued until the theoretical saturation stage. To analyze the qualitative data, the theme analysis method based on the Atreide-Sterling model was used. In order to ensure validity, the interview questions were approved by 3 experienced urban planning and management experts, 1 of whom had a master's degree and 2 had a doctorate. And in order to measure reliability, Krippendorf's alpha coefficient was used, which was confirmed. ATLASTI software is used in the theme analysis. The results of the factor analysis show that among the 176 indicators (items) available, 33 basic themes can be identified and 9 categories of constructive themes have been obtained. The 9 first-level themes identified are: smart governance, smart interaction, smart sustainability, public and private sector cooperation, knowledge integration, smart innovation support, smart infrastructure, smart