Explaining Effective Parameters on the Employees' Priorities in the Daylighting Condition in Office Environments by Fuzzy Analysis Method
Subject Areas : Architecture and urbanismMorteza Maleki 1 , Samad Negintaji 2 , Zahra Zahirinia 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - PhD, Architecture, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Bachelor Degree of Architecture, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.
Keywords: Natural light, Desirability of the office environment, Fuzzy network analysis, Daylighting, Employee priorities,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: A good lighting condition in an office building, in terms of energy efficiency, is achievable through better use of natural light, but this requires consideration of all effective parameters. Therefore, providing the desirable daylighting in office environments that are based on the priorities of employees, is a necessity in terms of design and construction. Despite much research in this area, there is no comprehensive theoretical framework. The aim of this study is to achieve a comprehensive model in this regard.Method: At first, an analytical review of research related to the use of natural light in office buildings has been done. In this section, the meta-analysis method and comparison of the results of previous researches and the development of a theoretical model have been used. Then, by using the opinions of 15 experts - with experience in office space design - and fuzzy network analysis, the proposed variables and parameters in this theoretical model are tried to be prioritized. Findings: According to which, people's preferences in the three structures of employees' mental priorities over natural light and their priorities in relation to the required lighting efficiency and in relation to lighting control equipment can be summarized. In addition, the most important components affecting the determination and limitation of these priorities are stated.Discussion and Conclusion: The results of fuzzy analysis of the components obtained from the mentioned studies and the proposed framework showed that the variables of optimal levels of light and visual comfort and glare and parameters of distance from the window and landscape can have a greater impact on creating optimal lighting conditions.
- Knoop, M; Stefani, O; Bueno, B; Matusiak, B; Hobday, R, et al. (2019): Daylight: What makes the difference? Lighting Research and Technology First published 2019 23 July,2019. DOI: 1477153519869758.
- Lechner, N. (2014). Heating, cooling, lighting: Sustainable design methods for architects. John wiley & sons.(In Persian)
- (2018): The SLL Lighting Handbook, Society of Light and Lighting, the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, Printed in England on FSC certified Mixed Sources paper by Stones the Printers Ltd.
- Turan, I; Chegut, A; Fink, D; Reinhart, C. (2020): The value of daylight in office spaces, Build. Environ. 545 168. 106503.
- Shahin Heidari(2010): Architecture and Lighting; University of Tehran, Tehran, (Persian).
- Lee, Y. S.; Guerin, D.A. (2010): "Indoor environmental quality differences between office types in LEED-certified buildings in the US",Building and Environment(45) 5 , pp: 1104–1112.
- Galasiu, A. D; Veitch, J.A. (2006): "Occupant Preferences and Satisfaction with the Luminous Environment and Control Systems in Daylit Offices: A Literature Review ", Energy and Buildings 38, pp:728-742.
- Kapsis, K.; Tzempelikos, A.; Athienitis, A.K; Zmeureanu, R.G (2010): "Daylighting Performance Evaluation of A Bottom-up Motorized Roller Shade". In Solar Energy 84 (12), pp. 2120–2131.
- Konis, K. (2013): "Evaluating daylighting effectiveness and occupant visual comfort in a side-lit open-plan office building in San Francisco, California". In Building and Environment 59, pp. 662–677.
- Xiong , J; Tzempelikos , A; Bilionis , I; Awalgaonkar , N.M; Lee , S; et al. (2018): Inferring personalized visual satisfaction profiles in daylit offices from comparative preferences using a Bayesian approach, Build. Environ. 138. 74–88 .
- Choi, H; Hong, S; Choi, A; Sung, M. (2016): Toward the accuracy of prediction for energy savings potential and system performance using the daylight responsive dimming system, Energy and Buildings. 133 (2016) 271–280.
- Newsham, G. R; Birt, B. J; Arsenault, C; Thompson, A. J. L; Veitch, J. A; et al. (2013): Do green buildings have better indoor environments?: new evidence. Building Research & Information, 41(4), 415–434. doi:10. 1080/09613218.2013.789951.
- Leder, S; Newsham, G.R; Veitch, J.A; Mancini, S; Charles K.E. (2015): Effects of office environment on employee satisfaction: a new analysis, Building Research & Information, DOI: 10/1080/09613218.2014.1003176.
- Lim, GH; Hirning, MB; Keumala, N; et al. (2017): Daylight performance and users’ visual appraisal for green building offices in Malaysia. Energy and Buildings 141: 175–185.
