Histological effects of feeding with different sources of zinc and iron (nano-particles and mineral form) in common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Subject Areas : specieshasan sahraei 1 , Seyyed Aliakbar Hedayati 2 , Sarallah Yarmohammadi Barbarestani 3 , Mohammad Fakhrian 4
1 - Ph.D., Dept. of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, Gonbad Kavous University, Gonbad Kavous, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Associate Prof., Dept. of Fisheries, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
3 - Department of Animal and Poultry Physiology, Faculty of Animal Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural.
4 - Ph.D., of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Science and Reasearch Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Common Carp, nanotechnology, Histopathological damages, Iron nano-particles,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: With the development of nanotechnology and materials science, however, these materials also have been used increasingly with the potential toxic effects of many unknown substances and many nano-particles were built with new properties and new despite. Therefore, in this study the effects of feeding with different sources of iron and zinc in the tissue of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were measured. Material and Methodology: For this purpose, 420 common carp (with an average initial weight 45±4.7 g) was prepared, the fish sterilization and adapted to the laboratory conditions for 10 days. Then fish were randomly divided into seven groups, the first group was considered as control groups respectively and other fish received values of 10, 50 and 100 micrograms of iron and zinc nano-particles per gram of food for 60 days. Findings: Microscopic studies of organs (liver, kidney) study showed that increasing the concentration of nano-materials could have more evenly histopathological lesions in the liver tissue and cells. In the medium and low concentrations of both nano-particle and in high doses of iron nano-particles, by removing the inducer tissues could again resume their physiological activity, but in high doses, unlike the iron nano-particles, the repair tissue was not resumable. Discussion and Conclusion: From the above results it can be concluded that increasing the concentration of the nano-particles could increase tissue damage and can be considerable factors.
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- Srivastava, L. 2005. Ubiquitous network societies: ITU new initiatives programme, background paper. Document: UNS/03. Internation Telecommunication Union (ITU) New Initiatives Workshop on Ubiquitous Network Societies.
- De Jong, W.H., B. Roszek and R.E. Geertsma. 2005. Nanotechnology in medical applications: possible risks for human health. RIVM rapport 265001002. R. v. V. e. M. RIVM.
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- Formigari, A., Irato P. and Santon, A. 2007. Zinc, antioxidant systems and metallothionein in metal mediatedapoptosis: biochemical and cytochemical aspects. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 146: 443-459.
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- Francisco, H. S. J., Facundo, R., Diana, C. C. C. P., Fidel, M. G., Alberto, E. M., Amaury, D. J. P. G., Humberto, T. P. and Gabriel, M. C. 2008 The antimicrobial sensitivity of Streptococcus mutans to nanoparticles of silver, zinc oxide and gold. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 4: 237-240.
- Hosseinzadeh, A., Samarghandi, M.R., Alikhai, M. Y., Roshenaei, Q., A.Q. 2012. Antimicrobial efficacy of zinc oxide nanoparticle suspension against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Journal of Health and Environment, Scientific and Research Quarterly of Iranian Scientific Association of Environmental Health, 5 (4): 463-474.
- Van der Oost, R.J., Beber, N.P.E., Vermeulen, P. 2003. Fish bioaccumulation and biomarkers in environmental risk assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 13: 57-149.
- Anderson, D.M., Morel, F.M. 1978. Copper sensitivity of Gonyaulax tamarensis. Limnology and Oceanography, 23: 283-295.
- Turkmen, M., Turkmen, A., Tepe, Y., Ates, A., Gokkus, K.2008. Determination of metal contaminations in sea foods from Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean seas: Twelve fish species, Food Chemistry, 108:794-800.
- Wagermann, R., Muir, D.C.G. 1984. Concentration of heavy metals and organochlorine in marine mammals of northern waters overview and evaluation. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, No 1279.
- Wekell, J.C., Shearer, K.D., Houle, C.R. 1983. High zinc supplementation of rainbow trout diets. Progresive in Fish Culture, 45: 144-147.
