Health risk assessment of cadmium, lead and chromium elements in indoor and outdoor dust under impressed one in the region of east and south-west of Iran (Ahvaz, South Pars region and Zabol)
Subject Areas : Air Pollution
Seyedreza Asvad
Abbas Esmaili Sari
Nader Bahramifar
1 - PhD Graduated, Department of Environment Faculty of Natural Resources& Marine Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Nour, Mazandaran, Iran.
2 - Full Professor, Department of Environment Faculty of Natural Resources & Marine Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Nour, Mazandaran, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Environment Faculty of Natural Resources & Marine Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Nour, Mazandaran, Iran.
Keywords: metals, dust, risk assessment, Ahvaz, South Pars, Zabol.,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Air pollution is one of the most important threats to human health and ecosystems. One of the most common pollutant of outdoor and indoor is dust, which is an important source of toxic elements, especially in urban environments. In this study, the concentration of selected elements (cadmium, chromium and lead) and their health risk assessment in indoor and outdoor dust in Ahwaz, South Pars region and Zabol were measured. Material and Methodology: 100 dust samples were collected from indoor and outdoor the homes of the studied areas during the summer of 2017. Dust samples were digested using an acid digestion method by mixing HClO4-HF-HNO3 acids with 1: 2: 4 ratios. The total concentrations of elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS 7800). Risk assessment of selected elements in dust was performed using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines. Findings: The results of risk assessment of selected elements from indoor and outdoor dust of homes showed that the highest non-cancerous and cancerous risks in indoor and outdoor dust for both adult and child groups is related to chromium element. While, the lowest cancerous and non-cancerous risks for both adult and child groups is related to lead and cadmium elements, respectively. Furthermore, the study of non-cancerous and cancerous risks caused by selected elements in the studies areas showed that in Ahvaz city, the risk caused by these elements is higher than the other regions. Discussion and conclusion: In general, the results of the hazard index (HI) and total cancer risk (TCR) indicate for selected elements indicate risk and should be subject to control and monitoring conditions.
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