"Investigation of the relationship of al-Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyah with ProphetMuhammad in the school of Ibn Arabi based on the interpretation of the comme
Subject Areas : Sufism
seyedeh zahra Mousavi baygi
Seyyed Mortaza Hosseini Shahrudi
Abbas javareshkian
1 - Ph.D student of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
2 - Professor at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
3 - Professor at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Keywords: the first appearance, Ibn Arabi, The Prophet Muhammad, The truth of Muhammadiyah,
Abstract :
One of the basic topics in theoretical mysticism and especially in Muhyiddin'sreadingisthe question of the truth of Muhammad.Becauseof the mediationof this all-encompassingtruth, between therightand the people, he has a relationshipwith the right and a relationshipwith the people.The connectionbetweentheMuhammadan truth and creation canbe examined fromvarious dimensions,one of the most important of which inIbn Arabi's thought can be considered the connectionbetween the MuhammadantruthandMuhammad,thelast prophet of God.The current study,whichis written in analytical way, triesto answer the question,"What is therelationship between Muhammad'struth and Muhammad inthe Muhyiddin school?"Is the Prophetmanifestationof the progress of the Muhammadan truth or is he the physicaland at the same timeuniquemanifestationof thisall-encompassing truth? Basedon the author's induction,despite the existence ofnumerousreferencesto theanswer to the above-mentioned question in the worksof the Sheikhand his first-classcommentators, there is noclarification on this matter,but in the worksof hislate followers,two different viewshave beenpresented;Some believe that the relationshipbetween theMuhammadan truth and the ProphetMuhammadisanexclusiverelationship, while another groupbelieves that the Muhammadantruth has manyexamples and,accordingly,itsphysical manifestation isnot exclusive to the Prophet Muhammad.The result of the investigations carried out in this research is that, based on the expressions of Ibn Arabi,theSheikh'sviewshould be considered as the first reading, that is, the existence of a special and exclusive relationship betweentheMuhammadan truth and the last prophet.