The Manifestation of the Truth [= Haq] in Hierarchical Degrees of Being in Mowlana's Views
Subject Areas : Philosophy
1 - ندارد
Keywords: the manifestation, hierarchical degrees of being, Cosmology, mysticism,
Abstract :
One of the most debated concepts within mysticism and Sufism is theconcept of the manifestation of the Truth (as the Principle of being) inHierarchical Degrees of Being from the archangelic to the material.Mysticism deals with the manifestation as a science of the cosmos inrelation to the Truth and as a form of knowledge that guides humanbeings, being situated in the confines of cosmic existence, to theMetacosmic Reality. Therefore, the Truth and all levels of themanifestation make the pantheistic point of view which dominates over allmystical perspectives, so that one might say that mysticism is dominatedby two basic doctrines of the transcendent unity of being and the PerfectMan. One of the greatest poets of the Persian language, that is, MowlanaJalaleddin Balkhi began to versify wisely and systematically certainaspects of Sufi doctrine.Thus, this paper mainly deals with the nature of the manifestation of theTruth and how it relates to the Perfect Man. This study also tries to throwsome light on Mowlana's concept of the manifestation of the Truth. So, itcan show how human being is really grown in maturity as he attains thedeep understanding of the manifestation through sincerity in obeying God.The spiritual journey as an esoteric interpretation of the manifestation ofthe Truth is to lead man from the state of ignorance to one of illuminationand true awareness. Therefore, the first part of this paper contains theexplanation of some characteristics of the manifestation of the Truth andhistorical approaches of Islamic philosophers such as Ibn Sina, and al-Suhrawardi as well as Ibn Arabi’s view. The second part developsMowlavi's theory of the manifestation of the Truth, background of whichhas been prepared in the first part.