Determination of the Most Appropriate Recommended Route Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) of Forest Road Network Evaluation Criteria in Geographical Information System (GIS)
Subject Areas : natural resorcesAidin Parsakhoo 1 , Mehrsa Yazdani 2
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forest Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran * (Corresponding Author)
2 - M.Sc. Student, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forest Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
Keywords: Network evaluation criteria, Land suitability for passage, Road variants, GIS, SaadAbad–Naharkhoran plan,
Abstract :
Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to prepare the map of land suitability for passage in SaadAbad–Naharkhoran forestry plan, Golestan province and design the different variants of forest roads and choose the best one according to the amount of passage from land classes, openness percentage and surface distribution and modified tone-kilometer.Method: The map of land suitability for passage was produced. Then, two variants were designed on this map using PEGGER and the amount of passage from land classes was estimated. Openness percentage and dead zones was determined by the calculating road density and skidding line and creating buffer. In Surface distribution algorithm, the distance from geometrical center of compartments to roads was measured. Tone-kilometer of variants was calculated according to skidding correction factor and conversion coefficient of volume to weight. The best variant was chosen based on AHP. Findings: Results showed that existing road has passed from more suitability land as compared to other variants. Mean distance from geometric centers of compartment to first, second and existing variants were respectively 476.9, 480.3 and 428.8 m which indicates that existing road has better distribution. Maximum was recorded for first variant with amount of 82.3%. In tone-kilometer algorithm, each kilometer of existing road should bear 149.96 tones for extraction of woods from compartment. Existing road was better than two variants in terms of passage from suitability land, dead zone, surface distribution and ton-kilometer; so that after calculating the final weight it was determined that existing road is the best.Discussion and Conclusion: Besides considering all the criteria in evaluation of forest road network leads to more accurate understanding of the performance of each variant and choice the best one.
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- Havimo, M., Mönkönen, P., Lopatin, E., Dahlin, B. 2017. Optimizing forest road planning to maximse the mobilization of wood biomass resources in Northwest Russia. Journal of Biofuels, 8(4): 501-514.
- Hosseini, S.A., Mazrae, M.R., Lotfalian, M., Parsakhoo, A. 2012. Designing an optimal forest road network by consideration of environmental impacts in GIS. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 20: 58-66.
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- Puya, K., Majnounian, B., Feghhi, J., Lotfalian, M., Abdi E. The efficiency of Backmund method for evaluation of forest road networks with regard to capabilities of wheeled skidders in ground skidding method. Iranian Journal of Forest, 1(1): 35-42. (In Persian)
- Parsakhoo, A. 2016. Metric measurements for optimization of forest road network alternatives in GIS-based programs. Forest Science and Technology, 12(3): 153-161.
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- Puya, K., Majnounian, B., Feghhi, J., Lotfalian, M., Abdi E. The efficiency of Backmund method for evaluation of forest road networks with regard to capabilities of wheeled skidders in ground skidding method. Iranian Journal of Forest, 1(1): 35-42. (In Persian)
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- Majnounian, B, Abdi, E., and Darvishsefat, A.A. 2007. Planning and technical evaluating of forest road networks from accessibility point of view using GIS (Case study: Namkhane district, Kheyroud forest). Journal of the Iranian Natural Resources, 60(3): 907-919. (In Persian)
- Majnounian, B., Chegeni, M., Sobhani, H., Abdi, E. 2009. Determination of correction factor for skidding distances in mountainous forests of northern Iran (Case study: Patom District of Kheyroud Forest). Journal of Forest and Wood Products, 62(3): 313-323. (In Persian)
- Gumus, S.H., Acar, H., Tuksoy, D. 2007. Functional forest road network planning by consideration of environmental impact assessment for wood harvesting. Environment Assessment, 142: 109-116.
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- Handbook of Forestry Management Plan. 2005. SaadAbad–Naharkhoran forestry plan. Technical group in general office of the natural resources of Golestan, 200p.
- Imani, P., Najafi, A., Ghajar, E. 2012. Planning forest road alignment using a shortest path algorithm and geographic information system. Journal of Forest & Poplar Research, 20: 460-471. (In Persian)
- Lotfalian, M., Parsakhoo, A. 2012. Planning of forest road network. Ayiizh, 155p.
- Firouzan, A.H., Naghdi, R., Babapour, R., Hakimi Aubed, M. 2009. The importance of GIS in planning forest road network (Case study: Shafaroud). Biological Sciences Journal, 3(3): 57-63.
- Hasmadi, M.I., Pakhriazad, H.Z., Mohamed, F.S. 2010. Geographic information system-allocation model for forest path: A case study in Ayer Hitam forest reserve, Malaysia. American Journal of applied sciences, 7(3):376-380.
- Hayati, E., Abdi, E., Majnounian, B. 2013. Application of Sensitivity Analysis in Forest Road Networks Planning and Assessment. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, 15: 781-792.
- Havimo, M., Mönkönen, P., Lopatin, E., Dahlin, B. 2017. Optimizing forest road planning to maximse the mobilization of wood biomass resources in Northwest Russia. Journal of Biofuels, 8(4): 501-514.
