Structural Equation Modeling of Children Satisfaction in Residential Open Spaces
Subject Areas : environmental management
Hamidreza Azemati
Hassan Feridonzadeh
1 - School of Architecture & Urban Design, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University (SRTTU)
2 - SAMA Technical and Vocational training college, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil branch, IRAN.
Keywords: structural equation, Satisfaction, natural factors, Open Space, residential complexes,
Abstract :
Aim: The aim of this research is the study of the role of children satisfaction of open spaces inresidential in the form of causal model.Methods: This research method is correction study with the design on the structural model relation.147 parents settling in Shahid Fallahi and Omid complexes in Tehran, were selected by Randomcluster Sampling. They were asked to cite their own believes on open-spaced complexes included inthe 57 questionnaires. Validity of the Instrument Calculated by Content method and the understudyingconstructs showed that the instrument had a proper validity. Also, reliability ratio of instrument wascalculated approximately α =0.954. Direct and indirect effects of variables on satisfaction ofresidential complexes of open space were calculated through path analysis and regression methods.Results: Results showed that the factors to satisfaction of residing children in residential complexes tofollow the direct and indirect relationships.Conclusion: Variables such as natural factors (herbal covering), Space form, Ergonomics have directeffect on children satisfaction of residential open space, and the other variables like flexibility child'splay tools, visual stimuli factors have indirect effects on the children satisfaction of residential openspace.
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