Evaluation of the bioclimatic indices influencing human comfort (Case study: Arvand Free Zone)
Subject Areas : environmental management
Faezeh Hedayati Rad
Mehran Shabankari
Mohamadreza Zarghamiyan
1 - MSc of Environment, Department of Environmental, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, Iran. * (Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Isfahan University, Iran.
3 - MSc of Safety and Technical Inspection, Petroleum University of Technology, Iran.
Keywords: Khuzestan, Environmental assessment, Bioclimatic comfort, Arvand free zone,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Identification of climatic potentials as a context of human activities, constitutes a bedrock for majority of environmental plannings and land use plannings. In this regard, climatic features and their dominant elements play an important role in spatial distribution and development of environmental behavior of human societies, so that weather cognition and the use of its various potencies are comsidered as a base for urban development planning, construction, habitat, architectural and tourism expansion. Methodes: In this study, the human comfort or discomfort at Arvand Free Zone was evaluated based on bio-climatic indices, Terjung, Neurotic strain, Baker, effective temperature, (TCI), (PET) and (PMV) using data from 60 years (1951-2010). Moreover, using the climatological parameters obtained from synoptic station of Abadan, the best time for environmental activities in this city was determined. The results showed that the used bioclimatic indices are able to reveal comfortable and uncomfortable periods in Abadan and despite trivial differences, all indices present the same aspects of climatical comfort of this city. Results:The analysis showed that Abadan mostly had a wide range of variety during the year and changes from hot to very cool weather. During spring and summer, it is excluded from the limits of bioclimatic comfort. In the late fall and throughout winter, Abadan climate with its unique conditions for human comfort, is the best season for environmental and tourism activities.
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