Design of Model for Agricultural Land Use with Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihood in Kahak County of Qom Province
Subject Areas : Agricultural Extension and Education Researchseyed mojtaba monzavi 1 , seyed mehdi Mirdamadi 2 , Seyed Jamal F.Hosseini 3 , , Samad Rahimi Soureh 4
1 - Ph.D. in Agricultural Development, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Agricultural Development, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor of Agricultural Extension and Education, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Faculty Member of Institute for Agricultural Plants and Rural Development Studies, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: agricultural land use, Sustainable Livelihood, Kahak region,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to “Design an Optimal Pattern of Agricultural Land use in the KahakRegion of the Qom Province”. This research as far as goal is an applied research, with descriptive -survey methods to achieve the facts. Dependent variable in this research was “pattern of agricultural lands use” and independent variables are consisted: social, economic, environmental (natural) variables and individual characteristics variables. The study population of the research included all landowner farmers of the Kahak in Qom Province. According to the statistics, the study populations are 2010 individuals. The sample numbers are determined by Cochran formula which is 322 samples in this research. The required information was collected by questionnaire and analyzed by using AMOS software and SPSS20. The design of the model based on structural equations indicated that, economic and environmental factors have positive effect on the optimal pattern of objected agricultural land use with errors around one percent. But latent variable social factors had no effect on the land use pattern. Land use pattern, the correlation coefficient between economic factors variables and environmental factors variables was 0.79 and 0.44 respectively. Also based on the results, 76% of variance differences of land optimal model were defined by social, economic and environmental factors.
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