- Hosseini, S.A., Mazrae, M.R., Lotfalian, M., Parsakhoo, A. 2012. Designing an optimal forest road network by consideration of environmental impacts in GIS. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 20: 58-66.
- Abdi, E., Majnounian, B., Darvishsefat, A., Mashayekhi, Z., Sessions, J. 2009. A GIS-MCE based model for forest road planning. Journal of Forest Science, 55 (4): 171-176.
- Mostafa, M., Raafatnia, N., Shataee, S., Ghazanfari, H. 2010. Forest road networks design in a multiple used forestry plan using GIS, Armardah forests of Baneh. Journal of Wood & Forest Science and Technology, 17(1): 129-133. (In Persian)
- Moradmand Jalali, A., Hosseini, S.A. 2009. Application of GIS in planning of forest road. Journal of Environmnetal Science and Technology, 22(1): 173-263.
- Najafi, A., Sobhani, H., Saeed, A., Makhdum, M., Mohajer, M.M. 2008. Planning and assessment of alternative forest road and skidding networks. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 29: 63-73.
- Puya, K., Majnounian, B., Feghhi, J., Lotfalian, M., Abdi E. The efficiency of Backmund method for evaluation of forest road networks with regard to capabilities of wheeled skidders in ground skidding method. Iranian Journal of Forest, 1(1): 35-42. (In Persian)
- Parsakhoo, A. 2016. Metric measurements for optimization of forest road network alternatives in GIS-based programs. Forest Science and Technology, 12(3): 153-161.
- Acar, H. 1997. Preparation of forest transport plans in mountainous regions Turkish. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 21: 201- 206.
- Puya, K., Majnounian, B., Feghhi, J., Lotfalian, M., Abdi E. The efficiency of Backmund method for evaluation of forest road networks with regard to capabilities of wheeled skidders in ground skidding method. Iranian Journal of Forest, 1(1): 35-42. (In Persian)
- Jourgholami, M., Abdi, E., Chung, W. 2013. Decision making in forest road planning considering both skidding and road costs: a case study in the Hyrcanian Forest in Iran. iForest, 6:59-64.
- Parinejad, H. 2014. Study of forest roads density in Hyrcanian forest (case study: Neka forest, Mazandaran province). Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 3: 151-155.
- Alizadeh, S.M., Majnounian, B., Darvishsefat, A.A. 2011. Possibility of designing and evaluation of forest road network variants using GIS and field investigations (Case study: Kheiroud Forest - Chelir District). Journal of Forest and Wood Products, 63(4): 399-408. (In Persian)
- Babapour,, Naghdi,R., Salehi,A. 2014. A decision support system for allocation of mountain forest roads based on ground stability. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 39(1): 199-205.
- Mohammadi Samani, K., Hosseini, S.A., Lotfalian, M., Najafi, A. 2010. Planning road network in mountain forests using GIS and Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP). Caspian Journal of Environmental Science, 8: 151-162.
- Gumus, S. 2001. Constitution of the forest road evaluation form for Turkish forestry. African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(20): 5389-5394.
- Majnounian, B, Abdi, E., and Darvishsefat, A.A. 2007. Planning and technical evaluating of forest road networks from accessibility point of view using GIS (Case study: Namkhane district, Kheyroud forest). Journal of the Iranian Natural Resources, 60(3): 907-919. (In Persian)
- Majnounian, B., Chegeni, M., Sobhani, H., Abdi, E. 2009. Determination of correction factor for skidding distances in mountainous forests of northern Iran (Case study: Patom District of Kheyroud Forest). Journal of Forest and Wood Products, 62(3): 313-323. (In Persian)
- Gumus, S.H., Acar, H., Tuksoy, D. 2007. Functional forest road network planning by consideration of environmental impact assessment for wood harvesting. Environment Assessment, 142: 109-116.
- Hadipour, M., Pour Ebrahim, S. 2013. Environmental management of urban transportation using modeling of fuel minimization in suitable routing by GIS. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 4(4): 407-418.
- Handbook of Forestry Management Plan. 2005. SaadAbad–Naharkhoran forestry plan. Technical group in general office of the natural resources of Golestan, 200p.
- Imani, P., Najafi, A., Ghajar, E. 2012. Planning forest road alignment using a shortest path algorithm and geographic information system. Journal of Forest & Poplar Research, 20: 460-471. (In Persian)
- Lotfalian, M., Parsakhoo, A. 2012. Planning of forest road network. Ayiizh, 155p.
- Firouzan, A.H., Naghdi, R., Babapour, R., Hakimi Aubed, M. 2009. The importance of GIS in planning forest road network (Case study: Shafaroud). Biological Sciences Journal, 3(3): 57-63.
- Hasmadi, M.I., Pakhriazad, H.Z., Mohamed, F.S. 2010. Geographic information system-allocation model for forest path: A case study in Ayer Hitam forest reserve, Malaysia. American Journal of applied sciences, 7(3):376-380.