Study the frequency of Theileria, Babesia and Annapalsma infections from cattle in Alborz province using microscopic examination and PCR
Subject Areas : Journal of Comparative Pathobiology
Mohammad Abdoli
, L Abdolmohammadi Khiav
1 - Department anaerobic bacterial vaccine Production and Research, Clostridia Research laboratory, Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of anaerobic bacterial vaccine Production and Research, Clostridia Research laboratory, Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Alborz province, Anaplasma, Babesia, Cattle, Theileria Annulata,
Abstract :
Anaplasmosis, babesiosis and theileriosis is parasitic diseases that can cause significant damage to the livestock industry. Despite the importance of the pathogenicity of theileriosis, babesiosis and anaplasmosis in large animal populations, in Iran, studies have been performed mainly on small ruminants. So, the aim of this study was to the diagnosis of the frequency of Theileria, Babesia and Annapalsma infections from cattle in Alborz province using microscopic examination and PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). For this purpose, out of 130 dairy cattle were taken blood samples and stained with Giemsa dye. Positive smear samples were incorporated for molecular detection. DNA was extracted from blood samples with phenol-chloroform and performed PCR using 18S rRNA, 16S rRNA and TamS primers to identify of the genus and species. The results of this study showed that frequency of piroplasmic form was observed in 9.23% of cases. The 18S rRNA PCR findings revealed 5.38%, were confirmed infection with Theileria and Babesia. Also, Tams1 PCR results were indicated Theileria anulata infection in all cases. 16S rRNA PCR was detected in 3.85% for Anaplasma. No case of Babesia was observed. Considering the cases of infection with T. anulata and Babesia and the importance of some species of Babesia, the importance of further studies to evaluate these diseases in order to improve the livestock industry seems necessary.
18- Khamesipour F, Doosti A, Koohi A, Chehelgerdi M, Mokhtari-Farsani A, Chengula AA. Determination of the presence of Babesia species in blood samples of cattle, camel and sheep in Iran by PCR. Archives of Biological Sciences. 2015;67 (1):83-90.