Flood Control and Water Supply for Irrigation of Green Spaces Using Urban Runoff Harvesting Management Design (Case Study: Region 22 of Tehran)
Subject Areas : Water Resource Management
Nazila Razmjooi
Mohammad Magdavi
Hamide Afkhami
Mohsen Mohseni Saravi
Baharak Moetamed Vaziri
1 - MSc Graduate, Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Researches Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Natural Resourses Faculty, Tehran University, Karaj.Iran.
3 - PhD, Faculty of Natural Resources, Yazd University, yazd, Iran. * (Corresponding Author)
4 - Professor, Natural Resourses Faculty, Tehran University, Karaj.Iran.
5 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Researches Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Sciences and Researches Branch, Tehran, Iran,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Urbanization and increase in imperious surfaces, in many cases, have led to increase of runoff volumes and flooding in downstream areas. One of the useful methods for reduction of flood risk in urban areas is urban runoff harvesting to be used for non-potable purposes. In this study, according to urban development in region 22 of Tehran and increased risk of flooding, as well as the need for green spaces development, it was attempted to implement urban runoff harvesting to supply a part of water required the green spaces in this area. Method: For this purpose, green spaces of region 22 were identified and then water requirements of different species in one year was estimated using a questionnaire filled by specialists. The annual runoff volume was also calculated. Findings: Result of the calculations showed that water requirement of green spaces is 14,969,534 cubic meters while the average annual runoff volume was estimated as 33,285,441 cubic meters. According to the results, if only a quarter of the runoff (8,321,360 cubic meters) is controlled by special management, it would be possible to provide 5,55% of the water required for irrigation of green spaces, which is currently supplied by tankers and is costly. Discussion and Conclusion: Finally, some methods such as earth dams, Crescent- shaped stacks and diamond-shaped stacks were suggested as a good models for water harvesting in places such as Cheetgar Forest Park, Vardavard, Letman and Khargooshdare.
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23- Jones, M.P. and Hunt, W.F., 2010. Performance of rainwater harvesting systems in the southeastern United States. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 54. No.10, pp.623-629.
24- Jenkins, G.A., Greenway, M. and Polson, C., 2012. The impact of water reuse on the hydrology and ecology of a constructed stormwater wetland and its catchment. Ecological Engineering, Vol.47, pp.308-315.
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28- Abdulla, F.A. and Al-Shareef, A.W., 2009. Roof rainwater harvesting systems for household water supply in Jordan. Desalination, Vol. 243. No.1-3, pp.195-207.
1- Montgomery, M.R., 2008. The urban transformation of the developing world. science, Vol. 319. No.5864, pp.761-764
2- UN-Habitat., 2009. Global Report on Human Settelements2009ePlanning Sustainable Cities: Policy Direction. United Nations Human Settlements Programme/Earthsacan, London, UK.
3- Haughton, G., Hunter, C., 1994. Book Reviews:Sustainable Cities. Regional Studies Association, Regional Policy and Development Series 7, Jessica Kingsley, London.
4- Najmai, M., 1990. Engineering Hydrology, Science and Technology University Press, Vol 1. (In Persian)
5- Whitford, V., Ennos, A.R. and Handley, J.F., 2001. “City form and natural process”—indicators for the ecological performance of urban areas and their application to Merseyside, UK. Landscape and urban planning, Vol. 57. NO. 2, pp.91-103.
6- Mansell, M. G., 2003. Book:Rural and Urban Hydrology, Thomas Telford, London.
7- Beard, J.B. and Green, R.L., 1994. The role of turfgrasses in environmental protection and their benefits to humans. Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 23. No.3, pp.452-460.
8- Roy, J.W., Parkin, G.W. and Wagner-Riddle, C., 2000. Water Flow in Unsaturated Soil Below Turfgrass Observations and LEACHM (within EXPRES) Predictions. Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 64. NO. 1, pp.86-93.
9- Mosavinejad, M., 2006. Planning and extraction of rain in the city (Case study: Semnan city), Journal of Iranian Irrigation and Water Engineering Association, pp. 793-799. (In persian).
10- Koozegar Kaleji, M., 2007. The Impacts of Urban Development on Environmental Resources in Shahriar, Master's Thesis for Geography and Urban Planning, Tehran University of Science Sciences, pp: 1-157. (In Persian).
