Environmental Design of Civic Wastes Location, with Emphasis on Ecological Landscape Design (Case study: Kahrizak landfill of Tehran)
Subject Areas : Environmental acricultureseyed fazel ghazavi 1 , fereshteh habib 2 , Sara Nahibi 3
1 - M.Sc., Graguated in Environmental Design Engineering, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Pardis Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Design Engineering, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Phytoremediation, landfill design, ecological design approach, municipal solid wastes. Environmental landscape design, Ecological Landscape, Industrial site,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Landfills cause environmental degradation and pollution by producing greenhouse gases such as methane and carbon dioxide and producing leachate as well as contaminating surface and ground water. Recently, the ecological design approach as a framework for reducing environmental degradation by adapting municipal solid waste management to environmental processes is expanding widely. Ecological design strives to maximize comfort by minimizing damage to the environment and natural processes while enhancing people's quality of life. Ecological design strives to adapt to nature through the use of natural materials as well as environmental considerations.Method: In the present study, according to the definition of sustainable design and understanding its applications, in order to achieve the best, most complete and practical design for the site in question, existing maps of the area, including aerial maps, topography , GIS, vegetation, upstream maps, site development plans, survey of active sites in Landfill, survey of contaminant types, study of COD and BOD indices of the site have been studied, as well as review and identification of existing status (Environmental, Physical, Climatic, Landscape, Land Use, Transportation, Biological) through observation, photography and interviewing strategic design of this area is provided with ecological-based approach by site staff and residents of neighboring neighborhoods in accordance with the principles and principles governing the design of industrial environments.Findings: The existing plan prevents contamination of groundwater levels and prevents contaminated surrounding urban areas and agricultural lands. Restoration of damaged parts of the landfill, reduction of the risk of contamination by animals and noise pollution and unpleasant odors and its release into the atmosphere. The landfill is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the country through biogas production from landfill gas collection and reduction of fossil fuel use. By collecting and using Landfill gases as fuel and power generation, the rate of emissions to the atmosphere is reduced. Maximum use of biogas is due to the greater use of digesters.Discussion & Conclusion: Design criteria are mainly based on existing constraints and needs and make the designer's policy clearer and significantly help in locating applications. Applying these criteria will help to enhance opportunities and take advantage of existing opportunities and make the project less threatening. After developing the strategies, designing from different perspectives is done to finally select the best plan for implementation by reviewing the concepts and comparing them with each other and in accordance with international standards. At the end of the study, the three concepts are finally selected and after examining these three concepts together, the winning concept is selected for the execution phase. Landfill is an inevitable step in waste management. In today's growing population, landfill has become an integral part of communities, but landfills should not be used as a last resort, but rather as a mean to create new uses for it. Converting landfills to recreational uses while also providing a pleasant place to meet the recreational and sporting needs of the area's inhabitants. Human landfill contaminates the area and destroys many animals and causes major disturbance in nature. Brings to enhance the quality of the landfills and with as the landfill site becomes more prone to disruption, it is necessary to look at the area as a demolished mosaic and take steps to repair it.
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- Walsh, I.J, Conad, B.T., Stubing, H.D., and Vogt, W.G., (1988) ; Control of volatile organic compound emissions at a landfill site in Newyork,A community perspective.,Waste management & Research, No.6, pp: 33-34.
- Pour Jafar, Mohammad Reza. Khodaei, Zahra. Porkhiri, Ali. 2011, An Analytical Approach to Understanding the Components, Indicators and Challenges of Sustainable Urban Development, Iranian Journal of Social Development Studies, Third Year, No. 3. (In Persian)
- Scott, J., Beydoun, D., Amal, R., low, G. and Cattle, J. 2005. Landfill Management, Leachate generation, and Leach testing of Solid Wastes in Australia and Overseas. Critical Reviewe in Environmental Science and Technology
- Botkin, Keller. 2004. Environmental Science: Earth as ac Living Plant
- Hickling. 1994. Options for managing emissions from solid waste landfills. Ottawa, ON: Environment Canadda, Solid Waste Management Division, Environmental Protection Service
- Sophie Shafi, Andrew Sweetman, Rupert L Hough, Richard Smith, Alan Rosevear, Simon JT pollard. 2006. Evaluating fugacity models for trace components in landfill gas., Environmental pollution 144(3), 1013-1023.
