A Glance at the Concept of the Guru in Hindu Mysticism from the Ŝankara's Point of View
Subject Areas : Indian religions
Maryam Bagherzadeh
Fatemeh Lajevardi
ابوالفضل Mahmoudi
1 - Kashan
2 - Department of Theology and Philosophy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran, Iran
3 - Teacher
Keywords: Guru, Hindu Mysticism, Ŝankara, Disciple, Path, Mystical journey,
Abstract :
The Guru in Hindu mysticism is a master who has traversed the spiritual stages, has struggled through its difficult levels and attained the highest level of spiritual insight, namely, the mokśa. In Hindu monastic orders, the Guru is the incarnation of God, tradition, teachings, the path and the mediator of the divine grace that gives birth to the tradition. He is the source of the new spiritual life, the center of holiness, and the mediator of the seeker with supreme power. Accordingly, his role is significant in the education of the disciples, and being obedient to him is obligatory. He can take the guidance of someone who intends to follow the path, pass him through difficult journey, until he reaches to ultimate truth. Therefore, it is important to examine the role of Guru in order to explain the mystical journey in these traditions. In this study, the concept of Guru has been surveyed in Hindu texts especially from the Ŝankara's point of view.