- Newsham, G.R; Veitch, J.A; Reinhart, C.F; Sander, D.M.(2004): "Lighting Design for Open-Plan Offices". In Construction Technology Update (62).
- Pierson, C; Wienold, J; Bodart, M. (2018): Review of factors influencing discomfort glare perception from daylight, Leukos 14 (3).111–148.
- Liu, J; Newsham, G.R; Veitch, J. A; Gorgolewski, M. (2019): Evaluating the in-situ effectiveness of indoor environment guidelines on occupant satisfaction. ARCC Conference Repository, 1(1). Retrieved from https://www.arcc-journal.org/index.php/repository/article/view/630.
- Moscoso, C; Chamilothori, K; Wienold, J; Andersen, M; Matusiak, B. (2020): Window Size Effects on Subjective Impressions of Daylit Spaces: Indoor Studies at High Latitudes Using Virtual Reality, LEUKOS, DOI: 10/1080/15502724.2020/1726183.
- Yildirim, K; Akalin_Baskeya, A; Celebi, M. (2007):" The Effects of Window Proximity,Partition Height,& Gender on Perceptions of Open-Plan Offices", Journal of Environmental Psychology 27154-165.
- Kim, W; Kim, J.T.(2010): "Effect of Background Luminance on Discomfort Glare in Relation to the Glare Source Size", Indoor and Built Environment(19) 1, pp: 175–183.
- Galatioto, A; Beccali, M. (2016): Aspects and issues of daylighting assessment: A review study. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66.852–860.
- Velds, Martine(2002):” User Acceptance Studies to Evaluate Discomfort Glare in Dalit Rooms”, Solar Energy 73 (2), pp: 95–103.
- Aries, M.B.C; Veitch, J.A; Newsham, G.R. (2010): Windows, view, and office characteristics predict physical and psychological discomfort, J. Environ. Psychol. 30, 533–541, https://doi.org/10/1016/j.jenvp.2009.12.004.
- Mangkuto, R.A; Rohmah, M; Asri, A.D. (2016): Design optimisation for window size, orientation, and wall reflectance with regard to various daylight metrics and lighting energy demand: a case study of buildings in the tropics. Appl Energy, 164 , pp. 211-219.
- Abboushi , B; Elzeyadi, I; Wymelenberg , K.W.D; Richard, T; Sereno, M; Jacobsen, G. (2020): Assessing the Visual Comfort, Visual Interest of Sunlight Patterns, and View Quality under Different Window Conditions in an Open-Plan Office, LEUKOS.
- Rodriguez, F; Garcia-Hansen, V; Isoardi, A.A.G. (2020): Appraising daylight changes in window views: systematic procedures for classifying and capturing dynamic outdoor scenes, Architectural Science Review, DOI:10/1080/00038628.2020/1758621.
- Ko, W.H; Kent, M.G; Schiavon, S; Levitt, B; Betti, G. (2020): A window view quality assessment framework. Building and Environment. arXiv e-prints, pp.arXiv-2010.
- Robinson, A; Selkowitz, S. (2013): Tips for Daylighting with Windows, Environmental Energy Technologies Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, October 2013. http://eetd.lbl.gov/sites/all/files/ellen_thomas_lbnl-6902e.pdf.
- Day, J.K; Futrell, B; Cox, R; Ruiz, S.N. (2019): Blinded by the light: Occupant perceptions and visual comfort assessments of three dynamic daylight control systems and shading strategies, Building and Environment, doi: https://doi.org/10/1016/j.buildenv.2019.02.037.
- Konstantoglou, M; Tsangrassoulis, A. (2016): Dynamic operation of daylighting and shading systems: A literature review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 60. 268-283.
- Sadeghi, S.A; Karava, P; Konstantzos, I; Tzempeliko, A. (2016): Occupant interactions with shading and lighting systems using different control interfaces: A pilot field study. Building and Environment. 97. 268-283.
- Yan, D; O’Brien, W; Hong, T; Feng, X; Burak Gunay, H; Tahmasebi, F; et al. (2015): Occupant behavior modeling for building performance simulation: current state and future challenges, Energy Build. 107 (2015) 264–278, http://dx.doi. org/10/1016/j.enbuild.2015.08.032.
- Jamrozik, A; Clements, N; Hasan, S.S; Zhao, J; Zhang, R; Campanella, C; Loftness, V; et al. (2019): Access to daylight and view in an office improves cognitive performance and satisfaction and reduces eyestrain: A controlled crossover study, Building and Environment, Vol. 165, p. 106379.
