Leveling of Kashan City Areas Based on the Amount of Smart City Indicators
Subject Areas : Urban Management Studies
Mahdi Ebrahimi
Maryam Pakar
javad Samaninejad
1 - Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University,
Central Tehran, Iran mahdebrahimi@yahoo.com (Corresponding Author
2 - Master of Geography and Urban maryampakar2412@gmail.com
3 - Master of Geography and Urban Planning samani.javad@yahoo.com
Keywords: Smart City Index, urban areas, Kashan,
Abstract :
Introduction & Objective: One of the important concepts in the field of new urban planning is smart City development, which combines the benefits of using digital technologies in the life, activity and management of the urban environment. The present article seeks to study and level the areas of Kashan city based on the level of smart city indicators.Method: This article is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature, in which indicators are examined both objectively and Subjectively. The indicators used in this article are based on a review of the background of the subject, including smart dynamics, smart economy, smart environment, smart governance, smart life and smart citizen. In the subjective dimension, the questionnaire method was used and in the objective dimension, the statistics of the responsible centers were used. Questionnaire data were collected and classified using stratified random sampling method and objective data were analyzed using TOPSIS technique and entropy weighting method.Findings: The general results of the studies show that there is a clear difference between the regions of Kashan in terms of having smart city indicators, among which regions 2 and 4 have a more favorable situation and region 5 has a more unfavorable situation. Regression analysis indicates that the smart life index with a beta coefficient of 0.68 is more effective in creating a smart city than other indicators and Pearson correlation analysis shows that there is a positive and significant relationship between this index and other indicators.Conclusion: Regarding the development of Kashan city based on smart city indicators, it is necessary to pay special attention to low-ranking areas.
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