Studying the Seasonal Changes of Pproduction and Consumption of Agropyron Trichophorum Species in Lorestan Alpine Rangelands
Subject Areas : environmental managementReza Siahmansour 1 , Morteza Akbarzadeh 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Natural Resources Research Department, Lorestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Khorramabad, Iran. * (Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Rangeland Research Division, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Under Grazing, Full Production, Month of Years, Enclosure,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Our dependence on plants for survival is so strong that its exploitation and management are special sciences. One of the key rangeland species is Agropyron trichophorum. Awareness of its ecological information is of particular importance. The aim of this study was to determine the seasonal changes in production and consumption of Agropyron trichophorum in summer rangelands of Lorestan province. Method: In this study, production inside the enclosed part and consumption outside it (control), from 2007 to 2010 were investigated. Each year, 50 average rootstocks of the species were identified at the beginning of the growing season and 5 medium rootstocks were selected at the beginning of the season for each month of the grazing season inside the enclosed plot and 5 similar rootstocks outside the grazing area and cut and weighed in each month of the grazing season. Data were analyzed in MSTATC software and the mean was compared with Duncan's multiple range tests. Findings: The difference between the mean effects of year, month and the interaction of year, months are statistically significant (P <0.01). The difference in production in different years was large, so that the forage produced in the year of low production was about 42% of the forage produced in the year of high production. On average, about 80% of the production of this species was used by livestock during the grazing season, which fluctuated between 75% and 87% in the study years. Discussion and Conclusion: Production in June, which is the result of plant metabolism in the second half of May and the first half of June, is higher and decreases in July and August. In total, this species produces an average of 149.4 kg / ha of forage, of which 119.8 kg / ha (80.2%) is consumed. In July and August, the pressure of grazing was transferred to the back of the fields; this is due to the presence of forage in the lands near the village, as well as increasing the temperature and reducing water resources in the rangeland.
- Peymanifard, B., 1996. Studying of some ecological characteristics of arid and semi-arid regions, Collection of articles presented of the second desertification and different methods of combat with desertification. Publication of Rangelands, and Forests Research Institute, 175: 299 – 306. (In Persian)
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- Ghasriani, F. and Heidari, H., 2000. Phonological study of same rangeland plants at Kurdistan province. Pajouhesh & Sazandegi, (47): 58-63. (In Persian)
- Florez-Amalpartid, E Bryant-FC. Wiggers-EP (1983) Nutrient content and Phenology of cool season grasses-of Peru-Grass-and Forage-science 1983-4030.
- Arzani, H., Nikkhah, A., Arzani, Z,. Kabuli, S. H ,. Fazel Dehkordi, L, 2006, Study of Range Forage Quality in three provinces of Semnan Markazi and Lorestan for calculation of animal unit requirement.Pajouhesh & Sazandegi, 76:60-68.
- Siahmansour, R, Fayaz, M, 2012, Investigation the preference value and grazing livestock behavior in the rangelands of five vegetative regions of Iran, in Zagheh alpine rangelands (Lorestan province), Iranian Forestry and Rangeland Research Institute, 25-36. 89. (In Persian)
- Siahmansour, R., Arzani, H., Jafari, M., Javadi, S, A., and Ali Tavili., 2014. An investigation on the effect of fire on main particulars in woodland (Case study in Veysian – Lorestan), Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci., Vol 3 (4) March 2014: 192-199.
- Sanadgol, A. A. and Moghaddam, M. R., 2004. The effects of grazing systems and garazing intensities on standing crop and forage intake in Bromous tomentellus pasture. Pajouhesh & Sazandegi, 64: 30-35. (In Persian)
- Reinwald, A.D, 2013. Effects of disturbing restoration treatments on native grass revegitation and soil seed bank composition in wheatgrass-invaded sagebrush-steppe ecosystems. All graduate theses and Dissertations.1-21.119.
- Snyman, H.A., (2004). Short- term response in productivity following on unplanned fire in a semi- arid rangeland of south Africa. J. Arid environment. 56: 465- 485.
- Siahmansour, R., Arzani, H., Jafari, M,. Javadi, S, A., and Ali Tavili., 2014, AN Investigation on Effect Fire on Soil Surface Cover in Grasslands and Shrubbery in Homo Climatic Condition, Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci., Vol(4)3 March. 199-192: 2014.
- Ouarab, S., Voisin, J.-F., Thevenot, M., & Doumandji, S. (2009). Numbers and phenology of the Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis in the wetland of Réghaïa. Journal of cell and animal biology, 3(12), 231-238.
- Hosseini, S, A., Akbarzadeh, M., 2015, Review changes in production and consumption in Pasture plants in the rangelands of Ali Abad Gorgan, Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research, 22(2):205-215. (In Persian)
- Zohdi, M., 2001. Determination and comparison of forage quality of different parts and location and amount of carbohydrates storages in five rangeland species, MSc thesis. Tehran University. (In Persian)
- Siahmansour, R., Ghasriani, F. and Khademi, K., 2011. Study the seasonal changes of production and utilization of range plants in key ranges of 5 bioclimatic zones of Iran (Zagheh- Lorestan). (In Persian)
- Lashanizand, M, Parvaneh, B. 2000, Regionalization of climate in Lorestan Province. Journal of Physical geography. N.11. 23-45. (In Persian)
- Yorks, T.P., West , N.E and Capels, K.M.(1992), Vegetation difference in desert shrub lands of west Utah, spine valley between 1933 and 1999. J: Range management. 45(6): 577-589.
