Hick’s Theodicy and Criticism of Davis and Davies
Subject Areas : Philosophy
1 - ندارد
Keywords: Soul-making, Pain and Suffering, Evolution, Disteleological,
Abstract :
The theodicy of John Hick under the name of “Soul-Making” is one ofthe famous solutions to the problem of evil. It has been borrowed fromIrenaeus. Hick believes that God has created a lot of evils in this worldand Man in dealing with life and world’s evils, has attained goodnessby confronting with them and becomes like Jesus. Hick’s opinion hasbeen criticized by two contemporary philosophers; Stephen T. Davisand Brian Davis. They say that Hick is not right. In fact, they say that ifman becomes more spiritual and moral entity during the process of life,consequently, modern people must be more spiritual and moral thantheir ancestors, but this has never been true. And again some sufferings,in other words disteleological sufferings, not only do they have anyuseful effect, but, on the contrary they have opposite result.
- هیک، جان، فلسفه دین، ترجمه بهزاد سالکی، انتشارات بین المللی الهدی، تهران، 1376ش.
- همو، بعد پنجم، کاووشی در قلمرو روحانی، ترجمه بهزاد سالکی، انتشارات قصیده سرا، تهران، 1382ش.
- جهانشاهی، عالیه، صفات خدا در ادیان توحیدی، انتشارات سمیع، تهران، 1387ش.
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