11- Golbabai, H., Atapoorfard, A., Mirab, M., Mahdavi vafa, H.A., 2007. Urban Watershed status in comprehensive watershed management, 4th National Conference on Watershed Management Science and Engineering Iran, Managing Watersheds- Faculty of Natural Resources- Tehran-Iran. (In Persian).
12- Tabatabai Yazdi, J., Tavakoli, H., Abasi, a.a., Abasi, M., 2009. Rainwater harvesting Optimization of urban runoff management (Case study: Mashhad city), First Urban Watershed Conference, Tehran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Iran. (In Persian).
13- Ghodoosi, J., 2009. Analysis of Strategies, Facilities and Methods for Water Extraction with Urban Watershed Approach, First Urban Watershed Conference, Tehran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Iran. (In Persian).
14- Sahrainejad, N., 2009. Construction against the cost of a sustainable city, quoted in Akhavan Tabatabai Mahnaz and others, Environmental management of urban green space, First Urban Watershed Conference, Tehran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Iran. (In Persian).
15- Erfanian Salim, R., 2009, General space environment: multiple structures, environmental management of urban space, First Urban Watershed Conference, Tehran University of Science and Technology, Tehran Iran. (In Persian).
16- Appan,A., Chan,h.h., Jin, W.H., 1997. Alternate dud-mode working systems for the collection and use of rain water in high-rise buildings for non-potable purposes, Book: proceeding, of the 8th international conference on rain water catchment systems, Tehran, Iran.
17- hen, w., fenglan, y., 1997. Rainfall and floodwater harvesting through storage in paleo channels, Book: proceeding of the 8th international conference on rain water catchment systems. Tehran, Iran.
18- Shuigen, Y., Hong, L. and Guanghui, M., 2001. Analysis of Rian Storage and Infiltration in Sunken-lawn Under the Condition of Designed Storm.Journal- China Agricultural university, Vol. 6. No. 6, pp. 53-58.
19- Zhang, S.C., Hui, S.B., Xie, S.C. and Lü, X.B., 2003. Research of rainwater utilization in Beijing. Beijing Water Resources, Vol. 4, pp.20-22.
20- HOU, A.Z., TANG, L.H. and ZHANG, S.C., 2007. Impacts of sunken lawn and storage pond on urban flood. Beijing Water, Vol. 2, pp.42-44.
21- Tian Z, Su DR, Guan DY. Research on the utilization of rainwater runoff of city park green space. Chinese Garden, 61e65 (in Chinese). 2008.
22- Jie, L.I., Bing, Z.E.N.G., Wang, Y.X. and Lei, S.H.E.N., 2008. Physical simulation of urban rainfall infiltration. Journal of China University of Mining and Technology, Vol. 18. NO. 2, pp.293-304.
23- Jones, M.P. and Hunt, W.F., 2010. Performance of rainwater harvesting systems in the southeastern United States. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 54. No.10, pp.623-629.
24- Jenkins, G.A., Greenway, M. and Polson, C., 2012. The impact of water reuse on the hydrology and ecology of a constructed stormwater wetland and its catchment. Ecological Engineering, Vol.47, pp.308-315.
25- Alizade Zeni, M., 2007. Use of green space and its impact on sustainable urban development (Case study: District 22 of Tehran Municipality), Master's Thesis for Geography and Urban Planning, Tehran University of Science Sciences, pp. 1-259. (In Persian)
26- Ghisi, E., Montibeller, A. and Schmidt, R.W., 2006. Potential for potable water savings by using rainwater: An analysis over 62 cities in southern Brazil. Building and Environment, Vol. 41. No.2, pp. 204-210.
27- Ghisi, E., Bressan, D.L. and Martini, M., 2007. Rainwater tank capacity and potential for potable water savings by using rainwater in the residential sector of southeastern Brazil. Building and Environment, Vol.42. No.4, pp.1654-1666.
28- Abdulla, F.A. and Al-Shareef, A.W., 2009. Roof rainwater harvesting systems for household water supply in Jordan. Desalination, Vol. 243. No.1-3, pp.195-207.