Examining the rights and obligations of intergenerational justice in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development "Emphasizing Article 50 of the Iranian Constitution"
Subject Areas : Sustainable Development
mirhasan riazi
ALI Faghih habibi
Ali Mashadi
Mansour Pournouri
1 - PhD student in Environmental law, Science and Research Branch,Azad University،Tehran،Iran .
2 - PhD in Environmental Law, Associate Professor and Scientific Membership, Azad University, South Tehran Branch. *(Correspondence Author)
3 - Doctor of International Law, Associate Professor of Law and Faculty Member, Qom University Law.
4 - Doctor of International Law, Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of North Tehran Branch of Azad University.
Keywords: The principle of No.50 of the Constitution, Sustainable development, Environment, Intergenerational justice, Future generations,
Abstract :
Intergenerational justice, which is the mainstay of the rights of future generations, states that the exploitation of resources, as well as the adoption of practices that affect the environment, must be such that, in addition to serving the interests of the present generation, the present generation in exploiting and dealing with the environment must behave in a way that preserves the interests of future generations. Article 50 of the Iranian Constitution explicitly emphasizes the protection of the environment. This principle raises many issues from a legal point of view and has a clear duty to protect the rights of the present and future generations to the right to a healthy environment and to observe intergenerational justice. In this principle, several points have been stated that are important for a more detailed study. First, there is the issue of environmental protection, in which case, the same issue of preserving and respecting the human right of society to a healthy environment is raised. Then there is the issue of intergenerational justice and identification. That is, it considers it the duty of everyone to observe fairness with current and future generations, as well as these issues, and the issue of public participation in environmental protection is raised. Like the constitution, it is necessary to be stated in this principle. In this descriptive-analytical study, an attempt has been made to examine the rights and obligations of intergenerational justice in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development (with emphasis on Article 50 of the Iranian Constitution).
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