- Akbarzadeh, M., Moghadam, M.R., Jalili, A., Jafari, M. and Arzani, H. (2007). Effect of precipitation on cover and production of rangeland plants in Polour, Journal of the Natural Resources, 60 (1), 307-322. (In Persian)
- Peymanifard, B., 1996. Studying of some ecological characteristics of arid and semi-arid regions, Collection of articles presented of the second desertification and different methods of combat with desertification. Publication of Rangelands, and Forests Research Institute, 175: 299 – 306. (In Persian)
- Mohammadi, A, The effect of time and intensity and harvesting on non-structural carbohydrates and forage production of Agropyron trichophorum, Master's Thesis, Technology of Isfahan University. Natural resources department, 2000. (In Persian)
- Kissinger, F. E. and Hopkins, H. H. 1961,. Carbohydrate content of underground parts of grasses as affected by clipping, J. Range management. vol, 14, pp. 2-9, 1961.
- Akbarzadeh, M and Mirhaji, T. 2006. Vegetation changes under precipitation in Steppic rangelands of rudshur. Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research, 13(3):222-235. (In Persian)
- Damizadeh, M., B.Saghafian, A.Gieske, 2001. Studying vegetation Responses and Rainfall Relationship Based on NOAA/AVHRR Images. Proceding of 22 nd Asain conference on Remote sensing 5-9 November 2001, singapoure.
- Ghasriani, F. and Heidari, H., 2000. Phonological study of same rangeland plants at Kurdistan province. Pajouhesh & Sazandegi, (47): 58-63. (In Persian)
- Florez-Amalpartid, E Bryant-FC. Wiggers-EP (1983) Nutrient content and Phenology of cool season grasses-of Peru-Grass-and Forage-science 1983-4030.
- Arzani, H., Nikkhah, A., Arzani, Z,. Kabuli, S. H ,. Fazel Dehkordi, L, 2006, Study of Range Forage Quality in three provinces of Semnan Markazi and Lorestan for calculation of animal unit requirement.Pajouhesh & Sazandegi, 76:60-68.
- Siahmansour, R, Fayaz, M, 2012, Investigation the preference value and grazing livestock behavior in the rangelands of five vegetative regions of Iran, in Zagheh alpine rangelands (Lorestan province), Iranian Forestry and Rangeland Research Institute, 25-36. 89. (In Persian)
- Siahmansour, R., Arzani, H., Jafari, M., Javadi, S, A., and Ali Tavili., 2014. An investigation on the effect of fire on main particulars in woodland (Case study in Veysian – Lorestan), Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci., Vol 3 (4) March 2014: 192-199.
- Sanadgol, A. A. and Moghaddam, M. R., 2004. The effects of grazing systems and garazing intensities on standing crop and forage intake in Bromous tomentellus pasture. Pajouhesh & Sazandegi, 64: 30-35. (In Persian)
- Reinwald, A.D, 2013. Effects of disturbing restoration treatments on native grass revegitation and soil seed bank composition in wheatgrass-invaded sagebrush-steppe ecosystems. All graduate theses and Dissertations.1-21.119.
- Snyman, H.A., (2004). Short- term response in productivity following on unplanned fire in a semi- arid rangeland of south Africa. J. Arid environment. 56: 465- 485.
- Siahmansour, R., Arzani, H., Jafari, M,. Javadi, S, A., and Ali Tavili., 2014, AN Investigation on Effect Fire on Soil Surface Cover in Grasslands and Shrubbery in Homo Climatic Condition, Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci., Vol(4)3 March. 199-192: 2014.
- Ouarab, S., Voisin, J.-F., Thevenot, M., & Doumandji, S. (2009). Numbers and phenology of the Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis in the wetland of Réghaïa. Journal of cell and animal biology, 3(12), 231-238.
- Hosseini, S, A., Akbarzadeh, M., 2015, Review changes in production and consumption in Pasture plants in the rangelands of Ali Abad Gorgan, Iranian Journal of Range and Desert Research, 22(2):205-215. (In Persian)
- Zohdi, M., 2001. Determination and comparison of forage quality of different parts and location and amount of carbohydrates storages in five rangeland species, MSc thesis. Tehran University. (In Persian)
- Siahmansour, R., Ghasriani, F. and Khademi, K., 2011. Study the seasonal changes of production and utilization of range plants in key ranges of 5 bioclimatic zones of Iran (Zagheh- Lorestan). (In Persian)
- Lashanizand, M, Parvaneh, B. 2000, Regionalization of climate in Lorestan Province. Journal of Physical geography. N.11. 23-45. (In Persian)
- Yorks, T.P., West , N.E and Capels, K.M.(1992), Vegetation difference in desert shrub lands of west Utah, spine valley between 1933 and 1999. J: Range management. 45(6): 577-589.
- Akbarzadeh, M., Moghadam, M.R., Jalili, A., Jafari, M. and Arzani, H. (2007). Effect of precipitation on cover and production of rangeland plants in Polour, Journal of the Natural Resources, 60 (1), 307-322. (In Persian)