Search of Tash-like nucleotide sequence(s) in Iranian ovine theileria genomes
Subject Areas : Journal of Comparative Pathobiology
حمیدرضا موسویان
حمیدرضا حدادزاده
پروانه خضرائی نیا
بهرام کاظمی
مژگان بنده پور
مهدی نام آوری
آمنه کوچکی
1 - ندارد
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Keywords: Theileria Lestoquardi, Theileria Ovis, Tash like Sequences,
Abstract :
Theileria lestoquardi and Theileria ovis are the causative agents of ovine theileriosis in Iran. Thedisease severity and the outcomes of these two species are completely different. Theilerialestoquardi unlike Theileria ovis, causes a severe disease with a high morbidity and mortalityrate called ovine and caprine malignant theileriosis. The pathogenicity aspects of T.lestoquardiare poorly understood. Many studies have investigated the pathogen molecules of Theileriaannulata and Theileria parva involved in both host cell transformation and proliferation. Tash(Theileria annulata schizont) pathogens proteins in theileria annulata are secrotome proteins,synthesized in schizont stage, located to parasite and host cell nucleus and are related to parasitepathogenicity. In the present study, multiple primers were designed based on Tash genes and thepresence of Tash-like sequence in Theileria lestoquardi and Theileria ovis genomes wereassessed. A 420 bp nucleotide sequene in T.Lestoquardi which was very similar to TashHN intheileria annulata was identified. This is the first report of a Theilerial lestoquardi sequence thatwould appear related to pathogenecity of malignant theileriosis in sheep.