Assessment of Environmental Pollutant Particles PM10 and PM2.5 with Air Quality Index Method (Case Study: Tehran Industrial Cement Complex)
Subject Areas : Environmental pollutions (water, soil and air)
Reza Karimi Ghoozlou
Aida Ahmadi
Madjid Abbaspour
Nostatollan Abbaszadeh
1 - Master of Health, Safety and Environmental Management, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Department of Environmental Management, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Management (HSE), Faculty of Natural Recourses and Environment, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. *(Corresponding Authour)
3 - Professor of Sharif University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanics, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Department of Energy Economics, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: pollutants, Cement, Particulate matter, Air Quality Index Assessment,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Considering the importance of cement industries in the country's economic growth and its effect on emissions of air pollutants (particulate matter); in this research, the effects of Tehran cement factory on the environmental of the region have been investigated. The main purpose of this study is an assessment of environmental pollutant particles with air quality index in 2016 in Tehran Industrial Cement Complex. Material and Methodology: In this study, the particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5, was measured during a one-year period (2016), in four different seasons. To measure dust particles in the ambient air of the device is used gauge 531 MET ONE GT TSI Manufacturing Co and it has the ability to measure particles with PM10, PM2.5, PM7, and PM1. The next 8530 TSI Dust Trak II counterparty bombing device is a desktop dust-removing device that has the capability to record data. The samples were taken at 6 measuring stations in the Tehran Cement Industrial Complex, and finally, the results were evaluated as a seasonal AQI. In AQI method, which is one of the most widely used methods for assessing the air quality, at first, the pollution index is measured at a station and then determined at all stations as the highest index of contamination quality.Findings: The first finding from the present study was that the pollutant responsible for the whole spring station was a refinery, which is classified as clean. The other pollutant responsible for the entire summer stations related to the road toll (Healthy classification), Responsible pollutant for the entire autumn season station area (unhealthy classification for sensitive groups), and Responsible pollutant for the whole winter season is related to residential buildings (Healthy Classification). So the most polluting plants or four different seasons of the year is autumn PM2.5.Discussion and Conclusions: So the state of air quality with an average concentration of 106.2 mg/m3 in the Tehran cement industry classified as unhealthy for sensitive groups and were characterized by the orange color. Finally, suggestions are made to reduce particulate emissions in the industrial area.
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- Song,, He, J., Wu, L., Jin, T., Chen, X., Li, R., Ren, P., Zhang L., Mao, H., 2017. Health burden attributable to ambient PM2.5 in China. Environ. Pollut. Vol 223, pp 575-586.
- Sadat Hulk, F., Kavosy Rahim, A., Banifatemi, M., 2016. Evaluation of pollutant particles in ambient air and study of anions and cations in it (case study). Environmental hazards. Vol 7. (Persian).
- Evans J, van Donkelaar A, Martin RV, Burnett R, Rainham DG, Birkett NJ, et al, Estimates of global mortality attributable to particulate air pollution using satellite imagery. Environ Res. Vol 120. pp 33-42
- Shahmoradi, B.,Khobi, j., 2011. Air pollution. Kordestan. Sepehr danesh. (In Persian).
- Goudarzi G, Geravandi S, Foruozandeh H, Babaei AA, Alavi N, Niri MV, et al, Cardiovascular and respiratory mortality attributed to ground-level ozone in Ahvaz, Environ Monit Assess. Vol 187(8). pp 487.
- Gourbani, N., Yazdani, j., Etemadinejad, S., 2016. The relation between climate and mortality due to cardiovascular diseases in Mashhad, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Vol 146(26). Pp47-55. (In Persian)
- Song, C., et al.,Air pollution in China:Status and spatiotemporal variations. Environ. Pollut. Vol 227. pp 334-347.
- Loomis D, Grosse Y, Lauby-Secretan B, El Ghissassi F, Bouvard V, Benbrahim-Tallaa L, et al. 2013.The carcinogenicity of outdoor air pollution. Lancet Oncol. Vol 14(13). pp 1262-1263.
- Ranjbar, A, .MihanParast, M, Nouri, F, 2016. Investigation of dust phenomenon in western Iran from a meteorological point og view (long term and short term study). Nivar. Vol 92-93(40). Pp 53-66. (In Persian)
- Chehregani, H. 2044. Environmental engineering in the cement industry. Hadeq Publishing, Second chapter. (In Persian)
- Sadhana, Ch., Ashok, T.,Assessment of Ambient Air Quality in the Vicinity of Cement Industries. International Journal of Applied Research and Technology, Vol 1.pp. 39-46
- Mosavi, A. 2015.Modeling the emission of particulate matter from Tehran cement plant units. Master’s Thesis. University of Science and Research in Tehran.pp 40-52.(In Persian)
- Hamekoski, K. The use of a simple air quality index in the Helsinki area Finland, 1998. Environ Manage. Vol 22. Pp.517-520.
- Guide for calculating, determining and reporting the air quality index, Requirements, 2016. Guidelines for the Center for Environmental Health and Work. Environmental Research Center. (In Persian)
- Gandmakar, M,. Ansari, Sh. and Ebrahimi, F, Sameni, M,.2016. Cement units and effective factors in improving monitoring and pollution control, First International Conference on Environmental Pollutants Sampling and Refining. Tehran. Iran. (In Persian)
- Ismail Nejad, M,. Eskandari, M, Bar Zaman, S. Evaluation and zoning of air pollution in Tabriz metropolis. Journal of Regional Planning. Vol 19(5).Pp 173-186. (In Persian)
- Kermani,H,. et al., 2015 Quantitative and qualitative study of air pollution caused by 2.5 micron suspended particles in District 9 of Karaj Municipality, 2nd International Congress of Earth Sciences and Urban Development, Tabriz, Iran. (In Persian).
- Adams, M.D., Kanaroglou, P.S. 2015. A criticality index for air pollution monitors. Atmospheric Pollution Research. Vol 7.pp. 482-487.