- Licht, L.A., Isebrands, J. G., 2005. Linking phytoremediated pollutant removal to biomass economic opportunities. Biomass and Bioenergy. 28, 2, pp.
- Nagendran et al. 2006. Phtoremediation and rehabilitation of municipal solid waste landfills and dumpsites: A brief review, Waste Management 26.
- Racine, J.S. 2012, Rstudio: A Platform-independent Ide for R and Sweave., Jurnal of Applied Econometrics.
- Jacqualyn L. et al, 2012. A framework for sustainable whole systems design
- Mahmoudi, Mahnaz. Assadollahi, Shokouh al-Sadat. Principles of Energy Sustainability in Architecture. Tahan Publishing. 1396. (In Persian)
- McLennan, Jason F. 2004. The Philosophy of Sustainable Design
- Makhzoumi, J and Pungetti, G, (1999), Ecological landscape design and planning,E&F.N.Spen press, London, Uk Makhzoumi, J. and Pungetti, G. (1999) Ecological Landscape Design and Planning: The Mediterranean context. E & FN Spon: London
- Richard, T. Forman, T. 2008. Urban Regions., Ecology and Planning Beyond the City. Cambridge University Press
- Hart, S., Banbury, C. 1994. How strategy-making processes can make a difference. Strategic management Journal, Vol 15, Issue 4
- Justin, M.Z., Pajk, N., Zupanc, V., & Zupancic , M. (2010).Phytoremediation of landfill leachate and compost wastewater by irrigation of Populus and Salix: Biomass and growth response, Waste Management ,30, 1032-1042
- Zhu N., 2007: Effect of low initial C/N ratio on aerobic composting of swine manure with rice straw. Bioresource Technology 98, 9-13.
- Zaman, U.A, Lehmann, S, (2011). Urban growth and waste management optimization towards ‘zero waste city’.City, Culture and Society 2- 177–187
- Xiaoli ,C, Xin ,Z, Ziyang,L,Shimaoka,T,Nakayama,H,Xianyan,C,Youcai,Z, (2011)Characteristics of vegetation and its relationship with landfill gas in closed landfill, biomass and bioenergy 35 ( 2011 ) 1295e1301
- Wojciechowska,E, Magdalena Gajewska, M, Hanna Obarska-Pempkowiak,H.O,(2010) ,Treatment of Landfill Leachate by Constructed Wetlands: Three Case Studies.Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology,Narutowicza 11/12, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland
- Tinmaz E, Demir I , (2006), Research on Solid waste management system: to improve existing situation in Corlu Town of Turkey, Trakya University,26(3):307-14.
- Trebouet D., Schlumpf J.P., Jaounen P., and Quemeneuer F. (2001), Stabilized landfill leachate treatment by combined physicochemical-nanofiltration process. Water Research, 35(12): 2935-2942.
- U.S Environmental protection Agency “composting yard and municipal solid waste”1994
- United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Agenda 21*/an Action Plan for the Next Century. United Nations. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 1992.
- US EPA”User’s manual: Landfill Air Emissions Estimation Model Version 1,1”prepared by Raios International,N.C.&Easern Research Group,N.C,September 1997.
- Venkatraman, K., Ashwath, N., 2009. Phytocapping: importance of tree selection and soil thickness. Water Air Soil Pollut. Focus 9, 421–430.
- Walsh, I.J, Conad, B.T., Stubing, H.D., and Vogt, W.G., (1988) ; Control of volatile organic compound emissions at a landfill site in Newyork,A community perspective.,Waste management & Research, No.6, pp: 33-34.