Investigating the Chaneges of Sulphate in Potabale Water of Yasuj City and preparing it's Qualitative Plan by Means of GIS Tools
Subject Areas : environmental managementFeizollah Pasereh 1 , Amirhesam Hasani 2 , Nezamoddin Hoseni 3 , Amirhosein Javid 4
1 - - M.S.c. in Environmenal Engineering –water & Wastewater Engineer, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Khuzestan, Iran
2 - Assoc.Prof., Dept.of Environment and Energy, Science and research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran - Iran.
3 - Departement of Production,Pasteur Institute , Karaj-Iran
4 - - Assoc.Prof.,Dept.of Science and Technology Marine , Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Ground drinking water, Sulphate, Yasuj,
Abstract :
Introduction: Water has always some soluble salts, such as sulphate. Sulphate enters the water through different resources such as, dissolved gypsum, waste water of industrial factories and automobiles smoke, dissolved in rain. Presence of sulphate in potable water has an enormous role in creating constant hardness.On the other hand Presence of sulphate with high density in drinking water, causes changes in taste and it's combination with Calcium and Magnesium anions has laxative effect. The goal of this study is to assess the amount of existing sulphate in Yasuj city potable ground water, and determining the procedure of changes in chemical parameters of sulphate and recognizing effective factors on these parameters and preparing qualitative plan for water resources for sulphate parameter by means of GIS tools. Method: In the study described above, 42 specimens in the 7 earely months of the year 1387 were acquired and tested. Sulphate tests were done based on the measuring method of the instrument of Filter photometer (Model: 7000). For analysing the results, Excel software and for preparing qualitative plan, GIS software was used. Results: This study showed that sulfate levels in water resources by reducing water level in summer and autumn and with a water level of under ground water resources increases. Conclusion: Decrease of ground water resources of Yasuj city, causes the sulphate density to increase.
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