- Satoh, S., Takeuchi, T., Watanabe, T. 1987. Availability to Rainbow Trout of Zinc in White Fish Meal and of VariousZinc Compounds. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 53: 595-599.
- Kiron, V., Gunji, A., Okamoto, N., Satoh, S., Ikeda, Y., Watanabe, T. 1993. Dietary nutrient dependentvariations on natural-killer activity of the leucocytes of rainbow trout. Fish Pathology, 28: 71-76.
- Roussel, A.M., Facn, A.K., Zouari, N., Mahjoub, S., Matheau, J.M., Anderson, R.A. 2003. Antioxidant Effects of Zinc Supplementation in Tunisians with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 22:316-321.
- Agah, H., Leermakers, M., Elskens, M., Fatemi, S.M.R., Baeyens, W. 2009. Accumulation of trace metals in the muscle and liver tissues of five species from the Persian Gulf. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 157:499-514.
- Askari sari, A., Velayatzadeh, M.2011. Investigation of lead and zinc concentrations in liver and muscle tissues of two species of farmed carp and rainbow trout. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 7(1): 30-35.
- Jalali, J.B., Aghazadeh M.M. 2007. Fish poisoning by heavy metals in water and its importance in public health. Man Book Publishing, p 134.
- Bury, N.R., Grosell, M. 2003. Mechanistic study of waterborne iron acquisition by a freshwater teleost fish, zebrafish (Danio rerio). Journal of Experimental Biology, 260: 3529-3535.
- Karimi rad, F. 2001. Evaluation of the effects of propolis alcoholic extract on histopathology of liver and kidney and humoral immunity in rainbow trout. Master of Histology and Embryology. Urmia University. Issue: 1037-2. P 56-29.
- Rocha, E., Monteiro, R.A.F. 1999. Histology and cytology of fish liver: A review, p.321-344. In: Saksena, D.N. (ed.) Ichthyology: Recent research advances. Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire.
- Paris-Palacios, S., Biagianti-Risbourg, S., Vernet, G. 2000. Biochemical and (ultra) structural hepatic perturbation of Brachydanio rerio (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) exposed to two sublethal concentrations of copper sulphate. AquacultureToxicology, 50:109-124.
- Atbani, A,. Keykhosravi, A,. Vatandoost, J. 2008. Toxic effects of different concentrations of zinc and copper metals on liver tissue and gills of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Twelfth National Conference on Environmental Health of Iran, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health.
- Roberts, R.J. 2001. The Immunology of teleost. In: Roberts, R.J. (Ed), Fish Pathology, Sunders, London, England, pp: 133-150.
- Rezaei ranjbar, R. 2010. Toxic effects of silver nanoparticles on liver and spleen tissues in rats. The first conference on nanoscience and nanotechnology, Payame Noor University of Yazd Province. PP: 42-52. (In Persian)
- Haghighi, kh. A. 2007. Pathology of fish and shrimp. Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran. 401p. (In Persian)
- Jaliliyan, A., Panahifar, A., Mahmoudi, M., Akhlaghi, M., Simchi, A. 2009. Preparation and bioassay of gallium-67-labeled iron oxide superparamagnetic nanoparticles in healthy rats. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. No. 50, pp. 36-29. (In Persian)
- Choi, J.E. 2010. Induction of oxidative stress and apoptosis by silver nanoparticles in the liver of adult zebrafish. Journal of Aquatic Toxicology, 100: 151-159.
- Sohrabi, D,. Golami, M. 2009. Evaluation of chronic effects of zinc metal (zinc chloride) on liver, kidney and spleen tissues in male rats (RAT). Quarterly Journal of Developmental Biology.1(2):9-14. (In Persian)
- Chernecky, C.C., Berger, B.J. 1997. Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures. Saunders Company, phyladelphia, USA, pp: 170-173.