Typology of Sufi-Hindu Relationship from Medieval Period up to Mughal Empire
Subject Areas : Christianity
Mohammad Montazeri
Shahram Pazouki
Mahmoodreza Esfandiar
1 - Department of Comparative Religions and Mysticism Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University of Shar-e-Rey, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor
3 - Associate professor
Keywords: Sufism in India, Hinduism, Indian subcontinent, Medieval period, Mughal Empire,
Abstract :
Reconstructing the frames of Sufism's approach towards Hinduism in the Indian Subcontinent is what this paper aims for. Sufism over the course of time influenced Hindu ideas and was itself immensely influenced by Hinduism. Sufi Muslims' relationship with Hindus took a variety of forms based on the historical moment, place, and the specific currents within the Islamic civilization with which they were influenced. Generally, these relations put Muslim Sufis somewhere within “orthodox,” “philosophical,” and “popular” schools of thought within Sufism. In a broader scheme, these schools appear in six different types each with particular historical instances of its own. We can calibrate these relations to one of the following types: “comparison,” “interaction,” “conversion,” “assimilation,” “Affirmation,” and “confrontation”. This study will categorize these six types with the aid of historical evidence. This research examines the era between the third to the tenth century AH, during which Muslim Sufis remarkably thrived in the Indian Subcontinent.
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