Design, simulation and comparison of two novel renewable energy systems consisting of solar, biofuel and incineration plant to generate power and freshwater in Abu Musa Island
Subject Areas : Renewable Energymohsen rostami 1 , Masoud Behzadinia 2 , Amirhamzeh Farajollahi 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering, Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Msc Student, Energy Systems Engineering, Science and Research Branch of Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering, Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
Keywords: engineering simulation, renewable energies, incineration plant, Biofuel,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: With population growth and the pattern changes of the societies towards consuming more energy and resources, the reduction of fossil fuel reserves, lack of access to freshwater resources, and increasing environmental pollutants caused people to feel the need of using new and cleaner methods of energy production. Therefore, the use of renewable energy systems is one way to solve some of these problems. Material and Methodology: The present research is descriptive-analytical with an applied approach that its purpose is to use renewable energy in two design scenarios including solar collector, biofuels, and incineration plant in order to meet the partial need for the power and freshwater of the island. The simulation of the two proposed scenarios was performed by MATLAB, TRNSYS, and AspenTech engineering software. Techno-economical evaluations of the power and freshwater produced along with environmental impacts were also analyzed and reported. Findings: According to the results, it was found that the second scenario consisting of incineration plant - biofuel produced more power and freshwater than the first scenario and can also facilitate the management of waste in the region, while the first design including a solar collector - biofuel despite its lower power production, supplied cleaner energy with much better financial results. Discussion and Conclusion: To summarize, both proposed scenarios have high potential to meet a major portion of the region's needs, and, based on strategic policies and sustainable development, each design can be selected according to the current priorities of the region.
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- Zahedi A, Timasi H, Kasaeian A, Mirnezami SA. Design and construction of a new dual CHP-type renewable energy power plant based on an improved parabolic trough solar collector and a biofuel generator. Renewable energy. 2019;135:485-95.
- Nejad AS, Zahedi AR. Optimization of biodiesel production as a clean fuel for thermal power plants using renewable energy source. Renewable energy. 2018;119:365-74.
- Lou Z, Bilitewski B, Zhu N, Chai X, Li B, Zhao Y. Environmental impacts of a large-scale incinerator with mixed MSW of high water content from a LCA perspective. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2015;30:173-9.
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