Investigation the amount of Zinc pollution on soil resources and the feasibility of its removal with Phragmites australis plant using its extraction cellulose in the greenhouse conditions
Subject Areas : Environmental pollutions (water, soil and air)Malihe Amini 1 , Atena Naeimi 2 , Hana Etemadi 3
1 - Associate Prof. of Environmental Science and Engineering Department, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Jiroft, Jiroft, Iran. * (Corresponding author)
2 - Associate Prof. of Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, University of Jiroft, Iran.
3 - Assistant Prof. of Environment Department, Persian Gulf Research Institute, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr.
Keywords: Cellulose, Greenhouse conditions, Pharagmites australis, Zinc metal, Pollution,
Abstract :
Background & Objective: Heavy metals cases are threatening the health of ecosystems. Accumulation of metals in the soil allows them to plant crops and thus increases the risk of agriculture crops health. The goal of this research was conducted to evaluate zinc stress resistance for Pharagmites australis in greenhouse conditions.Material and Methodology: Experimental design was performed in an entirely randomized plan having two factors and three replications, 2016 at University of Jiroft. Digestion and preparation of samples were done by dry burning method and then Zinc concentration was measured by atomic absorption.Findings: Greenhouse experiments results showed that with increasing in metal concentration treatments, its absorbing with shoot and root were increased. However, impressive accumulation of zinc was in root and its translocation and accumulation in shoot has been reported much less.Discussion & Conclusions: With absorb and accumulate of metals in root, ability of plant growth was decreased with changes in physiological characteristics. Results of regression analysis showed concentration increasing of zinc in P. australis organs under these metal stress condition were fitted as a quadratic function with R2 >90 (p<0.01). In summary results of this research show high relatively resistant of P. australis to zinc stress as necessary metal in plants, high accumulation capacity for metal in its root organ and low heavy metal translocation factor.
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- Subhashini, V., Swamy, A., 2014. Screening Potential of Three Native Grass Species for Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals. Europian Addict Resources. Vol. 2, pp. 5887-5903.
- Subhashini,V., Swamy, A., 2013. Uptake of heavy metals from contaminated soils by cyperus rotundus l. International Journal. Vol. 3, pp. 338-341.
- Naderi, M. R., Daneshshahraki, A. R., Naderi, R., 2012. Some methods to increase the phytoremediation efficiency of heavy metals, Journal of Human and Environment. Vol. 22, pp. 26-38. (In Persian)
- Salehipour Baversad, M., Ghorbani, H., Afyuni, M., KheirAbadi, H., 2014. The Potential Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals on Human Health in Some Agricultural Products in Isfahan Province. Journal of Water and Soil Sciences, Vol. 18(67), pp71-81. (In Persian)
- Ebadati, Fateme., 2002, The role of aquatic plants in the refining of heavy metals in Miankaleh wetland, M.Sc. Thesis, Tarbiat Modares University. (In Persian)
- Ghafouri, M., Mortazavi, R., 1995, Hydrology, University of Tehran Press, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Rezvani, M., Ghorbanian, A. A., Nojavan, M., Sahba, M., 2013, Evaluation of Heavy Metal Contamination (Cadmium, Cobalt, Lead, Zinc and Manganese) in Eshtehard Aquifer, Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, Vol. 1(1), pp. 14. (In Persian)
- Alipordarvari, H., Farmer Maywan, H., Sharifi, M., 2009, Evaluation of oral radish peroxidase activity and its relationship with soil heavy metal content. Journal of Science, University of Tehran. Vol. 1, pp. 37-43. (In Persian)
- Askari Mehrabadi, M., Nouri, M., Beigi, F., Amini, F., 2011, Evaluation of Acacia Phytoremediation in oil Contaminated Soils with Emphasis on Some Heavy Metals, Journal of Cell and Texture, Vol. 2(4), pp. 442-435. (In Persian)
- Guo, L., Cutright, T., 2014. Remediation of acid mine drainage (AMD)-contaminated soil by Phragmites australis and rhizosphere bacteria. Environment Science Pollution Resource.
- Aksoy, A., Duman, F., Sezen, G., 2005. Heavy metal accumulation and distribution in narrow-leaved cattail (Typha angustifolia) and common reed (Phragmites australis). Journal of Freshwater Ecology, Vol. 20(4), pp. 783-785.
