Measuring the satisfaction of the quality of the residential environment from the point of view of the residents of Mehr Housing with emphasis on the physical-visual dimension(case study: Ardabil city)
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studies
Elham Nouri Imani
Asghar Malak Fazli
ahmad saeidnia
1 - PhD Student of Urban Planing, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch
2 - Faculty of Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch
3 - ostad
Keywords: Mehr Housing, Satisfaction, Physical, visual, Ardabil,
Abstract :
Introduction and purpose of the research: In this study, while measuring the satisfaction of the quality of the residential environment, it is tried to examine the feedback of Mehr housing policy in various dimensions, including the physical dimension of incompatibility and appropriateness of spatial features and the distance of these sites from the center. The city of Ardabil, which itself needs costly and long-term infrastructure, as well as the social problems of the Mehr Housing Project in Ardabil, which did not have a special social context due to its remoteness from the city. Attention has been paid to the social fabric of its inhabitants and the social damage caused to it, and it has lacked an urban identity. Method: The research method in this research is based on descriptive-analytical and survey method according to the nature of the work. The main focus of this research is applied. The statistical population is the residents of Mehr housing complexes in Ardabil. According to the Cochran's formula, 374 samples were selected and distributed based on simple random method. Results: The findings showed that the physical dimension with an average of 3.014 and the visual dimension with an average of 3.076 is optimal. Conclusion: The results of the forthcoming research show that the level of satisfaction with the quality of Mehr housing has been evaluated at a moderate to high level. It should be noted that creating the necessary grounds for strengthening the participation of residents in managing the affairs of their residential neighborhood, creating grounds for strengthening social interactions and strengthening the sense of belonging to the place are effective aspects of increasing residential quality that should be given serious attention.
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