Changing the Atterberg’s limits and water retention characteristics of a loess soil containing Montmorillonite nanoclay
Subject Areas : Farm water management with the aim of improving irrigation management indicators
Zahra Dravish eivari
soheila Ebrahimi
seyed alireza movahedi naeini
Mahdi Zakeri nia
1 - MSc Graduated of Soil Science, Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Soil Science, Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and
Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor of Soil Science, Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and
Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
4 - Associate Professor of Water Science, Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural
Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
Keywords: plasticity index, Atterberg limit, loesses, Soil water retention curve, Nanoclay,
Abstract :
Soil improvement in loess soils, due to susceptibility to erosion, can increase strength, resistance and change or modify their mechanical properties. The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in soil moisture curve parameters and some mechanical indices of loamy sand soils containing montmorillonite nanoclay. Thus, soil water retention was investigated by applying 1 and 5% of nanoclay and water holding capacity in soil was investigate by VanGenukhten and Brooks-Corey models. Then mechanical properties of soil was investigated by measuring Atterberg limits and how they change. Both experiments were re-evaluated over time. Nanoclay had a significant effect on water retention in various moisture suction systems and increased volumetric moisture content, especially in low suction. It also increased the fine porosity at the air entry value, indicating a decrease in the rate of water drainage from soil and increased its storage capacity in losses soil. Increasing the amount of nanoclay led to increase in Θs, but the change in Θr was not significant. As nanoclay increased, α and n parameters decreased, respectively. Predicting the parameters of the moisture curve equation using VanGenukhten model showed better results. Liquid and plasticity limits of the soil also increased. However, the increase in the amount of liquid limit was higher and the soil plasticity index increased. The increase in the surface area and the ability to maintain water by the clays and their shear strength can be due to this fact. Monitoring of atterberg and moisture curve parameters over time indicated their persistence.
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