Evaluation of Environmental Sustainability East Azerbaijan Province
Subject Areas : Urban Environment
Hossein Nazmfar
Ali Eshgi
Mohammad Hossein Aslani Alavi
Ghilamreaz Ahmadzadeh
1 - Associate Professor of urban planning, University of Mohaghegh Ardabil* (Corresponding Author)
2 - Graduate Student of Urban Planning University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
3 - M.Sc. Urban Planning University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
4 - Assistant Professor ,University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
Keywords: Vikor, environmental, Sustainability, Evaluation of East Azarbaijan Provinces,
Abstract :
Introduction: Environmental sustainability assessment is one of the most important tools in the process of sustainable development planning and therefore attention to it in policy-making and planning is inevitable. For this purpose, the present study was conducted to assess and evaluate the degree of environmental sustainability among the cities of East Azerbaijan province.Material and Methods: The research method is descriptive-analytical with an applied purpose. The statistical population of the study is 20 cities of East Azerbaijan provinces. In order to evaluate and rank the environmental sustainability, 13 indicators of environmental components of the cities of the province were selected from the statistical yearbook of 2012. These variables were weighed using Shannon entropy method was used.Findings: Findings indicate differences in environmental sustainability among cities in the province. So that out of 20 cities, 4 sustainable cities (Ajabshir, Bonab, Varzeqan and Marand with scores of 0.0271, 0.1510, 0.1810 and 0.2144, respectively), 2 relatively stable cities (Bostanabad and Jolfa respectively) With a score of 0.2795 and 0.3846), 6 semi-sustainable cities (Tabriz, Maragheh, Malekan, Schister, Khodaafarin and Miyaneh with a score of 0.4755, 0.5145, 0.59393, 0.5832, 0.5933 and respectively 0.6459), 5 relatively semi-unstable cities (Charavimaq, Harris, Kalibar, Sarab and Azarshahr with scores of 0.6879, 0.7244, 0.796, 0.760 and 0.8125, respectively) and 3 cities (Osko, Ahar) And Hashtrood with a score of 0.836, 0.9001 and 0.9999, respectively) are among the deprived cities of the province in terms of environmental conditions that have less environmental sustainability.Results and Discussion: The results of the research indicate that the cities of East Azarbaijan are in a semi-stable position in terms of environmental sustainability. In general, it can be seen that most of the cities in the process of environmental sustainability are in a semi-stable and relatively unstable state and need more priority to implement sustainable development plans.
1. United Nations, Department of economic and social affairs, (2014), World urbanization prospects: The 2014 revision, New York, United nation publication.
2. BounouaLahouari, SafiaAbdelmounaine, Masek Jeffrey, Peters-Lidard Christa and L.Imhoff Marc, (2009), Impact of urban growth on surface climate: a case study in Oran, Algeria, Journal of applied meteorology and climatology, NO 48.
3. AchmadAshfa, HasyimSirojuzilam, DahlanBadaruddin and N.AuliaDwira, (2015), modeling of urban growth in tsunami-prone city using logistic regression: Analysis of Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Applied geography, NO 62.
4. Auclair, C., (1997), The UNCHS (Habitat) Indicators Program, Sustainability indicatorsreport of the project on indicators of sustainable development, Wiley, New York, pp. 288-292.
5. Hossein-Abad. Hussein, Barim Nejad. Vali, 1392, Determining environmental sustainability using fuzzy logic, Environmental Protection Organization, Environmental Science Quarterly, No. 57, pp. 5-14. (In Persian)
6. Association. Gholamreza, Fazel Beigi. Mohammad Mehdi, 1390, Investigation of the effects of ecological development and sustainability of Horaman region using the degradation model, Journal of Environmental Studies, Volume 37, Number 57, pp. 121-128. (In Persian)
7. Amini Faskhudi. Abbas and Nouri. Seyed Hedayatollah, 2011, Sustainability assessment and cultivation pattern of agricultural systems based on optimization of utilization of soil resources using nonlinear models of mathematical planning, Journal of Agricultural Technology and Natural Resources, Soil Science, Year 15, No. 55, p. 99.Tukker, A. (2000), Life cycle assessment as a tool in environmental impact assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 20, PP. 435-456. (In Persian)
8. Nazmfar, H., Roshan Roodi, S. (2015). Assessment of Development Sustainability Level in 9th District of Mashhad District Based on Hierarchy Models and Network Analysis. Journal Management System. 5(15): 49-68.
