Measurement of Cadmium in Some Tissues of the Caspian Seals in the Southeastern Coast of the Caspian Sea
Subject Areas : Environment Pullotion (water and wastewater)seyedeh malihe hoseini 1 , somayeh namrodi 2 , AMIR sayadshirazi 3 , annalisa zaccaroni 4
1 - M.Sc., Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries and Environment, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries and Environment, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
3 - Head of Caspian Seal Treatment and Research Center, Gorgan, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Public Health and Animal Pathology, Veterinary School University of Bologna, Italy
Keywords: Pollution, Caspian Sea, Caspian Seals, Cadmium, Heavy metal,
Abstract :
Backgrounds& Objectives: Nowadays, the entry of effluents containing heavy metals, which are mostly the result of industrial activities, into the ecosystem of aquatic organisms and, consequently, the accumulation of these metals in the body of aquatic animals is a major concern which is aquatic life and biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems affects. The Caspian Sea is one of the most important aquatic ecosystems that the entry of various pollutants has caused serious damage to these ecosystems. The Caspian seal, the only mammal in the Caspian Sea, is endangered. The aim of this study was to measure cadmium in some Caspian seal tissues on the southeastern shores of the Caspian Sea.Method: In the present study, ten corpses of Caspian seals were collected and inseminated from the coast of the Caspian Sea. Liver, kidney and fat samples were digested to measure cadmium content. The concentration of cadmium was measured by a mass spectrometer machine.Findings: The highest concentration of cadmium in kidney tissues was 13.59±0.73 μg / kg which higher than the liver with mean of 1.6±0.16 μg / kg and greater than mean of 0.07±0.02 fat. The concentration of cadmium in male and female tissues was investigated and there was no significant relationship between cadmium metal concentration and sex of seals. The presence of significant amounts of cadmium in 90% of the samples shows the high pollution of the Caspian Sea with heavy metals, including cadmium metal, which is even toxic at very low levels.Discussion and Conclusion: Considering the significant decrease in the population of the Caspian seals in recent years and the persistence of heavy metals, the use of these toxic metals in the industry has to be reduced, as well as the sources of the input of these pollutants to the Caspian Sea to prevent the entry of these toxic metals into the Caspian Sea or before filtration proceed. This will reduce the pollution of the Caspian Sea and helps the health of the aquatic environment.
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- Bagherytavani, M., Norouzi, M.2016. Monitoring the pollution of lead and cadmium in the southern basin of the Caspian Sea due to golden mullahs using the GIS system. Aquatic Ecology . Vol .6 (2), pp, 101-115. . (in Persian)
- Najm, M., Shokrzadeh, M., Fakhar, M., Sharif, M., Hoseini, S.M., Rahimi Osboe, B., Habibi, f. 2013. Investigation of the concentration of heavy metals in different cliches and three species of Caspian Sea. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences , Vol .24( 113), pp, 185-192. . (in Persian).
- Watanabe, M., Tanabe, S., Tatsukawa, R., Amano, M., Miyazaki, N., Petrov, E.A., Khuraskin, S.L. 1999. Contamination Levels and Specific Accumulation of Persistent Organochlorines in Caspian Seal (Phoca caspica) from the Caspian Sea, Russia، Journal of Arch. Journal Environmental. Contamination. Toxicology. Vol .37, pp, 396-407.
- Ikemoto, T., Kunito, T., Watanabe, I., Yasunaga, G., Baba, N., Miyazaki, N., Evgeny, A., Petrov, M., Tanabe, S. 2004. Comparison of trace element accumulation in Baikal seals (Pusa sibirica), Caspian seals (Pusa caspica) and northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus).J Environmental Pollution. Vol .127, pp, 83-97.
- Anan, Y., Kunito, T., Ikemoto, R., Kubota, I., Watanabe, S., Tanabe, N., Miyazaki, E.A., Petro, V. 2002. Elevated Concentrations of Trace Elements in Caspian Seals (Phoca caspica) Found Stranded During the Mass Mortality Events in 2000. Vol. 42(3), pp, 354-362.
- Saeki, K., Nakajima, M., Loughlin, T.R., Calkins, D.C., Baba, N., Kiyota, M., Tatsukawa, R. 2001. Accumulation of silver in the liver of three species of pinnipeds. J Environ. Pollut. Vol . pp, 112:19-25.
- OShea, T.J. Reynolds, J.E., Rommel, S.A. 1999. Environmental contaminants and marine mammals. In: Biology of Marine Mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington. pp, 485–563.
- Agusa, T., Cainito, T., Tanabe, S., Pourkazemi, M., and Aubrey, D.G. 2004. “Concentrations of trace elements in muscle of sturgeons in the Caspian Sea.” J. Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol .49, pp, 789-800.
- Burge,r J., Gochfeld, M. 2000. Metals in Laysan Albatrosses from Mid way Atoll . Arch Environ ContamToxi col. Vol. 38(2), pp ,254-259.
