Investigating the Effect of Meteorological Parameters on Heavy Rainfall Events in Different Climates of Iran using Quantile Regression
Subject Areas : Water resources management
Sedigheh Bararkhanpour Ahmadi
Mohammad Ali Gholami Sefidkouhi
Mojtaba Khoshravesh
1 - PhD student of Agricultural Meteorology, Water Engineering Department, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Water Engineering Department, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Water Engineering Department, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran
Keywords: Quantile regression, Climatic Parameters, Extreme Values, Precipitation, Trend,
Abstract :
Background and Aim: Climate changes caused by the progress and industrialization of human societies have caused changes in the intensity and frequency of heavy precipitation and floods, which have caused irreparable damages. In order to reduce these damages, it is necessary to identify the changes in the threshold values of precipitation and factors affecting it each region. Quantile regression methods are able to examine the trends not only in the median, but also in different ranges of the data series. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the seasonal trend of different amounts of precipitation and also to investigate the relationship between the climatic parameters of minimum temperature, maximum temperature, minimum relative humidity, maximum relative humidity and wind speed on different amounts of precipitation in different climates of Iran. Method: In the first step, the daily time series of climate data including precipitation, minimum and maximum temperature, minimum and maximum relative humidity and wind speed for a period of 45 years in different seasons for 5 synoptic stations of Babolsar, Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, Khorram Abad and Torbat Heydarieh were formed. In the selection of study stations, we tried to select stations with different climates and with appropriate statistical period. Then, to investigate the trend of seasonal changes of different amounts of precipitation in different quantiles (quantiles 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95 and 0.99) was analyzed using the quantile regression method in all study stations. In the next step, the relationship between the climatic parameters on different amounts of precipitation (low to very high amounts of precipitation) in different seasons was investigated for each of the stations using the quantile regression method. Then the results were analyzed. Results: The results of examining the changes trend of daily precipitation are showed that the high amounts of precipitation in the spring season in Bandar Abbas, Shiraz, and Torbat Heydarieh stations were reduced significantly, but very high amounts of precipitation (0.95 and 0.99 troughs) in the station Babolsar and Khorramabad have increased. Also, very high daily precipitation amounts in summer have decreased in Bandar Abbas station but increased in Torbat Heydarieh and Khorram Abad stations, significantly. While in the winter season, different amounts of precipitation in all seasons have a decreasing trend and there was only a significant positive slope in very high amounts of precipitation (slope of 0.99) in Babolsar station. In the investigation of the parameters affecting the extreme precipitation, the results showed that the amount of impact on the occurrence of heavy rainfall was relatively higher than low to median rainfall. The parameters of minimum temperature, minimum humidity, maximum humidity and wind speed have a positive effect and the maximum temperature parameter has a negative effect on heavy rainfall in different seasons and stations. The highest positive effect coefficients were in spring for wind speed in Babolsar (1.8), in summer for wind speed in Babolsar (3.8), minimum and maximum temperature in Bandar Abbas (-4.03 and 1.53), in Autumn season for maximum humidity and wind speed in Babolsar (2.57 and 2.99) and wind speed in Khorram Abad (1.54) and in winter, for wind speed in Babolsar and Bandar Abbas (1.94 and 6. 2), and minimum temperature in Torbat Heydarieh (0.96). Also, the highest negative effect coefficients of maximum temperature were in autumn and winter seasons (-0.88 and -0.72) in Babolsar and autumn season (-0.63) in Shiraz. Conclusion: The significant changes in increasing and decreasing precipitation are mostly related to the amounts of heavy precipitation, which are different in different seasons and climates. Also, the precipitation of the stations near the north and south coasts have been influenced by climatic parameters to a greater extent. In general, it can be said that flood precipitations are influenced by climatic parameters such as wind speed, humidity and temperature in order of importance and this effect is different depending on the location and time and the influence of different factors. Therefore, it is necessary to apply accurate planning for the correct use of received rainfall and optimal management in the target area using the results of such studies.
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