9. - Feizizadeh, B., Blaschke, T., Nazmfar, H., Rezaei Moghaddam, M. (2013), Landslide susceptibility mapping for the Urmia Lake basin, Iran: a multi-criteria evaluation approach using GIS. Int. J. Environ. Res. 7, 319e336. http://ijer.ut.ac.ir/
10. - Matkan AA, Shakhiba A, Poor AliS H, Nazmfar H. (2008), locating suitable sites for landfill using GIS. (study area: the city of Tabriz), Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2008, (2), 121-132. (In Persian)
11. -Nazmfar, H. (2012). An analysis of urban system with emphasis on entropy model (Case
Study: the cities of East Azerbaijan Province), Indian Journal of Science and Technology.
Volume 5, Issue 9, p. 3340 -3344.
12. . Bahraini. Seyed Hossein, Taybian. Manouchehr, 1998, Urban Environmental Quality Assessment Model, Journal of Environmental Studies, Nos. 21 and 22, pp. 56-41. (In Persian)
13. Hossein Nazmfar (2019) An integrated approach of the analytic network process and fuzzy model mapping of evaluation of urban vulnerability against earthquake, Geomatics, Natural Hazards andRisk, 10:1, 15121528, DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2019.1588791
14. -Nazmfar, H. Eshgi, A. Alavi, S. Pourmoradian, S. (2019): Analysis of travel and tourism competitiveness index in middle-east countries, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 24 (1): 501-513.
15. Feizizadeh B, Blaschke T, Nazmfar Z, Akbari E, Kohbanani (2012) Monitoring land surface temperature relationship to land use/land cover from satellite imagery in Maraqeh County, Iran. J EnvironPlanning .Manag.doi:10.1080/09640568.2012.717888. (In Persian)
16. Nazmfar, H. Alavi, S. Eshgi, A. Feizizadeh. B. (2019): Vulnerability evaluation of urban buildings to various earthquake intensities: a case study of the municipal zone 9 of Tehran, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2018.1556086.
17. Maleki. Saeed, 2014, Sustainability of Environmental Development Using Statistical Tests in Border Cities of Khuzestan Province, Geographical Information Quarterly, Volume 23, Number 90, pp. 61-72. (In Persian)
18. Nazmfar, H. Eshgi, A. Alavi, S. Pourmoradian, S. (2019): Analysis of travel and tourism competitiveness index in middle-east countries, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 24 (1): 501-513.
19. 19. Hagigaht. Gholamreza, Rabiee Far. Valiullah, 2015, A Comparative Study of Environmental Challenges in Central, Middle and Peripheral Areas of the Cities (Case Study: Zones Two, Eleven and Twenty-Two of Tehran), Environmental Studies, Volume 41, Number 1, pp. 256-2233.Ogbazi.J.U. (2013), Alternative Planning approaches and the sustainable cities programme in Nigeria,Habitat International.N 40,pp 109-118. (In Persian)
20. Ellen Banzhaf a, Francisco de la Barrera, Annegret Kindler, Sonia Reyes-Paeckec, Uwe Schlinka, Juliane Welz, Sigrun Kabisch,(2014), A conceptual framework for integrated analysis of environmental quality and quality of life, Ecological Indicators 45 (2014) 664668, :www.elsevier.com/locate/ecolind.
21. Ciroos Qabayi , Leila Mosavi Daramrodi, (2015), Assess the Quality of the Urban Environment in the Middle Contexture of Cities (Case Study: Kermanshah Dolatabad Town). JK Welfare & Pharmascope Foundation | International Journal of Review in Life Sciences Rev. Life. Sci., 5(2), 2015, 224-237.
22. . Firouzbakhat. Ali, pious. Akbar, Rabiee Far. Vali A ..., 1390, Strategies of urban environmental structure with sustainable urban development approach, Karaj, Human Geography Research, No. 80, pp. 213-239. (In Persian)
23. Nazmfar, H. & Jafarzadeh, J.Classification of Satellite Images in Assessing Urban Land Use Change Using Scale Optimization in Object-Oriented Processes (A Case Study: Ardabil City, Iran)J Indian Soc Remote Sens (2018) 46: 1983. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-018-0850-7.
