Comparison the effect of sulfur on yield and micro elements uptake in oilseed crops and forage plants
The effect of sulfur on yield and nutrient uptake in oilseed crops and forage plants
Subject Areas :
Food Security
Reyhane Dehghan
Ali Akbar Karimian
Somaye Ghasemi
Malihe Amini
1 - pH. D student, Department of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management, Environmental Sciences Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Prof of Pasture and Watershed Department, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
3 - Associate Prof of Soil Sinence Department, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
4 - Associate Prof of Environmental Science and Engineering Department, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Jiroft, Jiroft, Iran. *(Correspondence Author)
Received: 2018-12-09
Accepted : 2019-06-11
Published : 2023-05-22
forage plants,
alkaline soil,
micro elements,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Today, due to high prices and destructive effects of uncontrolled use of chemical fertilizers on the environment and the quantity and quality of agricultural products, use of sulfur as a micro element and also acidifying agent in soil is too important and necessary. Material and Methodology: In order to evaluate and compare the effect of sulfur on yield and the ability to micro elements absorption with oilseed safflower, canola, corn and fodder plants sorghum and pigweed in a calcareous soil a factorial experiment was conducted based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications. The experimental factors were contain sulfur fertilizer in two levels (without application and consumed 500 kilograms per hectare). Findings: Results showed that the use of sulfur caused a significant increase in wet and dry weight in all plant species and the maximum increase was observed in corn and sorghum species. The use of sulfur causes significant increase absorption of iron and zinc in roots and shoots of all species of plant.Discussion and Conclusion: Among the oilseeds, the effect of sulfur application on corn and canola was higher than safflower and the sorghum forage had better performance than the pigweed.
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Erdem, H., Torun, M. B., Erdem, N., Yazıcı, A., Tolay, I., Gunal, E., Özkutlu, F., 2016. Effects of different forms and doses of sulfur application on wheat. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology.Vol. 4, No. 11, pp 957-961.
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Besharati, H., Khosravi, H., Mostashari, M., Mirzashahi, K., Ghaderi, J., Zabihi, R., 2016, Evaluation of Effects of Thiobacillus, Sulfur and Phosphorous on Corn (Zea mays L.) Growth Indices in some Regions of Iran, Applied Soil Research, Vol. 4, No 1, pp 103-113. (In Persian)
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Choghzardi, H. R., Mohammadi, G. H., Beheshti Al Agha, , 2013. Evaluation of Sulfur and Manure Effect on Corn Growth Characteristics (Crossed Cross 704) and Soil Acidity, Crop Researches, Vol 11, No 1 ; pp 162 – 170 . (In Persian)
Momen, A ., Pazaki, A., Audit, M. R., 2011. Investigating the effects of granular sulfur (bentonite) and compost on quantitative characteristics of Bam wheat in Semnan region, Physiology of Crops, Vol 3, No 9; pp 31 - 46. (In Persian)
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Ziaian, A. S., The use of micronutrients in agriculture, agricultural education publishing. (In Persian)
Goodarzi, K., 2004. Effects of sulfur and compost on increasing the absorption of soil nutrients and wheat yield. New ways of feeding wheat. Researches. Wheat Self-Suwareness Project - Ministry of Agriculture Jihad. Tehran Iran. (In Persian)
Babaei, P., Golchin, A., Besharati, H ., Afzali, M., Effect of sulfur microbial fertilizer on nutrient uptake and soybean yield in field, Soil Research (Soil and Water Science), Vol. 26, No, 2A, pp 145 - 151. (In Persian)
Rahimiyan, Z., 2012. Effect of Sulfur and Thiobacillus With Organic Matter on quantitative and qualitative Traits of Canola. Crop Physiology. Vol 3. No 12, pp 19-27. (In Persian)
Moosavi, A. A., Mansouri, S., Zahedifar, M. 2015. Effect of soil water stress and nickel application on micronutrient status of canola grown on two calcareous soils .Journal of Plant Production Science. Vol, 18, pp 377-387.
McDonald, G. K., Mousavvi Nik, M., 2009. Increasing the supply of sulfur increases the grain zinc concentration in bread and durum wheat. UC Davis: The proceedings of the international plant nutrition colloquium XVI.
Orman, S., Hüseyin, O., 2012. Effects of sulfur and zinc applications on growth and nutrition of bread wheat in calcareous clay loam soil. African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 1, No 13, pp 3080-3086.
Malekuti, M. J., 2000. Sustainable agriculture and increasing yield by optimizing fertilizer in Iran. Agricultural education publication. Karaj. Iran. (In Persian)
Karimizarchi, M., Aminuddin, H., Khanif, M. Y., Radziah, O., 2014. Elemental sulfur application effects on nutrient availability and sweet maize response (Zea mays) in a high pH soil of Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science. Vol. 18, pp75-86.
Erdale, I., Tarakçıolu, C., 2000. Effect of different organic materials on growth and mineral composition of corn plant (Zea mays). Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Agriculture. Journal of Agriculture Sciences. Vol. 15, No. 2, pp 80-85.
Salardini, AS., 1987. Soil Fertility. Tehran University Press. (In Persian)
Ghorbani Nasrabadi, R., Saleh Rastin, N., AliKhani Hossein, A., 2002. Effect of sulfur consumption with inoculum of Thiobacillus and Brady rhizobium on nitrogen fixation and growth parameters of soybean, Soil and Water Sciences, 16 , No 2; pp 170 - 178. (In Persian)
Schueneman, T. J., 2001. Characterization of sulfur sources in the EAA. Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida.Vol. 60, pp 49-52.
