The study of Interactional Anomie and problematic of virtual social capital in the transition from the Corona era (a case study of Instagram users)
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development StudiesAhmad Moazzeni 1 , elham zadmehr 2
1 - Assistance professor, Department of social sciences, payaame noor university, Tehran, Iran
2 - Master's degree student, Department of Social Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Interactional Anomie, online social capital, offline social capital, problematic, bridging ties,
Abstract :
This research has studied the interactional anomie in Corona era and its relationship with online andoffline social capital of users. Emphasis on weak ties, within the framework of social capital theory in the onlineand offline space in the conditions of interactional crisis with a problematic approach has shaped the conceptualframework. In this research, problematic refers to the issue of how and in what mechanism the virtual spaceboth connects and breaks social interactions. The research was carried out by surveying and distributing anonline questionnaire among 376 Instagram users in the form of available sampling. The most important aim ofresearch is to study the social interactions based on social capital in the era of Corona and whether Instagramsocial media has been able to create a kind of linking social capital in interactional anomie? The indicate thatonline and offline social capital of users is lower than the average of the society, In other words, like the resultsof many researches, social capital has been eroded in Iran, but the quality of using Instagram has been able toaffect the increase and creation of linking social capital.
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- H., Zahraei, M. (2017). Studying the amount of social capital of Iranian Instagram users. Social Cultural Knowledge, 36, 55-66.
- Ahmadi, Moradi, S. (2018). social capital (online and offline) and citizenship culture. social sciences, 81, 101-133.
- Khadirzadeh, Shadi, N (2016). Facebook and Social Capital; A Survey Study of Users of Facebook among Youth on Piranshahr, socio-cultural research journal of rahbord. 6th year, 22nd issue, 206-177.
- - Kazemi, A. (2019.) Sociological outlook at the coronaization of Iranian society, collection of articles on Corona and Iranian society, social and cultural aspect, Tehran: Institute for Research of Culture, Art and Communication, 69-77.
- Khaniki, H. (2019). Far from each other and together, an image of the networking of corona communications, a collection of articles on Corona and Iranian society, social and cultural aspect, Tehran: Institute for Research of Culture, Art and Communication, 59-67.
- Moeed Far, S. (2019). Corona is an opportunity to construct a social problem, a collection of articles on Corona and Iranian society, social and cultural aspect, Tehran: Institute for Research of Culture, Art and Communication, 13-24.
- Moeed Far, S. (2016). Sociology of Social problem, Tehran, Noor Alm.
- Noghani, M. Chakhzarin, M (2012). Investigating the effect of Facebook on bonding and bridging social capital among young people. Sociological Studies of Youth, 4(12), 188-173.
- h, Zare M. (2020). Redefining social capital in the virtual arena. Islam and social studies, vol 7, issue 26, 114-135.
- Yar Mohammadi, M., Sahrai, M. (2017) Sociological study of the relationship between social networks and social capital, Radio Television Quarterly, 10 (23), 121-151.
- Aldrich, D. (2020) Cultivating social ties in the age of physical distancing. PUBLISHED ON 07 APR, in UNDRR.
- l, Balibar E. (1970). Reading capital, translated by: Ben Brewster, copyrights NlB.
- Lieberman, A. & Schroeder, J. (2020) Increasing Social Connection While “Social Distancing”.87-95.
- Pinho, J. C. (2013). The e‐SOCAPIT scale: a multi‐item instrument for measuring online social capital. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing. 7 No. 3.216-235.
- Roberts, kathrin (2014). Convenience sampling through facebook.SAGE
- Romania, Vincenzo (2020) Interactional Anomie? Imaging Social Distance after COVID-19: A Goffmanian Perspective, Sociologica. V.14 N.1 .p:51-66.
- Varshney, L. R., & Socher, R. (2020). COVID-19 growth rate decreases with social capital. medRxiv. 1-11.
- Williams, D. (2006). On and off the’Net: Scales for social capital in an online era. Journal of computer-mediated communication, 11(2), 593-628.
- Wu, C. (2021). Social capital and COVID-19: a multidimensional and multilevel approach. Chinese Sociological Review, 53(1), 27-54.