24. . Regional Planning and Planning Group, 2009, East Azarbaijan Province Planning Plan Studies, East Azarbaijan Provincial Planning Deputy, First Edition. (In Persian)
25. Jomepour Mahmoud, 2013, Environmental Planning and Urban and Regional Sustainability (Principles, Methods, and Environmental Indicators of Land Sustainability), Published by: Organization for the Study and Compilation of University Humanities Books (Position), First Edition. (In Persian)
26. Badri. Sayed Ali, Rukn al-Din Eftekhari. Alireza, 2003, Sustainability Assessment: Concept and Method, Quarterly, Geographical Research, Volume 18, Number 2 (69), pp. 9-34. (In Persian)
27. Nazmfar, H., Beheshti. B. (2016). Application of Combined model analytical network process and fuzzy logic models in Landslide susceptibility zonation (Case Study: chellichay Catchment). Journal Geography and Environmental Planning. 27 (1): 53-68.
28. Statistics and Information of East Azarbaijan Governorate, 2015. (In Persian)
29. Nazmfar, H., Roshan Roodi, S. (2015). Assessment of Development Sustainability Level in 9th District of Mashhad District Based on Hierarchy Models and Network Analysis. Journal Management System. 5(15): 49-68.
30. Nazmfar, H. (2017). Urban development predictions direction of using a combination GIS and Bayesian the probabilistic model (case study: Ardabil), Human Geography Research Quarterly, 49, 357-370. (In Persian)
1. United Nations, Department of economic and social affairs, (2014), World urbanization prospects: The 2014 revision, New York, United nation publication.
2. BounouaLahouari, SafiaAbdelmounaine, Masek Jeffrey, Peters-Lidard Christa and L.Imhoff Marc, (2009), Impact of urban growth on surface climate: a case study in Oran, Algeria, Journal of applied meteorology and climatology, NO 48.
3. AchmadAshfa, HasyimSirojuzilam, DahlanBadaruddin and N.AuliaDwira, (2015), modeling of urban growth in tsunami-prone city using logistic regression: Analysis of Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Applied geography, NO 62.
4. Auclair, C., (1997), The UNCHS (Habitat) Indicators Program, Sustainability indicatorsreport of the project on indicators of sustainable development, Wiley, New York, pp. 288-292.
5. Hossein-Abad. Hussein, Barim Nejad. Vali, 1392, Determining environmental sustainability using fuzzy logic, Environmental Protection Organization, Environmental Science Quarterly, No. 57, pp. 5-14. (In Persian)
6. Association. Gholamreza, Fazel Beigi. Mohammad Mehdi, 1390, Investigation of the effects of ecological development and sustainability of Horaman region using the degradation model, Journal of Environmental Studies, Volume 37, Number 57, pp. 121-128. (In Persian)
7. Amini Faskhudi. Abbas and Nouri. Seyed Hedayatollah, 2011, Sustainability assessment and cultivation pattern of agricultural systems based on optimization of utilization of soil resources using nonlinear models of mathematical planning, Journal of Agricultural Technology and Natural Resources, Soil Science, Year 15, No. 55, p. 99.Tukker, A. (2000), Life cycle assessment as a tool in environmental impact assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 20, PP. 435-456. (In Persian)
8. Nazmfar, H., Roshan Roodi, S. (2015). Assessment of Development Sustainability Level in 9th District of Mashhad District Based on Hierarchy Models and Network Analysis. Journal Management System. 5(15): 49-68.
9. - Feizizadeh, B., Blaschke, T., Nazmfar, H., Rezaei Moghaddam, M. (2013), Landslide susceptibility mapping for the Urmia Lake basin, Iran: a multi-criteria evaluation approach using GIS. Int. J. Environ. Res. 7, 319e336. http://ijer.ut.ac.ir/
10. - Matkan AA, Shakhiba A, Poor AliS H, Nazmfar H. (2008), locating suitable sites for landfill using GIS. (study area: the city of Tabriz), Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2008, (2), 121-132. (In Persian)
11. -Nazmfar, H. (2012). An analysis of urban system with emphasis on entropy model (Case
Study: the cities of East Azerbaijan Province), Indian Journal of Science and Technology.
Volume 5, Issue 9, p. 3340 -3344.
12. . Bahraini. Seyed Hossein, Taybian. Manouchehr, 1998, Urban Environmental Quality Assessment Model, Journal of Environmental Studies, Nos. 21 and 22, pp. 56-41. (In Persian)
13. Hossein Nazmfar (2019) An integrated approach of the analytic network process and fuzzy model mapping of evaluation of urban vulnerability against earthquake, Geomatics, Natural Hazards andRisk, 10:1, 15121528, DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2019.1588791
14. -Nazmfar, H. Eshgi, A. Alavi, S. Pourmoradian, S. (2019): Analysis of travel and tourism competitiveness index in middle-east countries, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 24 (1): 501-513.