- Kwona,M; Remoyb, H; Bogaardc, M.V.D. (2019): Influential design factors on occupant satisfaction with indoor environment in workplaces. Building and Environment.157. 356-365.
- Maleki,Morteza ; Mohammadtaghi Pirbabaei (2009). 'Affecting factors on desirability of office space', Honar-Ha-Ye-Ziba: Memary Va Shahrsazi, 1(40), pp. 61-70. doi: 10.22059/jfaup.2009.68360(Persian).
- Kennedy HP. (2004). Enhancing Delphi research: methods and results. J Adv Nurs 2004 Mar; 45(5): 504-11.
- Gogus, O., & Boucher, T. O. (1998). Strong transitivity, rationality and weak monotonicity in fuzzy pairwise comparisons.Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 94(1), 133-144.
- Knoop, M; Stefani, O; Bueno, B; Matusiak, B; Hobday, R, et al. (2019): Daylight: What makes the difference? Lighting Research and Technology First published 2019 23 July,2019. DOI: 1477153519869758.
- Lechner, N. (2014). Heating, cooling, lighting: Sustainable design methods for architects. John wiley & sons.(In Persian)
- (2018): The SLL Lighting Handbook, Society of Light and Lighting, the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, Printed in England on FSC certified Mixed Sources paper by Stones the Printers Ltd.
- Turan, I; Chegut, A; Fink, D; Reinhart, C. (2020): The value of daylight in office spaces, Build. Environ. 545 168. 106503.
- Shahin Heidari(2010): Architecture and Lighting; University of Tehran, Tehran, (Persian).
- Lee, Y. S.; Guerin, D.A. (2010): "Indoor environmental quality differences between office types in LEED-certified buildings in the US",Building and Environment(45) 5 , pp: 1104–1112.
- Galasiu, A. D; Veitch, J.A. (2006): "Occupant Preferences and Satisfaction with the Luminous Environment and Control Systems in Daylit Offices: A Literature Review ", Energy and Buildings 38, pp:728-742.
- Kapsis, K.; Tzempelikos, A.; Athienitis, A.K; Zmeureanu, R.G (2010): "Daylighting Performance Evaluation of A Bottom-up Motorized Roller Shade". In Solar Energy 84 (12), pp. 2120–2131.
- Konis, K. (2013): "Evaluating daylighting effectiveness and occupant visual comfort in a side-lit open-plan office building in San Francisco, California". In Building and Environment 59, pp. 662–677.
- Xiong , J; Tzempelikos , A; Bilionis , I; Awalgaonkar , N.M; Lee , S; et al. (2018): Inferring personalized visual satisfaction profiles in daylit offices from comparative preferences using a Bayesian approach, Build. Environ. 138. 74–88 .
- Choi, H; Hong, S; Choi, A; Sung, M. (2016): Toward the accuracy of prediction for energy savings potential and system performance using the daylight responsive dimming system, Energy and Buildings. 133 (2016) 271–280.
- Newsham, G. R; Birt, B. J; Arsenault, C; Thompson, A. J. L; Veitch, J. A; et al. (2013): Do green buildings have better indoor environments?: new evidence. Building Research & Information, 41(4), 415–434. doi:10. 1080/09613218.2013.789951.
- Leder, S; Newsham, G.R; Veitch, J.A; Mancini, S; Charles K.E. (2015): Effects of office environment on employee satisfaction: a new analysis, Building Research & Information, DOI: 10/1080/09613218.2014.1003176.
- Lim, GH; Hirning, MB; Keumala, N; et al. (2017): Daylight performance and users’ visual appraisal for green building offices in Malaysia. Energy and Buildings 141: 175–185.
- Newsham, G.R; Veitch, J.A; Reinhart, C.F; Sander, D.M.(2004): "Lighting Design for Open-Plan Offices". In Construction Technology Update (62).
- Pierson, C; Wienold, J; Bodart, M. (2018): Review of factors influencing discomfort glare perception from daylight, Leukos 14 (3).111–148.
- Liu, J; Newsham, G.R; Veitch, J. A; Gorgolewski, M. (2019): Evaluating the in-situ effectiveness of indoor environment guidelines on occupant satisfaction. ARCC Conference Repository, 1(1). Retrieved from https://www.arcc-journal.org/index.php/repository/article/view/630.
- Moscoso, C; Chamilothori, K; Wienold, J; Andersen, M; Matusiak, B. (2020): Window Size Effects on Subjective Impressions of Daylit Spaces: Indoor Studies at High Latitudes Using Virtual Reality, LEUKOS, DOI: 10/1080/15502724.2020/1726183.
