The Symbol of Height in Religions
Subject Areas : Christianity
فاطمه لاجوردی
حکیمه طالش بابایی
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Symbol, Symbolism, Myth, height, sky, mountain, Transcendence,
Abstract :
Symbol is one of the means that leads to cognition and is the mostfundamental way of expressing the ideas which without symbolismthey cannot be revealed. Therefore, symbols fulfill a prominentfunction in the area of religious ideas. Religious traditions are full ofmyths and in this sphere only the symbolic language could be useful. Inother words, symbol is the language of the myth. Among the religioussymbols Height is one that has played an important role from theprimitive age until now. It has always been identified with a kind ofvalue that connects human’s mind to superiority, transcendence anddivinity. This article firstly tries to survey the concept of symbol andsymbolism and then the function of it in the area of religion and myth.Finally it studies the symbol of Height and its major manifestationssuch as sky and mountain.