Estimation of Forest Canopy Using Remote Sensing and Geostatistics (Case Study: Marivan Baghan Forests)
Subject Areas : natural resorcesSasan Vafaei 1 , Rahim Maleknia 2 , Hamed Naghavi 3 , Omid Fathizadeh 4
1 - Ph.D., Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, Lorestan University, Khoram Abad, Iran *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Prof., Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Lorestan, Khoram Abad, Iran
3 - Assistant Prof., Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Lorestan, Khoram Abad, Iran.
4 - Assistant Prof., Department of Forestry, Ahar Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tabriz, Ahar, Iran.
Keywords: Multiple Regression, Kriging, Zagros forest, Landsat, canopy cover,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Updated information in quantitative and qualitative properties of forests are useful in describing ecosystem sustainability, and designing management and conservative plans. According to importance of canopy cover parameter in the Zagros region and cost and time consuming processes of field measurement methods, in this study performance of remote sensing and geostatistics techniques to estimate forest canopy cover of Baghan region, Marivan city, were investigated.Material and Methodology: First, the number of 89 plots (each 0.1 Hectare) were selected based on random sampling method. In each plot, information of tree crown and center geographic coordinates of that plot were recorded. Remote sensing method was carried out using Landsat satellite images (TM) and multiple linear regression model. After image processing, spectral values of the corresponding field plots were extracted from the original images and synthetic bands composed of vegetation indices and principle component analysis. In geostatistic method, the estimation was performed using ordinary kriging from a fitted exponential model to the semivariogram.Findings: The calculated variograms of canopy cover showed relatively strong spatial autocorrelation fitted by exponential models and cross-validation results showed an unbiased estimation of canopy estimation. Compared with the remote sensing method (with R2= 0/52 and RMSE= 16/47), the results indicated that Kriging model (RMSE= 9.21, R2= 0.69) showed a more accurate estimation of forest canopy cover.Discussion and Conclusion: The results showed that geostatistics techniques can be used as an efficient tool for mapping the forest canopy in the same regions (Zagros Forest).
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- 2000. on definitions of forest and forest change. Forest Resources Assessment Programme. Working Paper 33. FAO, Rome, Italy. 15 p.
- Maltamo, M., Eerikainen, K., Pitkanen, J., Hyyppa, J., and Vehmas, M., 2004. Estimation of timber volume and stem density based on scanning laser altimetry and expected tree size distribution functions. Remote Sensing of Environment, 90: 319–330.
- Huang, C., Yang, L., Wylie, B., and Homer, C., 2001. A strategy for estimating tree canopy density using Landsat ETM+ and high resolution images over large areas. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Nov5-7, Denver, Colorado.
- DeFries, R.S., Hansen, M.C., Townshend, J.R.G., Janetos, A.C. and Loveland, T.R., 2000. A new global 1-km dataset of percentage tree cover derived from remote sensing. Global Change Biology, 6: 247-254.
- Schwarz, M. and Zimmermann, N. E., 2005. A new GLM-based method for mapping tree cover continuous fields using regional MODIS reflectance data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 95: 428–443.
- Carreiras, M.B., Pereira, J. M. C., and Pereira, J.S., 2006. Estimation of tree canopy cover in evergreen oak woodlands using remote sensing. Forest Ecology and Management, 223: 45–53.
- Pir Bavaghar, M., Ghahramani, L., Fatehi P. 2011. Evaluation of the capability of SPOT5-HRG data for predicting tree density in the northern Zagros forests. Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, Vol. 19 (2), pp. 242-253. (In Persian)
- Pir Bavaghar, M. 2011. Evaluation of capability of IRS-P6 satellite data for predicting quantitative attributes of forests (case study: Northern Zagros forests). Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol.3 (4), pp.277-289. (In Persian)
- Hasani pak, A. Geostatsistic, 3rd Edition, university of Tehran press, Tehran, 314 p. (In Persian)
- Habashi, H., Hosseini., S.M., Mohammadi, J., Rahmani, R. 2007. Geostatistic applied in forest soil studying process. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Vol.14 (in Persian).
- , C. and Mutanga, O., 2013. Integrating remote sensing and geostatistics to estimate woody vegetation in an African savanna. Journal of Spatial Science, 58:2, 305-322.
- Montes, F., Hernandez, M.J., and Canellas, I., 2005. A geostatistical approach to cork production sampling in Quercus suber forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35: 2787-2796.
- Mohammadi, J., Shataee, Sh., Habashi, H., Yaghmaee, F. 2008. Comparison of Remote Sensing and Geostatistics Techniques in forest tree density estimation, Case Study Loveh Forests, Gorgan. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Vol.15 (1) pp.10-21. (In Persian)
- Akhavan, R., Zobeiri, M., Zahedi Amiri, Gh, Namiranian, M., Mandallaz, D. 2006. Spatial Structure and Estimation of Forest Growing Stock Using Geostatistical Approach in the Caspian Region of Iran. Iranian Journal of Natural Resources, Vol 59 (1), pp 89-102. (In Persian)
- Rezaei, E., Akhavan, R., Soosani, J., Pourhashemi, M. 2014. Efficiency of Kriging for Estimation and Mapping of Crown Cover and Density of Zagros Oak Forests (Case study: Dadabad Region, Khorramabad). Forest and Wood Products, Vol 67(3), pp 359-370. (In Persian)
- Akhavan, R., Karami Khorramabadi, M., Soosani, J. 2012. Application of Kriging and IDW methods in mapping of crown cover and density of coppice oak forests (case study: Kakareza region, Khorramabad). Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol 3(4), pp 305-316. (In Persian)
- Vafaei, S., Pour Hashemi, M., Pir bavaghar, M., Jafari, E. 2016. Applying Artificial Neural Networks and Multiple Linear Regression models to estimate Forest density in Marivan forests. Iranian Journal of Forest, Vol 7(4), pp 539-555. (In Persian)
- Akhavan, R., Kleinn, C. 2009. On the potential of kriging for estimation and mapping of forest plantation stock (Case study: Beneshki plantation). Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, Vol 17 (2), pp 303-318. (In Persian)