15. Feizizadeh B, Blaschke T, Nazmfar Z, Akbari E, Kohbanani (2012) Monitoring land surface temperature relationship to land use/land cover from satellite imagery in Maraqeh County, Iran. J EnvironPlanning .Manag.doi:10.1080/09640568.2012.717888. (In Persian)
16. Nazmfar, H. Alavi, S. Eshgi, A. Feizizadeh. B. (2019): Vulnerability evaluation of urban buildings to various earthquake intensities: a case study of the municipal zone 9 of Tehran, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2018.1556086.
17. Maleki. Saeed, 2014, Sustainability of Environmental Development Using Statistical Tests in Border Cities of Khuzestan Province, Geographical Information Quarterly, Volume 23, Number 90, pp. 61-72. (In Persian)
18. Nazmfar, H. Eshgi, A. Alavi, S. Pourmoradian, S. (2019): Analysis of travel and tourism competitiveness index in middle-east countries, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 24 (1): 501-513.
19. 19. Hagigaht. Gholamreza, Rabiee Far. Valiullah, 2015, A Comparative Study of Environmental Challenges in Central, Middle and Peripheral Areas of the Cities (Case Study: Zones Two, Eleven and Twenty-Two of Tehran), Environmental Studies, Volume 41, Number 1, pp. 256-2233.Ogbazi.J.U. (2013), Alternative Planning approaches and the sustainable cities programme in Nigeria,Habitat International.N 40,pp 109-118. (In Persian)
20. Ellen Banzhaf a, Francisco de la Barrera, Annegret Kindler, Sonia Reyes-Paeckec, Uwe Schlinka, Juliane Welz, Sigrun Kabisch,(2014), A conceptual framework for integrated analysis of environmental quality and quality of life, Ecological Indicators 45 (2014) 664668, :www.elsevier.com/locate/ecolind.
21. Ciroos Qabayi , Leila Mosavi Daramrodi, (2015), Assess the Quality of the Urban Environment in the Middle Contexture of Cities (Case Study: Kermanshah Dolatabad Town). JK Welfare & Pharmascope Foundation | International Journal of Review in Life Sciences Rev. Life. Sci., 5(2), 2015, 224-237.
22. . Firouzbakhat. Ali, pious. Akbar, Rabiee Far. Vali A ..., 1390, Strategies of urban environmental structure with sustainable urban development approach, Karaj, Human Geography Research, No. 80, pp. 213-239. (In Persian)
23. Nazmfar, H. & Jafarzadeh, J.Classification of Satellite Images in Assessing Urban Land Use Change Using Scale Optimization in Object-Oriented Processes (A Case Study: Ardabil City, Iran)J Indian Soc Remote Sens (2018) 46: 1983. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-018-0850-7.
24. . Regional Planning and Planning Group, 2009, East Azarbaijan Province Planning Plan Studies, East Azarbaijan Provincial Planning Deputy, First Edition. (In Persian)
25. Jomepour Mahmoud, 2013, Environmental Planning and Urban and Regional Sustainability (Principles, Methods, and Environmental Indicators of Land Sustainability), Published by: Organization for the Study and Compilation of University Humanities Books (Position), First Edition. (In Persian)
26. Badri. Sayed Ali, Rukn al-Din Eftekhari. Alireza, 2003, Sustainability Assessment: Concept and Method, Quarterly, Geographical Research, Volume 18, Number 2 (69), pp. 9-34. (In Persian)
27. Nazmfar, H., Beheshti. B. (2016). Application of Combined model analytical network process and fuzzy logic models in Landslide susceptibility zonation (Case Study: chellichay Catchment). Journal Geography and Environmental Planning. 27 (1): 53-68.
28. Statistics and Information of East Azarbaijan Governorate, 2015. (In Persian)
29. Nazmfar, H., Roshan Roodi, S. (2015). Assessment of Development Sustainability Level in 9th District of Mashhad District Based on Hierarchy Models and Network Analysis. Journal Management System. 5(15): 49-68.
30. Nazmfar, H. (2017). Urban development predictions direction of using a combination GIS and Bayesian the probabilistic model (case study: Ardabil), Human Geography Research Quarterly, 49, 357-370. (In Persian)