- Greckeis, H.1993. Di analytic von schwermetallen in wassern. Institut Fur Nukleare Entsor gungstechnik INE,Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Gm BH.
- Bayat, I., Raufi, N.D., Nejat , M.1985 . Determination of mercury and other toxic eleme nts in fish and food stuffs using destructive neutron activation analysis. IAEA,Vienna.
- Elsagh, A., Rabani, M. 2010. Determination of heavy metals in salt from filtration with water washing method and comparing with s tandard. 2nd Iranian Congress for Trace Elements. Iran.
- Forstner U., Wittmann, G.T.W. 1983. Metal pollution in the aquatic environment. Berlin: Springer. pp, 30-61.
- Ghosh M., Singh, S. 2005. A comparative study of cadmium phytoextraction by accumulator and weed species. Environmental Pollution. Vol. 133(2), pp ,365-71.
- Jager, L.P., Rijnierse, F.V.J.,1996. Esselink H, Baars AJ. Biomonitoring with the buzzard Buteo buteointhe Netherlands: heavy metals andsources of variation. J Ornithol. Vol .137(3), pp ,295-318.
- Sobanska, M.A. 2005. Wild Boar Hair (Sus scrofa) as a Non-Invasive Indicator of MercuryPollutionSciof the Total Environ. Vol .339, pp ,81–88.
- Watanabe,1., Kunito, T., Tanabe, S., Amano, M., Koyama, Y., Miyazaki, N., Petrov, E.A., Tatsukawa, R. 2002. Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Caspian Seals (Phoca caspica). J. Environmental. Contamination. Toxicology. Vol .43, pp, 109–120 .
- Tanabe, S., Satoko, N., Tu Binh, M., Nobuyuki, M., Evgeny, A., Petrov, S. 2003. Temporal Trends of Persistent Organochlorine Contamination in Russia: A Case Study of Baikal and caspean seal. Arch.J. Environmental. Contamination. Toxicology. Vol .44, pp, 533–545.
- Gdula-Argasińska, J., Appleton, J., Sawicka-Kapusta, K., Spence, B. 2004. Further investigation of the heavy metal content of the teeth of the bank vole as an exposure indicator of environmental pollution in Poland. Environmental Pollution. Vol. 131(1), pp, 71-79.
- Shojae, N. 2011. Demographic structure of Petroleciscus esfahani bride in Zayandehrood River in response to Cadmium contamination. Master's thesis, Faculty of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology, 72.
- Parizangeneh, A.H., Lakan, C. 2007. Investigation on the concentration of heavy metals in surface sediments of the coast of the Persian Gulf. Water and Sewer No. 63. (in Persian)
- Borzo, E., Zakipour, E., Sahari, M.A.2016. Determination of heavy metals (lead, nickel and cadmium) pollution in three types of Caspian Sea fish (Bandar Turkman area). Journal of Food Processing and Production Year 6, Number Four. (in Persian)
- Bagherytavani, M., Norouzi, M.2016. Monitoring the pollution of lead and cadmium in the southern basin of the Caspian Sea due to golden mullahs using the GIS system. Aquatic Ecology . Vol .6 (2), pp, 101-115. . (in Persian)
- Najm, M., Shokrzadeh, M., Fakhar, M., Sharif, M., Hoseini, S.M., Rahimi Osboe, B., Habibi, f. 2013. Investigation of the concentration of heavy metals in different cliches and three species of Caspian Sea. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences , Vol .24( 113), pp, 185-192. . (in Persian).
- Watanabe, M., Tanabe, S., Tatsukawa, R., Amano, M., Miyazaki, N., Petrov, E.A., Khuraskin, S.L. 1999. Contamination Levels and Specific Accumulation of Persistent Organochlorines in Caspian Seal (Phoca caspica) from the Caspian Sea, Russia، Journal of Arch. Journal Environmental. Contamination. Toxicology. Vol .37, pp, 396-407.
- Ikemoto, T., Kunito, T., Watanabe, I., Yasunaga, G., Baba, N., Miyazaki, N., Evgeny, A., Petrov, M., Tanabe, S. 2004. Comparison of trace element accumulation in Baikal seals (Pusa sibirica), Caspian seals (Pusa caspica) and northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus).J Environmental Pollution. Vol .127, pp, 83-97.
- Anan, Y., Kunito, T., Ikemoto, R., Kubota, I., Watanabe, S., Tanabe, N., Miyazaki, E.A., Petro, V. 2002. Elevated Concentrations of Trace Elements in Caspian Seals (Phoca caspica) Found Stranded During the Mass Mortality Events in 2000. Vol. 42(3), pp, 354-362.
- Saeki, K., Nakajima, M., Loughlin, T.R., Calkins, D.C., Baba, N., Kiyota, M., Tatsukawa, R. 2001. Accumulation of silver in the liver of three species of pinnipeds. J Environ. Pollut. Vol . pp, 112:19-25.
- OShea, T.J. Reynolds, J.E., Rommel, S.A. 1999. Environmental contaminants and marine mammals. In: Biology of Marine Mammals. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington. pp, 485–563.