Hocking, P. J., Steer, B. T., 1983. Distribution of nitrogen during growth of sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Journal of Annals of Botany. Vol. 51, No 26, pp 787-799.
Ahmadi, M., 2010. Effect of zinc and nitrogen fertilizer rates on yield and yield components of oilseed rape (Brassica napus). World Applied Sciences Journal. Vol. 10, No 3, pp.298-303.
Mirzashahi, K., Pishdarfaradaneh, M., Nourgholipour, F., 2010. Effects different rates of nitrogen and sulphur application on canola yield in north of Khuzestan. Research Agriculture Science. Vol. 6. No 2, pp 107- 112.
Hawkesford, M. J., De Kok, L. J., 2007. Sulfur in plants an ecological perspective. Springer, UK.
Vidyalakshmi, R., Paranthaman, R., Bhagyaraj, R., 2009. Sulphur Oxidizing Bacteria and Pulse Nutrition - A Review. Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 5, pp 270-278.
Rashidi, N., Karimian, N., 1999. Effect of Sulfur and Zinc on Growth and Corn Chemical Composition in a Calcareous Soil, Abstract Sixth Iranian Soil Science Congress, Mashhad. (In Persian)
Mostafavi rad, M., Tahmasebi sarvestani, S. M., Modarse sanavi, V., Ghalavand, A., 2012. Evaluation of Some Agronomic Traits of Rapeseed (Brassica napus) as Affected by Different Sulphur Application Rates. Journal of Field Crops Research, Vol. 10. No3, pp 495-502. (In Persian)
Erdem, H., Torun, M. B., Erdem, N., Yazıcı, A., Tolay, I., Gunal, E., Özkutlu, F., 2016. Effects of different forms and doses of sulfur application on wheat. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology.Vol. 4, No. 11, pp 957-961.
, A., Gholami., A., 2015. Improved nutrient uptake and growth of maize in response to inoculation with Thiobacillus and Mycorrhiza on an alkaline soil. Journal of Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Vol. 46, No 17, pp 2111-2126.
Ehyayie, M., Behbahani Zadeh, A. S., 1993. Descriptions of methods for chemical analysis of soil. first volume. Journal of Soil and Water Research Institute. Agricultural Research and Education Organization, Ministry of Agriculture, Tehran. (In Persian)
Westerman, R. E. L., 1990. Soil testing and plant analysis. SSSA, Madison Wisconsin, USA.
Irshad, A. H., Fayaz-Ahmad, S., Sultan, P., 2011. Effect of Sulfur dioxide on the biochemical parameters of spinach (Spinacea oleracia). Journal of Sciences. Vol. 9, No 1. pp 24-27.
Besharati, H., Khosravi, H., Mostashari, M., Mirzashahi, K., Ghaderi, J., Zabihi, R., 2016, Evaluation of Effects of Thiobacillus, Sulfur and Phosphorous on Corn (Zea mays L.) Growth Indices in some Regions of Iran, Applied Soil Research, Vol. 4, No 1, pp 103-113. (In Persian)
Rosa, M. C., Muchovej, J. J., Alvarez, V. H., 1989. Temporal relations of phosphorus fractions in an oxisoil amended with phosphate and Thiobacillus thiooxidatons. Journal of Society of Agronomy. Vol . 53, pp 1096-1100.
Choghzardi, H. R., Mohammadi, G. H., Beheshti Al Agha, , 2013. Evaluation of Sulfur and Manure Effect on Corn Growth Characteristics (Crossed Cross 704) and Soil Acidity, Crop Researches, Vol 11, No 1 ; pp 162 – 170 . (In Persian)
Momen, A ., Pazaki, A., Audit, M. R., 2011. Investigating the effects of granular sulfur (bentonite) and compost on quantitative characteristics of Bam wheat in Semnan region, Physiology of Crops, Vol 3, No 9; pp 31 - 46. (In Persian)
Deluca, T. H., Skogley, E. O., Engle, R. E., 1989. Band-applied elemental sulfur to enhance the phytoavailability of phosphorus in alkaline calcareous soils. International Journal of Biolgy Fertilier.Soils. Vol, 7, pp 346-350.
Ziaian, A. S., The use of micronutrients in agriculture, agricultural education publishing. (In Persian)
Goodarzi, K., 2004. Effects of sulfur and compost on increasing the absorption of soil nutrients and wheat yield. New ways of feeding wheat. Researches. Wheat Self-Suwareness Project - Ministry of Agriculture Jihad. Tehran Iran. (In Persian)
Babaei, P., Golchin, A., Besharati, H ., Afzali, M., Effect of sulfur microbial fertilizer on nutrient uptake and soybean yield in field, Soil Research (Soil and Water Science), Vol. 26, No, 2A, pp 145 - 151. (In Persian)
Rahimiyan, Z., 2012. Effect of Sulfur and Thiobacillus With Organic Matter on quantitative and qualitative Traits of Canola. Crop Physiology. Vol 3. No 12, pp 19-27. (In Persian)
Moosavi, A. A., Mansouri, S., Zahedifar, M. 2015. Effect of soil water stress and nickel application on micronutrient status of canola grown on two calcareous soils .Journal of Plant Production Science. Vol, 18, pp 377-387.
McDonald, G. K., Mousavvi Nik, M., 2009. Increasing the supply of sulfur increases the grain zinc concentration in bread and durum wheat. UC Davis: The proceedings of the international plant nutrition colloquium XVI.
Orman, S., Hüseyin, O., 2012. Effects of sulfur and zinc applications on growth and nutrition of bread wheat in calcareous clay loam soil. African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 1, No 13, pp 3080-3086.