- Kleche, M., Berrebbah, H., Grara, N., Bensoltane, S., Djekoun, M., Djebar, M., 2013. Phytoremediation using Phragmites australis roots of polluted water with metallic trace elements (MTE). Annals of Biological Research, Vol. 4 (3), pp. 130-133.
- Rahman Khan, M., Mahmud Khan, M., 2010. Effect of varying concentrations of nickel and cobalt on the plant growth and yield of chick pea. Aus Journal of Science. Vol. 4, pp. 1036-1046.
- Ebrahimi, M., 2012. Phytoremediation of Phragmites australis in contaminated soils with heavy metals, Range Journal, Vol. 6(1), pp. (In Persian)
- Taghizadeh, M., Kafi, M., Fattahi Moghaddam, M., Savaghebi, G., 2012. Effects of Lead Concentrations on Seed Germination of Turfgrass Genus and its Potential for Phytoremediation, Vol. 42(3), pp. 277-289. (In Persian)
- Alizadeh, M., Fathi, F., Torabian, A., 2008. Investigation of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Forage Plants Irrigated by Wastewater in South Tehran Case Study: Maize and Alfalfa. Journal of Environmental Science, Vol. 34, pp. 137-148. (In Persian)
- Doni, S., C, Macci., E, Peruzzi., M, Arenella., B, Ceccanti., G, Masciandaro., 2012. In situ phytoremediation of a soil historically contaminated by metals, hydrocarbons and polychlorobiphenyls, Journal of Environment Monitoring, Vol. 14, pp. 1383-1390.
- Zacchini, M., Pietrini, F., Mugnozza, G., Lori, V., 2008. Metal tolerance, accumulation and translocation in poplar and willow clones treated with cadmium in hydroponics. Water Air Soil Pollution. Vol. 197, pp. 23-34.
- Giuseppe, B., 2013. Comparative performance of trace element bioaccumulation and biomonitoring in the plant species Typha domingensis, Phragmites australis and Arundo donax, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Vol. 97, pp. 124–130.
- Akbarpoursaraskanrood, F., Sadri, F., Gol Alizadeh, D., 2012. Phytoremediation of soils contaminated with some heavy metals by some native plants of Arasbaran protected area. Journal of Soil and Water Resources Protection, Vol. 4, pp. 53-65. (In Persian)
- Motasharzadeh, B., Sawaqbi Firoozabadi, G., Ali Khani, H. A., 2008. Identification of native plants and bacteria resistant to heavy metals in the lands around the lead mine and on the Shazand mansion in Arak for use in phytoremediation. Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research, Vol. 39(1), pp. 163-174. (In Persian).
- Kancilic, G.B., Metin A.U. 2020. Phragmites australis as a new cellulose source: Extraction, characterization and adsorption of methylene blue. Journal of Molecular Liquid. Vol. 321, pp. 113313.
- Sánchez, M.D., Sánchez, R., Espinosa, E., Rosal, A., Rodríguez, A. 2017. Production of Cellulosic Pulp from Reed (Phragmitesaustralis) to Produce Paper and Paperboard. Bioprocess Engineering. Vol. 1(3), pp. 65-68.
- Farahbakhsh, M., 2011. The effect of different sources and amounts of potassium on the treatment of plants in a soil contaminated with cadmium, Journal of Agriculture (Research and Construction), Vol. 90, pp. 57-64. (In Persian)
- Abdul Latiff, A., Ahmad Tarmizi, K., Shukri, A., Baharudin, R., Hung, Y., 2012. Phytoremediation of Metals in Industrial Sludge by Cyperus Kyllingia-Rasiga, Asystassia Intrusa and Scindapsus Pictus Var Argyaeus Plant Specie. International Journal of Integration Enginering. Vol. 4, pp. 1-8.
- Farrag, F., Hussein, F., Fawzy, M., 2012. Phytoremediation Potentiality of Cyperus articulatus L. Life Science. Vol. 9, pp. 4032-4040.
- Subhashini, V., Swamy, A., 2014. Screening Potential of Three Native Grass Species for Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals. Europian Addict Resources. Vol. 2, pp. 5887-5903.
- Subhashini,V., Swamy, A., 2013. Uptake of heavy metals from contaminated soils by cyperus rotundus l. International Journal. Vol. 3, pp. 338-341.