- Yildirim, K; Akalin_Baskeya, A; Celebi, M. (2007):" The Effects of Window Proximity,Partition Height,& Gender on Perceptions of Open-Plan Offices", Journal of Environmental Psychology 27154-165.
- Kim, W; Kim, J.T.(2010): "Effect of Background Luminance on Discomfort Glare in Relation to the Glare Source Size", Indoor and Built Environment(19) 1, pp: 175–183.
- Galatioto, A; Beccali, M. (2016): Aspects and issues of daylighting assessment: A review study. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 66.852–860.
- Velds, Martine(2002):” User Acceptance Studies to Evaluate Discomfort Glare in Dalit Rooms”, Solar Energy 73 (2), pp: 95–103.
- Aries, M.B.C; Veitch, J.A; Newsham, G.R. (2010): Windows, view, and office characteristics predict physical and psychological discomfort, J. Environ. Psychol. 30, 533–541, https://doi.org/10/1016/j.jenvp.2009.12.004.
- Mangkuto, R.A; Rohmah, M; Asri, A.D. (2016): Design optimisation for window size, orientation, and wall reflectance with regard to various daylight metrics and lighting energy demand: a case study of buildings in the tropics. Appl Energy, 164 , pp. 211-219.
- Abboushi , B; Elzeyadi, I; Wymelenberg , K.W.D; Richard, T; Sereno, M; Jacobsen, G. (2020): Assessing the Visual Comfort, Visual Interest of Sunlight Patterns, and View Quality under Different Window Conditions in an Open-Plan Office, LEUKOS.
- Rodriguez, F; Garcia-Hansen, V; Isoardi, A.A.G. (2020): Appraising daylight changes in window views: systematic procedures for classifying and capturing dynamic outdoor scenes, Architectural Science Review, DOI:10/1080/00038628.2020/1758621.
- Ko, W.H; Kent, M.G; Schiavon, S; Levitt, B; Betti, G. (2020): A window view quality assessment framework. Building and Environment. arXiv e-prints, pp.arXiv-2010.
- Robinson, A; Selkowitz, S. (2013): Tips for Daylighting with Windows, Environmental Energy Technologies Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, October 2013. http://eetd.lbl.gov/sites/all/files/ellen_thomas_lbnl-6902e.pdf.
- Day, J.K; Futrell, B; Cox, R; Ruiz, S.N. (2019): Blinded by the light: Occupant perceptions and visual comfort assessments of three dynamic daylight control systems and shading strategies, Building and Environment, doi: https://doi.org/10/1016/j.buildenv.2019.02.037.
- Konstantoglou, M; Tsangrassoulis, A. (2016): Dynamic operation of daylighting and shading systems: A literature review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 60. 268-283.
- Sadeghi, S.A; Karava, P; Konstantzos, I; Tzempeliko, A. (2016): Occupant interactions with shading and lighting systems using different control interfaces: A pilot field study. Building and Environment. 97. 268-283.
- Yan, D; O’Brien, W; Hong, T; Feng, X; Burak Gunay, H; Tahmasebi, F; et al. (2015): Occupant behavior modeling for building performance simulation: current state and future challenges, Energy Build. 107 (2015) 264–278, http://dx.doi. org/10/1016/j.enbuild.2015.08.032.
- Jamrozik, A; Clements, N; Hasan, S.S; Zhao, J; Zhang, R; Campanella, C; Loftness, V; et al. (2019): Access to daylight and view in an office improves cognitive performance and satisfaction and reduces eyestrain: A controlled crossover study, Building and Environment, Vol. 165, p. 106379.
- Kwona,M; Remoyb, H; Bogaardc, M.V.D. (2019): Influential design factors on occupant satisfaction with indoor environment in workplaces. Building and Environment.157. 356-365.
- Maleki,Morteza ; Mohammadtaghi Pirbabaei (2009). 'Affecting factors on desirability of office space', Honar-Ha-Ye-Ziba: Memary Va Shahrsazi, 1(40), pp. 61-70. doi: 10.22059/jfaup.2009.68360(Persian).
- Kennedy HP. (2004). Enhancing Delphi research: methods and results. J Adv Nurs 2004 Mar; 45(5): 504-11.
- Gogus, O., & Boucher, T. O. (1998). Strong transitivity, rationality and weak monotonicity in fuzzy pairwise comparisons.Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 94(1), 133-144.